Chapter 475 Space Broken (Part [-])
Just as Ling Huohuo and his group continued to move forward, Ling Huohuo's expression suddenly changed.

"Not good!" Ling Huohuo exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Nieluo looked at Ling Huohuo, and then the blue armed forces also issued an alarm.

"Alert! The magnetic field around you has changed, there are huge power fluctuations, and the space is stably decreasing. It is estimated that the space will collapse in 3 minutes!"

"What?" Nero's face changed when he heard the alarm.

"The space power that stabilizes this space is rapidly disappearing, and we must leave here quickly."

The two of them still knew about the consequences of space collapse.

Although this space will eventually merge with the world's space, the violent space turmoil is not something Ling Huohuo can afford now.

"We still have 3 minutes at most!" Nero said seriously. Although he doesn't know what caused this situation, it is obviously not the time to delve into it.

"Can you go back the same way?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's hard!" Nero said.

The two of them had gone a long distance here, and the passage was very tortuous, and they couldn't run with all their strength, their speed couldn't increase, and it was difficult to run out within 3 minutes.

"It seems that we can only break through one passage!" Ling Huohuo said with a frown.

There is no other way now, I don't want to be sucked into the turbulent flow of space, I can only get out of here as soon as possible!

"But we don't know the terrain here, and we don't know which direction to go." Nero said.

"Leave it to me." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes and began to sense the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

At this time, the space power is flowing deep, and Ling Huohuo can roughly estimate the shape and terrain trend here based on the flow of space power.

"Found it!" Ling Huohuo opened his eyes suddenly, and he found the edge of the space closest to him.

"How's your speed?" Ling Huohuo asked Nie Luo.


Blue armed is not a speed type, and speed has no advantage.

"I don't have time, let me take you." Ling Huohuo put one arm around Nie Luo, and when Nie Luo thought Ling Huohuo was going to hug her, Ling Huohuo directly picked her up.

holding?Do not make jokes!You try to hug people and run fast, start carrying people and run fast?
It's important to escape, this is not the time to flirt with girls.

Ling Huohuo flipped his hand, and the long sword of the sixth rank was held in his hand.

The space sword intent is directly attached to the long sword, because of the superiority of the sixth-order long sword, Ling Huohuo can attach more powerful power to the sword, open the way, and the power of space is extremely strong.

On the other side, although Nie Luo was carried on Ling Huohuo's shoulders, she had some complaints, but she felt that Ling Huohuo had used the power of space, so she calmed down and began to record Ling Huohuo's data.

Ling Huohuo chose the right direction and started to escape.

Under Ling Huohuo's consumption regardless of the cost, Ling Huohuo quickly took Nie Luo out of the space and broke out from the ground. However, Ling Huohuo didn't hesitate and ran directly to the distance.

ten seconds later.

Although there was no sound, the space where Ling Huohuo was just now began to distort, shatter, and reorganize.

After Ling Huohuo felt the fluctuations in the space disappear, Ling Huohuo stopped, turned around, and put down Neluo.

Nero also looked at the place where he was just now, his eyes narrowed.

At this time, the terrain of a large part of the Amazon rainforest has undergone tremendous changes. A huge deep pit appeared there, and the cut off river flowed into the pit, where it gradually turned into a lake.

"What a terrifying power." Nero couldn't help sighing, she thought she couldn't do this kind of damage.

Ling Huohuo can also change the terrain if the firepower is fully fired, but it is difficult to do it on such a large scale, it is simply... so terrifying!
Well, anyway, Ling Huohuo and Nieluo ran out safely. Seeing that the situation was not good, King Fudo Ming returned to Ling Huohuo's body long ago.

"Can you scan anything else?" Ling Huohuo asked Nie Luo.

Nero shook his head.

"Nothing can be scanned, the area is too large, and the space power here is still a little unstable, it's best not to explore casually." Nero said.

Ling Huohuo nodded, just like a wound healed, the newly grown skin must be very fragile.

Although the shattering and reorganization of the space was powerful, it did not create any momentum. You couldn't hear the movement here at a distance, and you could only sense what seemed to be happening here based on the fluctuation of power.

Now that the power fluctuations have disappeared, those who sensed the spatial fluctuations also pretended to be courageous, and rushed to Ling Huohuo one after another.

Bieber was the first to arrive. Bieber looked very embarrassed. According to what he said, he had already run away, but for some unknown reason, the seventh-level monster found him again and chased him all the way. If he was not afraid of danger, Facing the pursuit calmly and resolutely, it would have been cold for a long time.

Ling Huohuo felt calm and resolute and didn't know anything, but his facial paralysis might not show any other expressions.

In the end he was able to escape because the monster left for unknown reasons.

Fatty G was the second to rush over. Although he was also implicated because the monster chased and killed Bieber, fortunately, he was more flexible and dug a hole to bury himself, and he didn't come out until the limelight passed.

In order to dig a hole that can accommodate him, Fatty G wasted a lot of energy.

Followed by Yingmu Huadao and Rukawa Kaede, they didn't feel the power of space here, they were able to come here because they happened to pass by.

In order not to be overtaken by monsters, the two kept shuttling in the Amazon rainforest without stopping, one escaping and the other sprinting, but it seemed that the two of them did not wear out too much, and seemed to be able to run around the Amazon again Ten back and forth.

What came next was not Jaffe or Alan Tur, but an adventure group of eight, who were also guarding two researchers.

The adventure group not only did not lose any members, but also saved two people by the way, leaving the others speechless for a while.

Even though he was stronger, he was exhausted, but not only did the group of weak chickens not seem to be in any danger, they still had the strength to save others...

Everyone's mentality exploded in an instant.

And Ling Huohuo looked at the members of the eight adventure group, his eyes lit up—talent!

"Yuju of Chaofan Academy, let's find out!" Ling Huohuo handed out an olive branch.

"..." Nero.


"..." Fat G.

"..." Rukawa Feng and Sakuragi Hana said.

"..." A member of the adventure group.


After sunset, no one else came, and the team was overshadowed.

Because Jia Fei, Alan Tur, and the two members of the two security umbrellas did not come back!they may...

Except for the four of them, Dr. Ruiz disappeared, and there were only two people left in the investigation team, which can be described as a heavy loss.

And at the other end of the Amazon rainforest...

"Alan...begging for milk..."

(End of this chapter)

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