The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 469 Demon Race - Can't afford to provoke

Chapter 469 Demon Race - Can't afford to mess with it (second update)
"Let's go slowly, big brother, goodbye big brother."

After leading Jeffet Rose and the others to find the entrance of the cave, they naturally chased after it, and Ling Huohuo finally relaxed completely.

Although the other party is very personable, he is a big boss after all. It is not uncommon for him to stab the other party with a knife while smiling on the surface.

However, Ling Huohuo didn’t gain anything. I don’t know what kind of psychology it was. Jeffet Rose handed Ling Huohuo a map. Three points were marked on the map, one of which was the space where Ling Huohuo was located, and the other The two are spaces similar to this space that they detected.

However, Ling Huohuo was more curious about the real identities of Jeffet Rose and the others than the two spaces.

"Babai, who are they? What is their level of strength?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"They are not from this world!" Babai said in a serious tone.

"Not from this world? Aliens?"

"It's not aliens, they are people from another world, and their peak strength has definitely surpassed the ninth level, reaching the realm outside the universe!" Babai said.

"What?" Ling Huohuo exclaimed, surpassing the ninth level?

"That's right, but they have sealed their strength, which is also the strength of the sixth level, but even so, they definitely have the strength to kill you in seconds." Eight hundred said.

"Then do you know their identities? Are they also human?"

"They are not humans, if I read correctly, they are demons!"

"Demon Race? Is it the same as Walliver?"

"No, Walliver is a demon, demons and demons are not the same..."

Then, Yabai began to talk about the demons, and how the demon king led the demons to conquer the world, causing a bloody storm and destroying countless civilizations.

The Sword God also fought against the Demon King. Although the Demon King was defeated by the Sword God in the end, even if the Sword God chased the Demon King and cut 800 billion worlds, he still let the Demon King escape from his sword. The Demon King was the first. It was also the only creature that escaped from the hands of the Sword God.

In terms of escape, Sword God would like to call the Demon King the strongest!
And the technique of the devil's escape was also studied by the masters Dacheng textbooks. I hope that one day I can escape from the sword god, but so far no second person has succeeded.

In short, to put it simply, the Demon King of the year was - Sao Lang was cool and dazzling, but he was still not the opponent of Sword God.

Ling Huohuo was already used to Babai always seizing the opportunity to praise the Sword God.

You sword god has the ability to catch the devil and cut him down!

But even though he complained in his heart, Ling Huohuo still showed an attitude of listening attentively. After all, he is the heir of the Sword God. Maybe he will be awesome in the future, and he will help the Sword God to complete this regret—to catch the devil, Then cut him down!

"After the devil king and the brave man perished together, the twelve devil generals disappeared, and the demon clan returned to the devil world, ending the life of men farming and women weaving..."

"Wait, men farming and women weaving? Are you sure you're not joking?" Ling Huohuo interrupted Babai's words, showing a "very cruel" look just now, why did he turn around and go home and men farm and women weave ?Don't you have any idea of ​​electing a new devil king to avenge the previous devil king?

"Well, the relationship is more complicated, and I don't know the details, but I heard that the demons in ancient times were a kinder race than angels. When the angels ruled the world and exercised power, it was the village of the demons at that time. The long hair made great ambitions, influenced the angels, and made the angels a harmonious and loving race. Now on the square of the city of angels, there is still a "harmonious and friendly male god statue" presented by the demons. And the demon village Chang Ye retired from his career and became a generation of strong demon gods, and finally set out to the stars and seas to explore the unknown world..."

"The Demon King and the Twelve Demon Generals also appeared very suddenly, extremely ferocious, as if their genes had mutated, and they were incompatible with other demons, but they could command the demons."

"After the disappearance of the Demon King and the Demon General, the Sword God once went to the Demon Realm to look for the Demon King's traces. The Sword God did not believe that the Demon King would be easily led by dogs, but he found nothing, but felt the hospitality of the Demon Race. "


God damn hospitality!

"Is there no one who wants to take revenge on the demons?" Ling Huohuo asked the question in his heart.

"Revenge? They will be thankful if the demons don't come out to cause trouble. The demons are an ancient race, do you know how strong the demons are?" Babai asked back.

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"Let's put it this way, a team of city management from the demons will come out at random, with full firepower, it can destroy your world in a month. The newly born demons have the strength of the sixth level, and the adult demons are not talented. Ninth level, work hard, reaching the realm of Yuwai is extremely easy."

"How could this be?" Ling Huohuo was frightened.

"Who let people have a good ancestor, and the demon race itself is not an evil race. The merits and good fortune accumulated from generation to generation over tens of billions of years are extremely huge. Even if they do such an inhumane thing as destroying the world, after the war If you should go home to farm the land, if you should fish in the sea, try another race, under the punishment of God, the graves of your ancestors will have to be dug up.”


For the demons, Ling Huohuo is completely speechless. Is it true that this group of Buddhist bosses destroyed the heavens and worlds?

"Then those just now..." Ling Huohuo asked.

"I suspect they may be magic generals."

"Magic general!" Ling Huohuo was taken aback again.

"Because of that kind of aura that makes people feel terrified even standing there, only the most ferocious demon kings and generals in the demon clan can have it. If the demon king was here, you might have died long ago."

Ling Huo Huojue received tons of shocks today.

"Let's get out of here first."

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo quickly left this world with the others, he didn't want to meet the demon general again.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered, slipped away.

In fact, Yao still had nothing to say, he felt weird in the behavior of Jeffet Rose and others.

Jeffet Los and the others didn't ask any questions about Ling Huohuo's identity, not even Ling Huohuo's name, but they kept showing a friendly look, as if they knew Ling Huohuo's identity a long time ago. This is really abnormal!
But it's better not to talk to Ling Huohuo, because Ling Huohuo will look worried.


On the other side, the bottom of the river, the underground space.

Dr. Ruiz had already turned off the flashlight, and kept groping forward.

He didn't expect that there were countless terrifying monsters in this underground cave. If he hadn't turned off the flashlight earlier and had a unique way to hide his breath, he would have died long ago.

Although there are many monsters, Dr. Ruiz has become more curious about the secrets hidden here...

 The next volume is the Mozu volume, starting to pave the way for the Mozu volume...

  By the way, push the exchange group: Have you heard of the end of the world——702175437
(End of this chapter)

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