Chapter 471 Nero's Purpose (Part [-])

Nero's final blow was charged, and it was obviously more powerful than the previous shot. It accurately hit the spider monster that was inconvenient to move due to the injury, and completed the kill.

However, after killing the spider monster, Nie Luo didn't say anything, but directly put away the corpses of the five spider monsters, and then pointed the gun in the direction where Ling Huohuo was going!
Ling Huohuo hurriedly turned over to escape, but the place where he was just now was hit by light, an explosion occurred, and a small crater was blown out, but the temperature around the crater was extremely high.

"Stop, stop, Nero, it's a friendly army, don't point your Italian cannon at me!" Ling Huohuo hurriedly exclaimed.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's voice, Nie Luo slowed down his attack, and the screen above his head flickered.

"Identity Confirmation—Extraordinary Academy, Ling Huohuo, Mentor, Allies." The voice of the blue armed machine sounded from inside the armor, and Nero put down his weapon.

Fighting in the dark, in order to cooperate with the blue armed forces, Nero's judgment of the outside world is based on the thermal imaging and sound wave analysis of the blue armed forces. If the blue armed forces indicate that the opponent is not a friendly army, Nero will definitely shoot without hesitation. Attack, because Blue Armor has never been wrong.

Seeing that Nie Luo didn't attack again, Ling Huohuo let out a sigh of relief and walked towards Nie Luo.

Although Ling Huohuo can guarantee that even such a Nieluo can't beat him, but after all, he and Nieluo are not enemies, and some very ambiguous things happened, Ling Huohuo is a little embarrassed to do it.

"Teacher Ling, why are you here?" Nie Luo asked aloud, but the words that came out were mechanical.

Ling Huohuo didn't answer directly, but looked Nello up and down, and had to say... the dick is hard, bah!
Nero at this time is indeed full of temptation, but this kind of temptation can only appear on people with good figures.

"Are you a robot?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"No!" Nero said.

"Then why do you speak in a mechanical voice?"

"The author set... Bah! It's because my voice has been processed by the blue armor. The blue armor is the armor I wear, but how did Teacher Ling recognize me when I dressed like this?" Nero Questions were also raised.

Of course I watched it...Of course I can't answer like that!What's more, Babai told Ling Huohuo the truth.

"Ahem, it's the breath. Although your breath has changed, you can still tell the difference." Ling Huohuo said.

"..." Nie Luo looked at Ling Huohuo as if, "Teacher Ling's perception is really sharp."

Nero knew what his breath was like at this moment.

The blue weapon has the ability to confuse the breath. The similarity between the confused breath and the original breath is only 30.00%. The 30.00% breath similarity cannot determine the identity of a person. After all, even if they are different people, they practice the same skills. The breath will also be at least 40.00% similar.

However, Ling Huohuo could guess that it was him based on a 30.00% similarity, which proved that Ling Huohuo's perception was really brilliant.

As for whether Ling Huohuo guessed it, Nie Luo denied it.

Based on the degree of acquaintance between myself and Ling Huohuo, the similarity of 30.00% of the breath is not enough to make Ling Huohuo think of himself, and it is even more impossible to infer. Without this IQ.

It hasn't been long since I got the blue armament, and I haven't shown it in front of others, and I also sent out the possibility that Ling Huohuo had known for a long time.

Therefore, after removing all the irrationality, the final result is the truth——Ling Huohuo has special means of perception.

Nero is used to analyzing enemies and battles with data, just like two people playing a game, Nero knows the complete strategy, but the opponent can only rely on his own groping again and again.

But she forgot that some people don't follow the steps honestly, for example... find a fairy to take her, and all she needs to do is paddle and call 666.

But Nie Luo never thought about it, but secretly wrote down the news that Ling Huohuo had special perception ability.

Because the main purpose of Nero's visit this time is to collect information about Ling Huohuo.

Elisabeth and Charlotte teamed up, there is a sixth-level spiritual subordinate, a pair of armor that is almost invincible in defense, a group of extremely powerful subordinates, an independent scientific research department, and a genius younger brother...

Although Ling Huohuo didn't realize his top-notch personal strength and huge influence, Ling Huohuo already had a large team in Chaofan Academy at this time, and he had become a leader of forces that had to be looked at directly. Therefore, many people are now paying attention to Ling Huohuo.

The school committee is no exception. In order to maintain the balance and stability of Chaofan Academy, the school committee needs to have a certain evaluation and understanding of Ling Huohuo's strength and influence. However, Ling Huohuo has rarely had contact with others, even if It was his twin brother Ling Miao who seemed to know little about Ling Huohuo.

Therefore, the useful information collected is not much, and it is all on the bright side, so someone must inquire about Ling Huohuo's news and have a comprehensive understanding of Ling Huohuo.

And Megan took the initiative to ask Ying to take over this matter. After all, she had been following Ling Huohuo for a long time because of her son's "chest hate incident" and the fencing elective course.

Then, this matter was handed over by Megan to Nero, the most trusted deputy.

Nero is not only strong and capable, but also rarely known by others, so he just happens to be the best candidate.

Megan also has to admit that no matter what time it is, Nero is really comfortable to use... These words seem strange, and I always feel a little orange.

Then, Nero joined the mission, and what better way to gather intelligence than in battle?

And that night, Nie Luo also wanted to collect Ling Huohuo's body data. Although he was a bit abrupt and might startle the snake, as long as he pretended not to know, Ling Huohuo couldn't say anything.At most, he would think that he was a weirdo, or even feel complacent that he would fall in love with him. If this was the case, then everything would be easier.

Originally, all the plans were perfect, but...why do accidents always happen?

"Nie Luo, you... where did you get the blue armor? See if you can get me one too." Ling Huohuo said with bright eyes.

"Blue Arming is an unannounced plan of the weapon department of the college, and I am the person who is experimenting with blue arming. If Teacher Ling wants to participate, I can help you apply when I get back. Whether you can join depends on the weapon. department."

Even though he said so, Nie Luo felt that it was necessary for Ling Huohuo to join the plan.

Because, when the time comes, they will be able to collect Ling Huohuo's data openly and aboveboard!

(End of this chapter)

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