The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 462 Underwater Exploration

Chapter 462 Underwater Exploration (Part [-])
Because of the ravages of forest boas last night, the path created was very wide.

And the traces are also obvious, so don't worry about getting lost.

In order to take care of the ordinary people headed by Dr. Ruiz, Ling Huohuo and the others did not move fast.

However, after several hours of running around, everyone also reached the end of the trace.

Like what Happy said, the trails start from the bank and are very visible.

In fact, only Ling Huohuo knew that the forest anaconda's lair was not at the bottom of the river, but on the other side of the river in the distance, which could not be seen from here.

At that time, Harper ran a short distance in the river with the forest anaconda chasing him before landing.

And after discovering that the forest boa constrictors that were chasing were the strongest, they were only of the fourth rank, so they fought with the forest boa constrictors that were chasing after them on the shore for a while. Facts have proved that most of the time "I can fight back" is an illusion.

The river here is not shallow, but rather deep, and the river is also very turbid, making it impossible to see the bottom of the river.

"Let's search the shore first to see if we find anything. Leave your safety to us." The experienced Bieber said, with a calm face, not nervous because of the python hiding in the dark.

Seeing Bieber's calmness, the others couldn't help but feel at ease.

"Bieber is really reassuring, he is calm no matter what." Allen Turl sighed.

"Bieber...cough cough..." Jia Fei said suddenly.

After a ten-second pause.

"I heard it before……"

Pause for 20 seconds.

"It's...facial paralysis."

ends everywhere.

Ling Huohuo and others were shocked immediately.

Looking at Bieber in the distance, who was standing calmly on the tree with his arms folded, everyone showed pity.

Bieber in the distance felt everyone's gaze, looked at everyone with a calm face.

It turned out to be facial paralysis!

Focusing on the location where the traces were found by the river, everyone searched for a whole morning, but they found nothing useful. Instead, the members of the inspection team began to collect the surrounding environmental information to see if they could find that the python had grown bigger. inducing factors.

Soon it was noon, and everyone started cooking together far away from the river bank.

Fatty G is still in charge.

"It seems that we can only start searching the river." Bieber said calmly, drinking snake soup.

The others nodded.

"By the way, doctor, do you have any equipment to explore the river?" asked Felt, the leader of the adventure team.

Dr. Ruiz nodded with a smile.

"Yes, but it's not something too high-end. There are two types in total, sonar detectors and underwater cameras. However, given the clarity of the river here, the underwater cameras can only play a limited role."

"Then use a sonar detector. A sonar detector is enough for such a big python," Felt said.

The others nodded.

After a simple lunch, everyone returned to the river bank.

Sonar detectors were also brought over.

It is a small detector, only the size of a suitcase, and because of the size limitation, it can only be used for three hours.

The river is less than 100 meters wide in total, and judging from the traces, everyone set the detection distance at 600 meters in length, and three hours is almost enough.

Take out the inflatable boat and quickly inflate it.

Because the size of the inflatable boat is limited, only three people can be seated without the detector.

Soon, the inflatable boat started driving in the river with the detector and three people on it.

The three people are members of an expedition team responsible for manipulating the detector, members of an adventure team responsible for driving the inflatable boat, and Ling Huohuo who protects the safety of the two.

That's right, Ling Huohuo is responsible for keeping them safe.

The giant python is likely to attack the inflatable boat from underwater. If you want to protect the inflatable boat and its members in time, you must have enough strength.

The strongest are Ling Huohuo and Bieber. As for Jia Fei, who is also at the sixth level, he said that he is seasick, but everyone didn't expect him to have fighting power.

Bieber and Ling Huohuo drew lots to choose, and in the end Ling Huohuo became the guard, and Bieber was also responsible for guarding the security and providing support at any time.

Ling Huohuo didn't have any expectations for this detection, and his performance was very flat.

However, what is unexpected is that the sonar detector really detected something under drinking!

"There is a response!" The members of the expedition team exclaimed.

"What?" Ling Huohuo was stunned for a moment, while the people on the shore seemed a little excited, especially Fatty G.

The only difference was Dr. Ruiz, who frowned before showing surprise.

And all this was seen by Bieber who was watching him secretly, his eyes moved slightly.

He had guessed for a long time that Dr. Ruiz might know about those pythons, not because of what he discovered, but because of Bieber's "man's intuition"!
But he didn't show anything, he still looked calm.

"Tell me about the feedback information." Dr. Ruiz said in surprise.

The expedition members nodded.

"There is something moving under this area. It is very large. The exact shape and size are not clear."

"Try it with an underwater camera." Dr. Ruiz said to a member of the expedition team behind him.

Members of the expedition team nodded, then turned around and took out the underwater camera, found a good position, put it into the water, and began to explore downwards.

It's pitch black underwater, but fortunately the camera has night vision and infrared imaging.

The people on the shore gathered around the monitor, staring at it.

Ling Huohuo was very curious about underwater things, wondering if there were really forest boas lurking underwater.

But he didn't think it would be that simple.

So he glanced at Jinyu Ji without leaving a trace.

Jinyu Ji nodded and understood Ling Huohuo's meaning. A pink fat-headed fish made of energy fell from the sleeve of her kimono, jumped on the ground twice, fell into the river, and swam downstream .

And Jinyu Ji also closed her eyes.

On the other side, Happy and the social turtle looked at each other, making eye contact.

Happy nodded to the social turtle—[There are snakes below, they can take revenge, why not?old iron. ]
[Totally ojbk! ]
[Together? ]
[A certain question! ]
Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, except for the ripples on the water, Happy and the social turtle had disappeared.

"Oh, Teacher Ling, your dog and bastard jumped into the river!" Fatty G shouted in surprise.

Ling Huohuo had black lines all over his head.

"Don't worry, they will all work."

Although Harpy is a dog, he is also a Tier [-] monster and is not afraid of water. If he is drowned by the river, Ling Huohuo thinks he can laugh about it for a year.

The people on the shore were still probing carefully, and Ling Huohuo was also waiting patiently.

Soon, the thermal imaging on the screen detected a long moving shadow.

"Found it!" Fatty G exclaimed excitedly, licking the corner of his mouth.

"and many more!"

Dr. Ruiz frowned staring at the screen, and the others looked at him.

"Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and their body temperature is not high. This thermal imaging pattern is wrong. This body temperature is no lower than that of mammals." Dr. Ruiz explained.

The others immediately realized that what Dr. Ruiz said was indeed reasonable.

Looking at the crimson thermal imaging in the picture, everyone frowned.

"Isn't it enough to see if it's okay?" Fatty G said.

"Okay." Dr. Ruiz nodded, "Closer, and turn on the light."


The lights of the underwater camera probe were turned on, and everyone finally saw the underwater things clearly.

At the same time, everyone's eyes widened, and the timid ones all exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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