Chapter 464 Broken Space (Part [-])
A dark cave with no light, and the ticking water droplets prove that the interior of the cave is extremely humid.

A figure appeared at the entrance of the cave.

The long white coat, the meticulously groomed hair, and the old face are none other than Dr. Ruiz of the investigation team.

Dr. Ruiz, who was supposed to be hunted down by monsters, as an ordinary person, has almost no possibility of surviving, but he appeared at the entrance of the cave strangely. Still shining.

"It's a surprise. I didn't expect there to be such a place at the bottom of the river. Is it also a broken space?" Dr. Ruiz said.

Dr. Ruiz squatted down, took out the flashlight, and looked around. There were obvious marks at the hole.

"It seems that the monster came out of this hole. It was an accident. The plan was interrupted. I hope there is something in the hole that can make up for this loss."

After speaking, Dr. Ruiz stood up, walked into the cave without fear.

The entrance of the cave returned to its quiet state again.

After a while, another figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. It looked like a woman, her body was wet, she was panting heavily, and her condition was not very good.


The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

The woman was Nero who dived into the water and escaped. In a panic, she accidentally found a secret passage at the bottom of the river. Following the secret passage, she found the cave.

After a brief recovery, Nero began to look around vigilantly.

"There is wind. It seems that there is a passage leading to the outside. There is no peculiar smell. There should be no wild animals living here. Around... this trace, there are large animals passing by. Is it the monster outside?"

Nero became vigilant, if the monster raging outside really passed by here, then he must leave here as soon as possible, because the monster is likely to turn back, if he bumps into the monster, he will definitely die this time!

Nero is not the protagonist, and there are not so many secret passages for her to escape.

"This is... footprints?" Soon, Nero discovered again.

"Anyone here first?"

Nero squatted down to observe.

"This footprint is still very wet. It seems that the other party has just arrived, and the shape and size prove that the other party should be a man. Is it Ling Huohuo? No, if Ling Huohuo came here, there must be footprints of his men, and There is only this kind of footprint here, could it be that other people have also come down into the water? There are no traces of chaos around, and the other party should be in good condition."

Nero analyzed this, and did not find the joy of his companions, but became more cautious.

After all, there are not many men in the team who can really reassure her. If they can come here in good condition, the opponent's strength is definitely strong. At the same time, her condition is not very good.

Be more careful this time!
Nero thought for a while, narrowed his eyes, and red mist began to emerge from his body. In a blink of an eye, Nero became wearing red tight armor, with a helmet on his head covering his head.

The armor looks very high-tech. It doesn't look stiff, but is very soft. It looks like a leather jacket. It outlines Nero's uneven figure. Under his feet are a pair of high-heeled shoes that protect his feet, which looks extremely aggressive. At that time, Nero's dress was very tempting.

Several joints still have white spots, and the vulnerable parts also have reinforced armor. There are many stripes on the armor that look like circuit boards. Finally, the eye of the helmet is a screen.

A blue light curtain appeared, and Nero waved back and forth on the light curtain a few times, stretched out his hands, and took out a weapon from the light curtain.

The weapon is like a sniper gun, but it is longer. A round technological object floats behind Nero. The bright light on the main body and the few crystals floating around undoubtedly do not prove that this is a high-tech weapon.

"No. 719, sniper-blue armed, activate! Welcome back, red knight." The electronic voice sounded from the sniper gun.

"Reconnaissance form!" The same female synthetic voice sounded from inside the armor.

"Reconnaissance form, switch!"

Sniper rifles have begun to change.

The muzzle of the gun split and floated, guarding both sides of Nelo's body. The butt of the gun turned into several scouting eyes, floating around. to the screen and data.

Ready, Nero took a step.


Well, when Ling Huohuo woke up, his eyes were golden.


Ling Huohuo rubbed his head.

"What happened? Did I pass out?"

Ling Huohuo felt the condition in his body, it was in good condition, nothing happened.

"General, great, you finally woke up!"




Jinyu Ji, Happy, Qingmianniao and Social Turtle surrounded her.

"Eh..." Ling Huohuo looked at them and blinked.

"I fainted? What's going on? Where is this place?"

Ling Huohuo was a little dazed.

"Let me explain." Babai appeared beside Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo looked at Babai.

"Although the social tortoise can borrow the power of the source of water, it is not proficient in using it and accidentally injured you. Fortunately, it did not cause too much damage. It was just hit by the force and fainted. Then I asked the social tortoise to You brought it here, this is the cave of the forest anaconda, it is relatively remote, there are no forest anacondas around, it is still safe for the time being."

After listening to Babai's explanation, Ling Huohuo, Jinyu Ji, Hapi and Qingmianiao all looked at the social turtle with unfriendly expressions. The social turtle was looked at for a while, and looked away in embarrassment.

"You are so shy!"

"Let's stew the soup, sizzle."

"Begging not to kill!"

The social turtle kneels.

You must know that the source of water and the social turtle will not only create a "Turtle Brother" with unlimited potential, but also a pot of delicious meat!
After arguing for a while, Ling Huohuo began to look around.

Sure enough, as Happy and Qifeng said, at a glance, gold and jewels are everywhere.

"It's really spectacular."

After stomping his feet, there was a pile of gold coins under Ling Huohuo's feet. Ling Huohuo felt that he had finally fulfilled his dream of sleeping on a golden mountain.

Can't help but sigh.

Even if he knew how to touch gold, he still couldn't get so much gold.

In addition to gold and jewelry, Ling Huohuo also felt the power of comfort, and his face became serious.

"Found it." Yabai said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"It's the power of space, an extremely huge power of space." Ling Huohuo looked around.

"This cave should be surrounded by space power. What's going on?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"This cave is embedded in this world's...broken space!"

(End of this chapter)

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