Chapter 463 Chaos (Part [-])
A big pale face appeared on the screen with a strange smile, making the few people closest to the screen take two steps back involuntarily.

The eyes of the smiling face were staring at the camera, but everyone felt that this face was staring at themselves.

And looking at the smiling face, the weird laughter seemed to surround his ears.

Suddenly, the smiling face's eyes lifted up, and then twisted, the smiling face began to move upwards. At this time, everyone also discovered that the smiling face did not have a body, but grew on a branch-shaped body.

"No, it's coming up!" Dr. Ruiz exclaimed.

At this time, the water surface also began to churning.

"No, General, there are monsters underwater!" Jinyu Ji opened her eyes, shouted loudly, and then quickly rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

But at this time, a huge figure rushed out from the water and stood tall, its fierce aura made everyone unable to move.

"Seven...seventh order!" Ling Huohuo gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

It has a huge body like a centipede, with countless huge limbs on both sides of the body, and a round mouth with ferocious fangs on the head. The saliva drips from the mouth, which is extremely disgusting.

The monster's huge body bent slightly, revealing the weird smiling face on its back.

"Hee hee hee……"

The girl's melodious laughter sounded, but it made everyone shudder.

"Uh..." Jia Fei rolled his eyes and passed out directly. Alan Tur wanted to help Jia Fei up, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

In the face of a ferocious beast, the first person to move is often the most vulnerable.

But everyone rationally didn't look at that smiling face, after all, that smiling face was really weird.

Bieber and the others were on alert, no matter what the original purpose was, but in the face of the monster that suddenly appeared, no one wanted to die.

Among ordinary people, only Dr. Ruiz is relatively calm, while the others are not mentally qualified, oppressed by the monster's aura, and are gradually collapsing.

And the monster was like a cat playing with a mouse, it didn't attack everyone, and it didn't show hostility, but everyone knew that this monster was definitely not a kind person.

But with the breath, everyone was waiting to feel the ferocity of the monster.

"Ah!" Finally, a member of the exploration team collapsed.

"Idiot!" Dr. Ruiz cursed secretly.

The monster has not attacked. Dr. Ruiz feels that as long as the status quo is maintained, the monster will probably recede. However, this calm is still broken.

Everyone looked at the member of the exploration team, and then, a huge black shadow fell from the sky.

The monster's huge mouth directly bit half of the members of the exploration team.


Warm blood sprayed down, and the voices of the expedition team members stopped abruptly.

The monster stood up slowly, chewing with its giant mouth.

The bodies of the remaining members of the general expedition team were still on the ground, and three seconds later, they fell to the ground accompanied by blood.

The sudden death of the companion became the last straw for the expedition members who oppressed those ordinary people.

Howling, crying, making a fuss.

Only a few people remained calm.

"Hey! Howl!"

The monster seemed to become crazy, and began to twist its body violently, causing the river to roll.


Jinyu Ji didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed directly to Ling Huohuo.

And the kayak where Ling Huohuo was in finally capsized...

"O goldfish, shelter of the river!"

A shield made of water rose quickly, protecting Ling Huohuo and Jinyu Ji inside.

The Qingmianniao also flew in before the shield was formed, and fell into Ling Huohuo's arms. Ling Huohuo held the Qingmianniao in his arms.

As for the other two people on the kayak, they can only ask for their own blessings. Bringing unnecessary people in the chaos is no different from courting death.

The shield quickly dived, and it was undoubtedly safer underwater than above the chaotic river.

While the monster started to prey on other people frantically, the remaining people also started to run away in all directions.

Bieber retreated directly, the monster's strength had already exceeded his strength, the task?get out!

And G fat follows closely. Of course, the thighs should be the thickest.

Alan Tur picked up the fainted Jia Fei and quickly lifted into the air. While the monster was attacking other people, he escaped from the attack range of the monster in a blink of an eye and flew into the distance.

Rukawa Feng and Yingmu Huadao looked at each other, Yinggi Huadao went straight to the ground, and Ruchuan Feng ran away like the wind, if someone saw it, they would definitely exclaim - where is the god?

Nieluo narrowed her eyes, speed was not her specialty, and when she saw Ling Huohuo dived into the water, she made up her mind to jump into the river and disappeared.

Jumping into the river is not safe, there are monsters raging, the river is raging, it will only be more dangerous without protection, and jumping into the river is also closer to the monsters, it is tantamount to walking a tightrope.

But for Nero at this time, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

At this time, everyone was running wildly, and no one had the courage and strength to resist the monster's attack.

I can only pray that when monsters attack other people, I can run farther.

At this time, the river bank and river water had already been stained red with blood.

Below the surface of the river, Happy struggled to slide his limbs.

Although it can swim, it can't control it at all in the turbulent river.

And next to it, the social turtle who seemed to be unaffected couldn't help but smile at Happy's funny look.

[Laugh ass, laugh again and kill you! ] Happy threatened the social turtle with his eyes.

The social turtle put away its smile in an instant. Although Harpy is very embarrassed now, he definitely has the ability to kill himself, and the source of water probably won't help him because of this kind of thing.

[Quickly solve the above problem! ] Happy gestures to the social turtle.

The social turtle nodded, the power in his body surged, and his appearance began to undergo a huge change.

The body of the social turtle gradually swells and turns dark black.

The limbs became thicker, and the head became hideous.

By the time the change was over, the social turtle's body had grown to ten meters!
And the strength of the social turtle is only three levels.

If you want to solve the above problems, you can't rely on the social tortoise, and you mainly rely on the source of water in the social tortoise.

Simply communicate, the source of water is willing to help.

Huge power gushes out from the body of the social turtle.

"It's exciting! Big waves!"

The huge water attribute power erupted, and the already raging river became even more violent.

Huge waves gushed out from the bottom of the river, directly flying the monsters above, and the turbulent river invaded all around. On the bank, everyone was still trying to avoid the monsters chasing and killing, and now they were racing against the big waves.

It's hard to imagine that the social turtle can exert such a powerful force in an ordinary river. It can be said that it is worthy of being the source of water!

The turbulent river water not only interrupted the monster's pursuit, but also affected the fleeing people above, and also affected the people under the water——

(End of this chapter)

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