The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 470 Congratulations to Old Iron Nero, who finished torturing muddy opponents and completed 5

Chapter 470 Congratulations to Old Iron Nero, who finished torturing muddy opponents and completed pentakills (one update)
Looking at the messy river, Ling Huohuo raised the corner of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the location of one of the spaces marked by the demon generals on their maps is just below the river where they were before.

The other space is deeper in the Amazon rainforest and farther away.

At this time, the riverside was in a mess, and there was no sign of any creature, even the huge monster disappeared, and most of the land on the bank was flooded.

Ling Huohuo was hesitating whether to go down, what if the monster was still underwater?You can get away with it once under the hands of the monster, but there is no guarantee that you can escape the second time.

After thinking about it for a while, finally, Ling Huohuo gritted his teeth and did it!
It's all over the edge, it would be a pity not to go down.

So Ling Huohuo called Jinyu Ji and asked the others to return to the small world, and then the two began to dive.

The water at the bottom of the river is very turbid, and Jinyu Ji can only perceive the situation at the bottom of the river with her special underwater perception ability.

This method of perception is similar to the perception of monster qi, but it is to melt the monster qi into the water and spread it around, which consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, with Jinyu Ji's efforts, the two quickly found a hole.

After entering the cave, Ling Huohuo felt the strong power of space.

It is very dark inside the cave, but there is no water, as if it is an independent space, but it is still very humid, without the growth of moss and other algae, giving people a very dead feeling.

"Thank you, let's go into the small world and take a break." Ling Huohuo patted Jinyu Ji's head, and sent the consumed Jinyu Ji and fish balls back to the small world.

For this exploration, Ling Huohuo decided to go by himself and let other people hide in the small world, because other people are weaker and it will be difficult to escape if they are attacked by surprise. It is better to let the strongest one explore the way by himself.

Ling Huohuo opened the exploration and began to observe the surroundings.

During this period of time, Ling Huohuo also learned a lot of knowledge, and it is not difficult to distinguish some obvious traces.

"There are traces of large-scale biological activities. It seems that it should be the monster, and there is only one, which means that the monster hasn't come back yet!" Ling Huohuo was overjoyed.

"However, there are two rows of footprints. Judging from the size of the footprints, it should be a man and a woman. But did the woman change her shoes later? Why is the shoe print wrong?"

"The footprints of a man and a woman overlap. If they are not walking one after the other, then one is chasing the other, but the latter is more likely."

This is the information Ling Huohuo got.

"Okay, it's time to move on."

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and a blue crystal-like blue ball floated in Ling Huohuo's palm, the ball was the size of a basketball.

This ball is the Tangled Dragon Ball obtained by Ling Huohuo!
It may be because Ling Huohuo's blood power also has the power of a dragon. Ling Huohuo did not spend too much effort refining the dragon balls, and after the dragon balls were refined, it was difficult for Ling Huohuo to drive the dragon balls and play the dragon balls. After all, the level of the dragon ball is too high, but fortunately Ling Huohuo can still exert a small part of the power of the dragon ball, and can move the dragon ball freely.

The attribute of Dragon Ball is wind, that is to say, the dragon corpse was a wind dragon in life.

The wind attribute does not conflict with Ling Huohuo's fire attribute.

Even because of "Wind creates fire", before using the flame, the power is used in the Dragon Ball. The flame power used is not only stronger, but also has a wind attribute attack.

However, at this time, Ling Huohuo took out the dragon ball not to attack anyone, but to use the remaining coercion on the dragon ball.

The coercion of a ninth-level wind dragon can already suppress most monsters. To deal with wild beasts, only by exuding a more fierce aura can they deter them.

The warning from the Dragon Ball can save most of Ling Huohuo's troubles. Although the coercion on the Dragon Ball is not strong, the beast's perception is sharp enough!
In addition to these, Ling Huohuo has another purpose for taking out the dragon ball, and that is... to illuminate!
Although he can still see at night by transferring the power to his eyes, but how tiring it is, it is better to use the light brought by the dragon ball itself to illuminate, which is simple and easy.

Walking along the footprints along the way was very smooth, but the rustling sound from the dark, coupled with the smell of blood, proved that the interior of the cave was indeed not as peaceful as it seemed.

I don't know how big the space is, but many passages have been built inside. Ling Huohuo doesn't have a map, so he can only follow the footprints.

Suddenly Ling Huohuo moved my ears, because he heard some different sounds, like the sound of shooting.

Ling Huohuo groped, turned a corner, hid behind the stone, poked his head out, and the distant flashes illuminated Ling Huohuo's face.

I saw a figure in extremely sci-fi clothes fighting with five spider-like monsters. The weapon in his hand was fiercely outputting at the five spider monsters. From the figure, it could be felt that the other party was a woman.

And the auras emitted by the five spider monsters and the woman are all at the fifth level!
However, even though there were five spider monsters, they were still being pressed and beaten by the woman at this time.

The woman's attack was extremely fierce, Ling Huohuo observed it for a while, and couldn't help applauding secretly, because the woman's attack seemed to have been calculated, there was no extra movement, and the power was well used, and every shot could hit the target , Moreover, it seems that they can predict the actions of the five spider monsters.

Therefore, at this time, the woman used the minimum loss to hang and beat the five spider monsters.

I have to admit that an enemy like a woman is extremely difficult to deal with at the same level.

"This woman is amazing, but who is this? Why is the breath so familiar?" Ling Huohuo sighed softly.

"Familiar? Think about that night at Amazon." Eight hundred reminded.

"Night, woman... Fuck, that can't be Nero!" Ling Huohuo said in surprise.

"That's right, although the breath has changed a bit, it is indeed Nero." Yabai said.

"Then what's going on with her now? What's the situation with this future soldier?"

"Maybe it's a way for her to increase her strength. It should be an auxiliary technology. The pair and weapons on her body should be specially made, similar to exoskeletons."

"I didn't expect that the technology is so advanced now." Ling Huohuo sighed, and began to think, if there is a chance, should I talk to Neluo? Of course, I don't want to continue what happened that night, but I want to ask her. Where did you get this high-tech suit? Ling Huohuo also wanted to learn about it and upgrade his Yaoju underground scientific research base.

When the time comes, Yaoju will be turned into a high-tech base. It will be very exciting to think about it.

High technology is the romance of men!

While Ling Huohuo was thinking wildly, Nero's battle also came to an end.

The five spider monsters were all seriously injured, their movements began to slow down, and their weaknesses were exposed. Nero seized the opportunity, stood up, and the weapons in his hands began to recharge.

Five seconds later, Nie Luo raised the weapon in his hand and fired five bursts. Five laser beams blasted the five spider monsters' heads.

Penta Kill!

Congratulations to the old iron Nie Luo who has finished torturing his muddy opponent and completed the pentakill. He is super easy!
The five spider monsters froze, and then fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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