The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 474 I am Ryo Shimosukawa, what advice do you have

Chapter 474 I am Ryo Shimosukawa, what advice do you have (one more)
Ling Huohuo and Nie Luo kept moving forward, and the monsters they encountered were all similar, but without exception, they were all insect-type monsters, and they were all infected by evil thoughts.

The further you go, the stronger the monster's strength. Although Nieluo can solve it, it needs to be done with a lot of hands and feet. It's just a dish.

Seeing Fudo Mingwang who squandered his power wantonly and punched a monster, Nie Luo was a little envious. She was also stuck at the peak of the fifth level at this time, and she was only short of reaching the sixth level with a single kick, but there was no chance. Know when to break through.

"By the way, there should be another man who came in before you, didn't you find him?" Ling Huohuo suddenly asked Neluo.

Nero shook his head.

"No, since I went deep here, I haven't found any traces of other people's activities, even the blue armed forces haven't found anything."

This is also the strange thing about Nero. The person who came in before her disappeared without any trace. There was no trace of fighting along the way. It is hard to imagine how the other party passed through the passage guarded by monsters.

As for whether the other party was eaten, Nie Luo didn't think there was such a possibility.

Being able to enter here is not just a matter of luck. Without strength, it is impossible to enter here under that kind of chaos. Even if I have consumed a lot, Ling Huohuo arrived here after the monster disappeared and the river died down. .

Could it be that the other party has a very good concealment ability?

Nero recalled the information of the personnel who entered the Amazon rainforest this time, but there were no suitable personnel.

Thinking of the monsters raging on the river, Nieluo fell into thinking again. According to Ling Huohuo, that kind of monster has the strength of the seventh level, and it is undoubtedly going out from here, but since entering here, he has never seen the strength reach or exceed it. A sixth-order monster, this is really abnormal. Could it be that there is only that seventh-order monster here?
Also, the distribution of the monsters here and their inability to move casually are also very surprising, as if... fixed within a certain range by some force.

Unable to figure it out, Nie Luo told Ling Huohuo his doubts.

After hearing what Neluo said, Ling Huohuo was also taken aback, and found that it was really weird.

"Babai, did you find anything?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Babai thought for a while, and said regretfully, "I didn't see anything, but it's really weird."

Without figuring this out, Ling Huohuo and Nie Luo could only continue to explore, hoping to discover something in the future, and at the same time, they became vigilant in their hearts.


In the depths of the space, a broken room is quiet, and there is a golden door standing in it, emitting a faint golden light.

A strange figure appeared in the room, it was Dr. Ruiz.

Dr. Ruiz looked around vigilantly, scanned it with the machine in his hand, and found that there was no danger, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's safe. If you can't find a safe place, the jammer will be needed, and there will be no energy."

Then, Dr. Ryze set his sights on the only striking golden door in the room.

"This is... the Golden Gate!" Dr. Ryze said hoarsely.

"Unexpectedly, there are treasures here! Even if you can't bring back the treasure of the oldest king, as long as you bring back the folding golden door, it will be a great achievement!" Dr. Ruiz looked at the golden door, his eyes shining.

In my organization, plus the golden door brought back by the stage alchemist, there are only three, and now, I am about to get the fourth golden door for the organization!

Dr. Ruiz approached the golden door, carefully looked at it, and soon smiled.

"it is true!"

"Don't rush to find the exit, put away the golden door and talk about it."

Dr. Ruiz took out a ring and put it on his hand.

The Golden Gate is a creation of God, and of course only people related to God can touch and move it.

Dr. Ryze has nothing to do with God, but the ring he wears has something to do with God. There is a trace of divinity in it. Although there is only a trace, it is enough for Dr. Ryze to move the Golden Gate.

Dr. Ruiz easily put the Golden Gate on the bracelet, and then took off the bracelet.

"Be sure to put it away."

"This thing is very interesting." A hand appeared from behind Dr. Ryze, holding the ring that Dr. Ryze was about to put away.

Dr. Ruiz froze, his eyes widened.


He never thought that someone was lurking here and appeared behind him strangely, and Dr. Ruiz, who was locked by the opponent's breath, knew that he could not escape at all.

Listen to the voice is a man.

The owner of that hand snatched the ring from Dr. Ryze's hand.

"I didn't expect this little thing to be able to close that golden door, and you seem to know the secret of that golden door." The voice said flatly.

It sounds like this person has already tested the Golden Gate, and it seems that this person has indeed been lurking here for a long time.

"You...why are you here? I didn't find you with any detector!" Dr. Ryze asked in a deep voice.

"Your piece of equipment is good, but unfortunately, any high-tech will be greatly reduced to me. I can feel that you have a lot of high-tech weapons on your body. This should be the reason why you can break through here with the power of ordinary people. The basis of it, but in the end it is a foreign object, and it will not last long."

"I believe in science more," Dr. Ruiz said with a grin. "I don't know... who is your Excellency?" Dr. Ruiz regained his composure and wanted to find out the other party's identity.

"Is it your identity?" The man's tone was playful, "I'm using that person's identity now, Shimosukawa Ryo, what advice do you have?"

Ryo Sukawa?
Dr. Ruiz narrowed his eyes, like a Japanese name, but he had never heard of this name.

Is it a fake identity?

"Actually I am..."

"I don't want to know who you are." Ryo Sukawa interrupted Dr. Ruiz.

"I'm not interested in who you are, but I'm more interested in your memory."

Dr. Ruiz suddenly felt something bad, turned around suddenly, but was grabbed by a hand.

"Data Download!"

The light of data appeared from Dr. Ruiz's eyes, and he felt as if his memory was being read by the other party.

"What kind of ability is this?!" The well-informed Dr. Ruiz naturally knows the ability to read memories, but he can read other people's memories so easily, as if there is no burden, what kind of ability is this?
Dr. Ruiz struggled hard, trying to see the other person clearly, but he could only see that the other party was wearing a black robe and holding a gorgeous magic mirror in his arms. Then, as if the screen was turned off, Dr. Ruiz lost consciousness .

"Downloading is complete." Ryo Sukawa said, "There is no need to keep you anymore, die, data format!"

When Ryo Sukawa let go of Dr. Ryze, although Dr. Ryze was still breathing, after Ryo Sukawa, Dr. Ryze had been formatted by himself at this time, and there would be no trace of memory in his brain. Like a baby, it all starts from scratch.

"Let's take a look at such a large amount of data later, and leave here first. However, the power of space here cannot be wasted. Maybe a teleportation scroll can be combined."

(End of this chapter)

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