The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 457 Harpy: Giant Python dispatched a division of troops to fuck me

Chapter 457 Happy: The Giant Python Sent a Division of Troops to Fuck Me (Part [-])

The giant python's night attack was equivalent to a false alarm for everyone, and did not cause any substantial damage. On the surface, it had no effect on everyone, but it was not certain if there were any thoughts in the dark.

After being made such a fuss by the giant python, everyone was refreshed and no longer wanted to sleep.

But Fatty G saw that everyone was not in the mood to sleep, so he took the initiative to invite Ying, took out the iron pot, chose a big python, and then... started cooking.

Alan Tur also spent part of his strength to build a magic circle to cover up the smell, enclosing the camp, so that the scent would not attract the surrounding hunters.

But Ling Huohuo felt that this was superfluous.

Because it just passed the green cotton bird's vision, the surrounding animals have already been scared away by the movement caused by the giant python. As long as the smell of the giant python does not dissipate, they will not be able to come back.

At this time, with the camp as the center, the surrounding hundreds of meters are in a vacuum state.

When Fatty G was cooking, other people surrounded Happy, because they still remembered that Happy led the python back.

At this time, Happy was surrounded in the middle, and next to him was the social turtle who had already hid in the turtle shell.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Woof~" Happy shouted cutely, as if he was a real husky.

Ling Huohuo hit Happy on the back of the head, do you really treat yourself like a dog?

"Don't play stupid!"

Happy shrank his neck.

"Don't hit, don't hit, I said."

A few ordinary people who saw Harpy talking for the first time exclaimed, but they didn't say much. They all knew Ling Huohuo's identity, and there was nothing impossible about having a talking dog.

"What happened to those giant pythons? What's the situation with this turtle?"

"Ah, this is the social tortoise. The younger brother I adopted in the forest, little tortoise, come out to say hello to everyone." Happy patted the shell of the social tortoise.

Hearing Harpy's introduction, everyone was stunned. What's the name of the social turtle?Are bastards like this in society now?
When the boss spoke, the social turtle's butt poked out and looked at everyone.

"This is my boss, and I will be the boss in the future, you know?" Happy said, pointing at Ling Huohuo.

The social turtle nodded hastily.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the tortoise had such a high IQ that it could understand his own words.

However, Ling Huohuo could tell that although the social tortoise has spirituality, it is not a demon and has no strength. It may be because the environment in the Amazon rainforest is good, and the social tortoise living in it gave birth to intelligence.

"Does this bastard want to make soup? Such a big bastard will make soup to nourish his yang." Fatty G suddenly leaned over, elbowed Ling Huohuo with his elbow, stared at the social turtle, and swallowed his saliva.


The social turtle hid back in its shell again, saying nothing and coming out.

"Let's forget it." Ling Huohuo shook his head and said.

If Happy's younger brother is killed like this, Happy will definitely be sad, and he will have no way to face Happy at that time.

Then Ling Huohuo looked up at Happy, only to find that Happy had moved to G Fatty's side at some point.

"Brother G Fat, is the bastard soup delicious? Is it really aphrodisiac?" Happy asked with a smile.

"Of course, after my hands, it is definitely the best bastard soup, which will make you eat your tongue." Fatty G raised his neck proudly.



Ling Huohuo almost forgot that Happy is not a good dog, he used to be a cannibal!It is commonplace for the younger brother who just received it to eat it when he turned around.

In the end, Ling Huohuo didn't watch it anymore and saved the social turtle.

Otherwise, the social turtle is too pitiful.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the giant python." Ling Huohuo said.

And when it comes to the giant python, everyone is in high spirits.

"Well, those long worms, I met them after I met the social turtle by the river." Happy said.

"What was the situation at the time? Do you know where the python's lair is?" Fatty G asked, his target was the giant python, and the giant python might be in the giant python's lair.

"I don't know about the nest. They rushed out of the river to attack me suddenly. If it weren't for the fact that they had many snakes, I would definitely beat them into dead snakes. However, they dispatched a division of troops to kill me, and I still ran out happy Already." Happy said, looking extremely powerful.

"Snakes like cold places, and it's not impossible to live at the bottom of the river." Fatty G pinched his chin and asked, then looked at Happy, "Can we still find that place?"

"Of course." Happy nodded.

"Well, take me there tomorrow, and if you catch the giant python, I'll cook something delicious for you."

"No problem, old man."

"Let's go and have a look too. I'm also very curious about this huge boa constrictor. It may be a new species." Dr. Ruiz said suddenly.

The hearts of Ling Huohuo and the others froze. After knowing that Dr. Ruiz had a problem, they had to think a little more about every word of Dr. Ruiz, guessing whether Dr. Ruiz had a deeper purpose.

"Dr. Ruiz, no, the python is too dangerous. There are many dangers in the forest. We can't guarantee that we can protect you well, and this is my private matter. I always feel sorry for dragging you." G fat and honest said, eyes Since he was young, others couldn't see his thoughts.

"It's okay." Dr. Ruiz shook his head indifferently.

"The location where the giant python appears is not far from our observation point, and we are always very concerned about it, and if a new species of python is really discovered, it will be a good thing for the development of biology, not to mention, I believe in everyone's strength, after all You are strong." Dr. Ruiz said with a smile.

Although the last sentence seemed to be a compliment, everyone felt that Dr. Ruiz seemed to care about pointing, implying the strength gap between the two sides, making them feel that he was weak and could not make any waves.

Maybe... Dr. Ruiz knew that everyone knew that he had a problem. After all, it was impossible for him not to know that the Extraordinary Academy must know that his identity was fake.

After the topic was over, everyone started chatting, tacitly did not discuss the python.

Soon, G fat snake soup will be ready.

Although it is very simple to make, it is really delicious.

"Eat slowly, the meat has already melted, and all the strength of the giant python is concentrated in the body. It is good for strength to start practicing after eating snake meat." Fatty G explained.

The power in the snake meat has been processed by G Fat, and it has become very gentle, even ordinary people can eat it without any harm.

Having a delicious meal, G Fatty's cooking skills amazed everyone, no wonder G Fatty's club is so popular.

Those with lower strength returned to their tents and started their own cultivation. Ordinary people also started exercising to consume the power in their bodies. Although they have no strength, eating the powerful snake meat will also enhance their strength. constitution.

However, Ling Huohuo and Bieber didn't respond at all. The power of the fourth-order snake meat was eaten into their stomachs. Compared with their own power, they couldn't even hit a splash.

Although Jia Fei is also at the sixth level, after eating the snake meat, his face flushes and his nose bleeds.

Let Ling Huohuo complain secretly, Jia Fei is so hypocritical, I am afraid it is not a fake sixth-order.

Nothing happened, Ling Huohuo took Happy back to his tent.

Jinyu Ji still slept soundly, as if nothing outside had affected her at all.

The fish balls are still rubbing back and forth, but in another direction.

When Ling Huohuo was also about to grab Ye's tail to sleep, Harper brought the social turtle to Ling Huohuo with a guilty conscience.


"General, do you want a movie, bah, there is something good for you to see." Happy said in a low voice.

"What?" Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

Then I saw Harpy paw and pull the collar around his neck twice, and a huge blood-red flower floated out.

(End of this chapter)

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