The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 477 Demon King Army, Get to Know 1

Chapter 477 Demon King's Army, Let's Find Out (Part [-])

In the end, Alan Tur threw a healing spell at Jia Fei. There was no way, who would let him be the boss?And apart from being a little afraid of pain, Jia Fei is quite normal at other times... probably.

Erentel also kindly threw a healing spell to Dahl. Although it couldn't restore his strength, it could at least guarantee his life. Even though he didn't care about him, he wouldn't die for a while.

"What happened? Why did the monster and the giant python fight together?" Ankara said, the battle between the giant python and the monster has surpassed her cognition. At this time, the landscape has been changed, the forest has been destroyed on a large scale, and the ground started to cave in.

Because it was dusk when a few people entered the cave, the sun had already set, and the Amazon fell into darkness again. However, the battle was still going on, and there were no traces of other living creatures around.

But what is surprising is that the stone platform emitted a faint light, as if it was the first ray of sunlight in the morning, and the remaining flowers on the stone platform also lit up, like little suns.

The giant pythons and monsters illuminated by the light of the flowers and the stone platform seemed to be bigger again, their eyes were red, and they fought even more ferociously.

"Sun flowers..." Ankara said in her heart, looking at the flowers emitting the sun's rays, she was a little fascinated.

"What kind of flower is that?" Alan Tur murmured.

"Beautiful...but...dangerous..." Jia Fei said intermittently.

"Is the feeling very sharp?" A man's voice sounded from behind several people.

The four of them were startled, and turned around in an instant, only to find that there were also four of them.

A middle-aged man, a cold man, a beautiful woman in wild clothes, and...a flat-chested loli.

Ugh?Why does loli use only one?

"I always feel that you are thinking about something impolite, I will kill you~" Liya showed her little canine teeth.

Although they looked cute, the four of them felt stiff, as if they were really going to die.

"Okay, Leah, don't scare them, it's not too late for you to kill them after I finish asking." Jeffet Rose said with a smile that made the hearts of the four chill.

These four people are not Ling Huohuo, and they don't have Ling Huohuo's preferential treatment.

"I ask you, what happened before?" Jeffet Rose asked with a smile.

Feeling the pressure brought by the other party, Alan Tur slowly told what happened before. The reason why he said it slowly was because he was thinking of a way to save his life.

Just by his aura, he could feel that these four people were definitely above the fifth rank, and the pressure on him was even greater than that of the angels in the church. You know, that was an eighth rank angel. !
What strength are these people?Eighth order?Or... the ninth step?
In fact, the strength of the four Jeffetros at this time is not at the eighth level, and the strongest strength they can display is only at the seventh level, but it is still no problem to hang the eighth-level angels, after all... they are big shots.

"So that's the case." Jeffrey Telos nodded.

"It seems that the twisted mouth worm wants to devour the oldest snake skin in the leader of the forest boa. After all, they are reptiles. The attraction of the oldest snake skin to it is too strong. The leader of the forest boa that has not completely digested the snake skin is not at all. The opponent of the worm, he could only escape with his younger brother, but he escaped to the Sun Staircase by mistake..."

"No, it shouldn't be a mistake. The leader of the forest anaconda has been staying near the sun flower. This is not far from the space where the treasure house of the oldest king is located. Maybe the forest boa has long known about the sun ladder and the sun flower here. But at the same time, I also know how powerful the sun flower is, so I didn’t devour the sun flower. Now that I’m being chased here, when I’m cornered, the leader of the forest boa will definitely devour the sun flower, forcefully increase my strength, and fight to the death.

"What do you think of my reasoning?"

Jeffet Rose looked at the three companions behind him.

"That's what I mean too." Leah nodded.

"I don't know how serious it is, but what's the use of analyzing this? Isn't it over if you kill them all? I just thought of a good killing plan, and I can definitely keep the whole body!" Fatibella.

"... What did you just say?" Iljess blinked his eyes, well, he admitted that he was distracted again.

"..." Jeffrey Telos.

The four of Jia Fei were stunned. Why is such a strong man not at all compelling, but rather unreliable?

However, regarding the four people's unreliability, everyone was not happy in their hearts, because Jeffet Rose's reasoning just now did not carry them behind their backs!
A lot of information was exposed in the reasoning. Although I didn't understand it very well, it was definitely a secret. Letting myself hear it now is definitely not careless, but because... the four of us can't leak the news in the eyes of the other four ,why?Because the four of them will not leak the news!

It's impossible for the other party to pull him into the group, right?

"Old man, please find out about the Demon King Army. Now you will get a free house at the base, and you can move in with your bags. You don't need any preparations." Jeffet Ross handed Jia Fei a leaflet for each of the four.

"The Demon King's Army needs talents!"

"There are professional beautiful instructors to guide the cultivation!"

"Great benefits, top treatment, weekends, year-end bonus!"

"Why are you still hesitating? Join now! I WAIT FOR YOU!"

What the hell is this flyer that is almost printed out in the same mold as the small advertisements on the street?

Allentre: "..."

Jia Fei: "..."

Ankara: "..."

Dahl: "..."

Sorry, maybe we are still too young.

The four of them felt that their waists almost flashed for the unexpected turn of events.

Was he really intimidated by these four funny comparisons?Always feel very ashamed.

"I agree." Ankara was the first to express his opinion.

"I also... agree." Dahl nodded.

The two of them are very open, as long as they live, if they refuse...hehe, they will definitely die a miserable death.

Although there are two options—Join or Decline, there is only one answer to this question, which is to join!

As for the betrayal... Everyone is dead, who still remembers you?Their loyalty to the organization is not that high yet.

Moreover, the opponent has at least four bosses, so the overall strength of the opponent should be very strong. The strength of the so-called Demon King Army is definitely very strong, and it is definitely a profitable business.

"I also... agree..." Jia Fei said.

He is just a researcher, he can't resist, and he doesn't want to die, so he can only choose to accept, hoping that the organization called Demon King Army can support him to continue his research.

Only Alan Tur is still struggling.

"Old iron, what's the problem?" Jeffet Rose asked with a smile.

"I'm wondering... if I erect an angel statue in my room, will it affect the cultural construction of the Demon King's Army?" Jeffet Rose asked with a frown.

Jia Fei and the three of them had black lines all over their heads. They thought you were unwilling, but I didn't expect you to have already started to think about things after joining!
(End of this chapter)

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