The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 476 Sun Flower, Battle of Behemoths

Chapter 476 Sun Flower, Battle of Behemoths (Part One)
A dense rainforest, a hidden cave.

Sunlight spilled from the gap at the top of the cave and fell onto the stone platform. On the stone platform, there were a few golden flowers blooming quietly like the sun.

Two figures, a man and a woman, appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"I found it, Sunflower!" The man said with relief.

The woman didn't speak, but looked excited too.

Two members of the official umbrella, Dar and Ankara.

However, the condition of the two of them was not very good at this time, Ankara was a little embarrassed, but Dahl lost his right arm, his face was pale and crumbling.

But fortunately, the right arm has stopped bleeding. Such an injury is fatal to ordinary people, but it is only a serious injury to Dahl at the fifth level, and he cannot die. People at the fifth level have much more vitality, but they can only rely on Ankara helped to move forward.

Ankara helped Dahl walk to the stone platform, and Dahl sat down slowly, while Ankara took out a somewhat blurry black and white photo and compared it with the flowers on the stone platform.

"Exactly the same! That's right, this is a real sun flower!" Ankara said excitedly.

Dahl gave a satisfied smile.

"Our mission is complete, and the research is about to succeed!" Ankara said.

Dahl nodded, his physical exhaustion prevented him from wasting energy talking.

"Wait for me, I will collect the golden ladder now." Ankara said.

After speaking, Ankara took out a bunch of transparent jars and began to pick flowers on the stone platform, one jar for each flower.

"What are you doing?" A voice sounded from the entrance of the cave.

Ankara turned to look at the hole, and Dahl opened his eyes.

"Researcher Jia Fei? Pastor Allental?"

That's right, it was Jiafei and Alantel who came, because Alantel could fly, and the two of them escaped unharmed. They are still in good condition, but Jiafei may have been frightened , a little exhausted, but fortunately, Alan Tur gave him a blessing so that he would not pass out.

The two were able to find Dahl and Ankara because they left marks on them, but they didn't expect Dahl to be in a bad state, and Ankara was actually picking those flowers. the goal of.

Mysterious virus!

Seeing Jia Fei and Alan Tur, Dahl and Ankara's hearts tightened.

"Ah, so it's you guys. Great, you're still alive." Ankara said in a hurry.

"What are you picking?" Alan Tur helped Jia Fei towards Dar and Ankara.

"Ah, you said that these flowers were just discovered by us by accident. If you want to pick some and go back to study, researcher Jia Fei should pick some too? I can give you some containers."

Although Ankara has big breasts, she is not brainless. She can feel that there is something wrong with the eyes of Jia Fei and Alan Tur. It is not the joy of seeing teammates after the catastrophe, but a kind of deep vigilance!

It seems to be able to see through his own purpose, and even know the purpose of his and Dahl's trip - the mysterious virus!
No, with the strength of the research department, they may have known it a long time ago!It is no coincidence that I participated in the same mission as myself this time!
But they know that these flowers are their goal, and they don't know the specific content of the research, otherwise they would have done it long ago.

After all, the content of their research is extremely terrifying, and if they are not careful, it will cause unimaginable disasters. If the research department knew all the contents, they would not be able to be as free as they are now.

Therefore, Ankara knew that covering up would only make the other party more suspicious, so he might as well act and take a gamble.

As far as Ankara knows, although the people in the research department like to do research, they are of high quality and will not rob other people's discoveries. These flowers were discovered by himself and Dahl, and Jia Fei should not rob them, while Alan Tur is a Priest, it's no use asking for these flowers.

Jiafei and Alantel are not fools, and Ankara has not received special training. With such a lame excuse, although Jiafei and Alantel don't know whether these flowers are Ankara's goal, they can guarantee that, There is definitely something wrong with this flower!

Therefore, Jia Fei did not refuse as Ankara imagined, but nodded.

"Thank you, then... I will... you're welcome..."

Ankara: "..."

Ankara and Dahl looked at each other, and both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

Jia Fei definitely knows about the research!

It seems... things can't be better today!

Ankara and Dahl narrowed their eyes. At this time, only Ankara is still capable of fighting, but Ankara is not good at fighting. Fortunately, the opposite side is also biased towards support. Jia Fei can ignore it. The power of war!
However, at this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake.

"what's the situation?"

Allante's expression changed, and he hurriedly protected Jia Fei.

Ankara also took advantage of this time to put away all the pots, and then ran to Dahl. Although there were still some flowers that had not been picked, it was obviously not the time to be greedy.

When Ankara took Dahl away from the stone platform, the ground suddenly cracked, and a huge creature sprang out from the ground.

Gravel flew.

Alan Tur and Ankara protected the people behind them and retreated quickly.

The vibration continued, not only one monster sprang out from the ground, but a steady stream of monsters rushed out from the ground, and at this time, everyone heard the sound they didn't want to hear the most.

"Hee hee hee……"

"No, it's a monster by the river!"

Everyone's expressions changed, and before it was too late, Alan Tur and Ankara rushed out of the collapsing cave with their guards.

"Don't resist!"

Alan Tur drank to Ankara and Dahl.

Afterwards, a group of warm power lifted the four of them up to the sky and floated towards the distant mountain peaks.

When the four of them landed on the ground, they all looked seriously into the distance.

The ground is shaking constantly, and the cave is collapsing.

As the cave collapsed, everyone could clearly see the situation in the distance at this time.

The monster by the river was fighting with countless giant pythons. The giant python was led by an even bigger python, and its momentum was not weaker than the monster by the river.

And in the middle of the battlefield is the stone platform, but that stone platform seems to be unaffected, undamaged, even the battle did not cause damage to the stone platform, and the flowers on it are still floating slowly.

"In the end what happened?"

Everyone watched the battle of giant beasts in disbelief.

"Alan...begging for milk..."

Suddenly Jia Fei's voice sounded from behind Alan Tur.

Everyone looked at Jia Fei.

I saw that Jia Fei's forehead may have been hit by a piece of gravel, and the skin was scratched a little, but the whole person looked miserable.

"It hurts~"

Allentre: "..."

Having such a teammate is heartbreaking.

Ankara: "..."

Is he the young master?

Dahl: "..."

Suddenly I felt that my loss of an arm was so serious, I was afraid that I would not live long...

(End of this chapter)

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