The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 458 Fudo Mingwang: Could it be that the master "reined in the horse"?

Chapter 458 Fudo Mingwang: Could it be that the master "reined in the horse"? (one more)
Ling Huohuo looked at Happy in surprise.

"what is this?"

"Flowers." Happy said as a matter of course.

"Nonsense, I still can't see that this is a flower? I want to ask you, what kind of flower is this and where did you get it." Ling Huohuo asked.

"I found this in the lair of those long worms. It is definitely a treasure. If it weren't for stealing this, those long worms would not have been chasing me." Happy said.

"Didn't you say that you don't know where the lairs of those giant pythons are?" Ling Huohuo said with a strange expression on his face.

"That's not to fool those people, otherwise the benefits will be shared by them." Happy said with his tongue out.

Ling Huohuo looked at Happy with a complicated expression—you have learned badly too, you were not like this before...

Then Ling Huohuo took the blood-colored flower in his hand and began to size it up.

The flowers look a bit like orchids, about the size of footballs, blood-red all over, a little weird, without any special smell, and feel no different from ordinary flowers.

Ling Huohuo didn't see anything prominent about the flowers.

"Do you know what this flower is?" Ling Huohuo asked Happy.

"I'm not very clear, but these flowers are the food of those worms. I heard that the social turtles said that the worms were not so big before, and they became so big after occupying that nest. I think it must have something to do with this kind of words." Happy Said, IQ is rare online.

"That lair itself doesn't belong to the pythons?" Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah." Happy nodded, and the social turtle also nodded.

"Tell me about the specific situation, in detail."

Happy nodded, then spoke slowly.

The boa constrictor is a kind of boa constrictor called a forest boa constrictor, and it was not so big before. Everything changed after the cave that suddenly appeared.

After a heavy rain, a small hill in the rainforest collapsed, revealing a cave with a golden glow.

The surrounding animals were very curious about the cave that suddenly appeared, but before they started exploring, a group of forest anacondas occupied it.

Forest anacondas are not small to begin with, and their fighting power is very strong, especially when so many forest anacondas gather together, other animals dare not approach the entrance of the cave at all.

Normally, forest anacondas do not live in groups, and there are at most three forest anacondas living together. It is not normal for so many forest anacondas to appear at one time.

But there seems to be something in the cave that attracts the forest anaconda, and the forest anaconda lives harmoniously in the cave.

And since then, the surrounding animals have discovered that the forest anaconda is getting bigger day by day, but its IQ is getting lower, and it is almost irrational. On the contrary, the wisdom of the surrounding animals is growing unconsciously.

The forest anacondas that have grown in size have more and more food needs, and some of the animals around the cave have been eaten.

The other part became smarter and ran away.

However, the forest boa constrictor did not chase, and most forest boa constrictors would not leave the cave too far.

Under the threat of Happy, the social turtle brought Happy to the cave where the forest anaconda lived.

It may be because it was too late, the forest anacondas were resting, and there were no vigils, and they did not find Happy and the social turtle that they touched, so Happy and the social turtle successfully sneaked into the cave.

Hapi and Social Turtle who entered the cave found that there was a cave in the cave.

Although there are hills outside, there is a resplendent relic in the cave!

The reason why it is said to be a resplendent relic is because there are ruins inside, but it is full of gold!
Everything is made of gold.

And there are countless gold coins and jewels scattered on the ground, and the forest anacondas fell asleep on the gems and gold.

Against the backdrop of the jewelry gold, the cave does not appear dark.

Happy and the Social Turtle explored the cave secretly, and apart from the forest anaconda, there were all kinds of gold and jewelry in the cave, and there was nothing strange about it.

If it were ordinary people here, they would have been crazy about these golds long ago. However, although the social turtles are social, they don't understand the value of gold. They only think that the cave is really beautiful, and Happy... what?gold?It would be better to bring two catties of dog food.

However, Hapi knew the value of gold and jewelry in human society, and felt that the gold should be helpful to Ling Huohuo, so he secretly wrote down the location of the cave, and planned to bring Ling Huohuo back again, clean up these forest anacondas, and All the gold is packed away.

Maybe when Ling Huohuo is happy, he will pull himself out to breed and find a little bitch to have fun.

Everything was going well until Happy found a red flower...

Several larger forest anacondas sleep together, as if they are protecting something.

Out of curiosity, Happy dragged himself with his demonic power and flew past the forest boas. However, what Happy didn't expect was that these giant forest boas could perceive his own demonic power.

Looking at the waking forest anacondas, Harpy only had time to stuff a blood-colored flower into the storage space around his neck, and immediately started running with the social turtle.

It’s impossible not to run, these forest anacondas are all of the fifth order!
Finally, after a flurry of wild jumps, Harpy finally escaped seeing the strangeness of the witchcraft.

Although pretending to be a dog is too much, but Happy has been a monster for a longer time, so he naturally has a few skills to save his life.

But even if Happy escaped, he became a little embarrassed under the attack of many forest boas.

However, to Happy's surprise, when it was running away, there was a roar from the depths of the cave, after which the fifth-order forest anacondas never chased them out again, but those forest anacondas that had been cooked by Fatty G. anaconda.

Then, there is the next thing, by the way, the forest anaconda is delicious.


After listening to Happy's description, Ling Huohuo probably understood the situation.

The change of the forest anaconda is in that weird cave, and there is a more powerful one in the depths of the cave, which may be the leader of the forest anaconda.

"Lord Fudo Ming, what do you think?" Ling Huohuo asked.

However, no one answered.

Ling Huohuo patted his head, only to remember that in order to "avoid suspicion", King Fudo Ming closed his external perception, and ordinary conversations could not contact him at all.

Ling Huohuo quickly circulated his power. Although Fudo Mingwang had closed perception, his perception of power was still there. Feeling Ling Huohuo's movement, Fudo Mingwang untied the perception seal by himself.

"Master, how is it? Isn't it... eh? Master, why are you still a virgin?" Fudo Ming's tone was a little startled.

Even though that kind of thing happened, why is Ling Huohuo still a virgin?
Fudo Ming Wang, who has been in Ling Huohuo's body all the time, can naturally see that Ling Huohuo's Yuan Yang is still undisturbed.

Could it be Ling Huohuo that has a problem?Or is there something wrong with that woman?It is impossible to rein in the precipice!
"Ahem..." Ling Huohuo coughed choked by Fudo Mingwang's words, and always felt that Fudo Mingwang was not a serious person before.

"Shut up, that matter was a misunderstanding, stop here, I want to ask you something else!" Ling Huohuo said sullenly.

(End of this chapter)

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