The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 472 It's better to be in front of people you don't know well

Chapter 472
"By the way, do you know what's going on here?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Nero shook his head.

"This place seems to be a maze. There are many monsters in it. They are all very strong, and the weakest is the fifth level. Apart from these, the others are not clear."

Ling Huohuo nodded, and sure enough, Nie Luo didn't find anything.

"However, when it comes to monsters, I have another discovery." Nero said suddenly.

"What did you find?" Ling Huohuo looked at Nie Luo, and it took a lot of effort to shift his gaze from Nie Luo's chest to his head.

I have to say that the blue armor is the same as the tights, which is extremely prominent, especially the two hemispheres, which look soft, as if there is no cover inside.

Although Neluo's attire was very attractive, Ling Huohuo was definitely not a pervert, he just looked up at him politely, and then started talking about serious business.

Although Nieluo discovered Ling Huohuo's peeping, she didn't care too much, but opened the intelligence record-according to her understanding, Ling Huohuo's girlfriend is Xiao Yunyun, and Xiao Yunyun is an airport. Huo is a flat chest control, but now it seems that Ling Huohuo doesn't seem to have feelings for big breasts.

The information has been updated.

Nero didn't show any strangeness, but began to talk about his discovery.

"There is a very strange power in those monsters. It feels very evil and violent. The monsters have fighting intelligence. Moreover, the monsters here seem to be in the shape of insects, but few of them appear in groups. Five of them have encountered so far. The group with the largest number is the five spider monsters just now."

"Can you release the five spider monsters just now for me to see?" Ling Huohuo said, the specific situation can only be known by seeing it with your own eyes.

"No problem." Nero nodded.

"Wait, won't the smell of blood here attract other monsters?" Ling Huohuo asked suddenly, the smell of blood is very attractive to beasts.

"No, these monsters have their own range of movement and will not go to other places." Nero said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"I can rest assured that."

Afterwards, Nero took out a spider monster, and Ling Huohuo stepped forward to look it up.

The monster is very similar to a spider, and its appearance is extremely ferocious. When you get close to the monster, Ling Huohuo can smell a stench. It seems that this spider monster should be poisonous.

As for the others, Ling Huohuo couldn't tell, so he could only look at Neluo suspiciously.

"The blue armed can scan the power in the target's body and analyze it. The power I mentioned is distributed on the monster's body and cannot be taken out directly. I plan to bring the monster's body back to the academy and find someone to extract the power before analyzing it. .” Nero explained.

"So that's the case, but when it comes to extraction..." Ling Huohuo touched his chin, "I have a way."

"Come out, Fudo Myoko!"

The flames flew up, and the huge body of King Fudo Ming appeared behind Ling Huohuo with fierce momentum.

Sensing Fudo Myaku's aura and heat, Nie Luo involuntarily took a step back, but his beautiful eyes were still staring at Fudo Myaku.

"Is this the sixth-order spirit body mentioned in the information? This flame is not like an ordinary flame, and it looks like it has experienced many battles. This spirit body is not simple."

As soon as Fudo Myoko appeared, the cyan armed forces issued an alarm, and Nero also began to secretly scan and collect Fudo Myoko's data.

As if sensing Nero's movements, Fudo Myoko stared at Nero with his eyes as big as copper bells, but he didn't see anything, and he didn't know much about high technology, so he didn't expect that Nero was collecting his own data .

But he knew that Nero was not an enemy, so he ignored her.

"Master, do you want me to extract the power inside?" Fudo Mingo said to the urn.

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded, "But you'd better get smaller first."

Originally, the tunnel was not open, but Fudo Mingwang suddenly appeared, and the tunnel became crowded instantly.

Soon, Fudo Mingo shrank to a height of two meters again.

Ling Huohuo moved away, and Nie Luo also looked at Fudo Mingo curiously. She was very curious about how Fudo Mingo extracted the power from the monster's body.

Then Fudo Mingwang staged the operation of "purifying heart fire" again, which made Nieluo a little dazed.

"What kind of flame is this?" Nero asked.

Hearing Nie Luo's question, King Fudo Ming looked at Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo shrugged his shoulders, indicating that King Fudo Ming could say whatever he wanted, since Nie Luo didn't understand anyway.

Then King Ming who didn't understand began to talk about his heart fire slowly again, and even because he was not familiar with Neluo, he even told some glorious achievements of his heart fire. Hear it with gusto.

The reason why Fudo Mingo said this is because he is not familiar with Nero, and Nero does not understand him, so it is more fulfilling to pretend to be aggressive.

Of course, he didn't reveal his identity from the Fire Clan, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain clearly in a few words.

Nero listened to Fudo Mingo's narration, and exclaimed in cooperation from time to time.

As the vice-president of the student union, although Nero doesn't often appear in front of outsiders, he can still do it by observing words and expressions. Naturally, he can easily see the meaning of showing off in Fudoming's words. In order to get more information, it is wise to Choosing to cooperate gave Fudo Myo a sense of accomplishment.

Then Nero began to update his database.

Because this refinement is not random incineration, but purposeful refinement, and because the spider monster is very large, Fudo Myoko spent a lot of time.

In the end, Fudo Mingo extracted everything.

Although Fudo Mingo refined the power in the spider monster, he did not give up some other good things.

In the end, I got four things in total.

The first, eight spider legs, is a decent material.

The second is the shell on the back of the spider monster. This shell is very hard and can be used to make armor.

The third is the toxin of the spider monster. Nero analyzed it with the blue weapon. It is a neurotoxin. It only needs to be breathed into the body to cause an effect, paralyze the muscles, and delay the reaction. Fortunately, Nero is wearing the blue weapon. It's the purified air. Although Ling Huohuo also inhaled some, Ling Huohuo's strength is strong enough.

These three things were left to Ling Huohuo by Nie Luo. Although Nie Luo killed the monster, the things were extracted by King Fudo.

Besides, Nero still has four spider monsters, I hope Fudo Mingo can help refine them.

Fudo Mingwang's "mind fire refining" is extremely pure and will not cause damage.

Nero knew that if he dismembered the body of the spider monster, the materials and things he would get would not be so pure, and would even cause damage. Some essence would be wasted, and he would give Ling Huohuo all the materials of a monster as a handling fee, and the price would not be the same. Inexpensive and very reasonable.

If possible, Nie Luo even hoped that Ling Huohuo would ask Fudo Mingwang to help refine other things, but Nie Luo quickly let go of this idea.

Fudo Mingwang is a sixth-level powerhouse, and these materials are of limited value to Ling Huohuo and the others, and they are not specialized in refining. If they ask Fudo Mingwang to help refine it, it would be a bit too much.

After refining all five monsters and collecting the materials, Ling Huohuo and the others set their sights on the last thing they extracted, which was the purpose of this refining.

(End of this chapter)

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