Chapter 478 Fat G's Seismograph (Part [-])
Amazon, night.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and others were eating dinner together, of course it was snake meat soup, and Fatty G was still in charge of cooking.

Because of the fragmented space, the surrounding animals felt the danger, and the surviving animals had already left the area. Ling Huohuo and his party could have a picnic with peace of mind, lit a bonfire, and even turned on the stereo to play a song——

"The old driver took me..."

Ahem, misplaced the music.

"We are different..."

Jia Fei and the others on the other side of the Amazon rainforest felt a little sad for no reason.

"Quickly, sign the contract, from now on you will be members of the Demon King's Army." Jeffet Rose said with a smile, but it looked like a wolf's smile.


Ling Huohuo sat on the side holding the snake soup, beside her was Jinyu Ji who fell asleep on time, and Qingmianniao lay beside her.

Jinyu Ji seemed to be a real child, getting sleepy on time, she had to sleep, and she slept soundly.

Yu Wan was bubbling beside Jinyu Ji, with a pair of dead fish eyes, seemingly thinking seriously, but his mind was blank.

Happy was happily running back and forth around the bonfire in the middle.

The social tortoise was very social and asked for a bowl of snake soup. Recalling his life, he vaguely remembered that it was just an ordinary tortoise yesterday...

Ling Huohuo shook the snake soup in his hand, looked at the people chatting and playing together in the distance, and couldn't help smiling.

"I always feel that the water has been retrograde recently, and it's better to have nothing to do." Ling Huohuo sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Huohuo's expression suddenly changed, and he looked in one direction in surprise.

In the direction Ling Huohuo was looking at, Fatty G was hooking up with a girl from an adventure group.

Not only Ling Huohuo, but other people also looked at Fatty G, and even the female members of the adventure group who were chatting with Fatty G looked at Fatty G with a surprised expression.

Sensing the gazes of the people around him, Fatty G scratched his head in doubt.

"What do you see me doing?" Fatty G asked.

"Fat G, can you stop shaking when you speak? Or do you have epilepsy?" Bieber said calmly.

"Your uncle, I don't have epilepsy. Don't think that you are stronger than me and can bury me! I am G fat, and I am not easy to talk to!" G Fat said angrily.

"No, you're really shaking." said the girl who was talking to Fat G.

The others also nodded.


Fatty G was taken aback.

At this moment, from other people's perspectives, Fatty G's flesh was shaking like waves.

"No, I really didn't shake?" Fat G shouted aggrievedly, "Sister, don't look at me like that, I really don't have epilepsy!"

Because he is too fat, G Fat has never found a girlfriend, and finally got a chance to hook up with a girl, why should he suspect that he is epileptic?You can't play with people like this!

Nero frowned.

"Fat G, don't resist," Nero said.

Then I saw Nero reaching out to Fatty G with one hand, and a layer of invisible force surrounded Fatty G.

Fatty G's body rose slowly, his feet were off the ground, and his body didn't shake anymore.

However, only three seconds later, Fatty G landed on the ground again, while Nieluo on the other side was panting heavily with a pale face and cold sweat on his forehead.

Ling Huohuo, who was closest to Neluo, hurriedly handed over a handkerchief.

"What happened just now?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

Everyone else looked at Nero.

They only saw Nero waving at Fatty G, and Fatty G flew up.

After Fat G fell to the ground, the flesh on his body began to shake again.

Nero took the towel and wiped his sweat.

"Just now I used one of my abilities, mental power, which can control objects, but my mental power is not very strong. Normally, I can control a grown man to rise one meter and keep it for 10 minutes, but G is fat... "

Nero didn't say any more, but everyone understood what it meant—G fat was seriously over the standard!

G Fat's feet were only less than ten centimeters from the ground, and they only held it for three seconds. This is really a sad story.

Fatty G obviously understands what Nero means, with a look of grief and indignation, what's wrong with Fatty?Is there something wrong?
"Anything?" Bieber asked.

He doesn't think Nero will do things for no reason.

Sure enough, Nero nodded.

"It's not Fatty G that shakes, but the ground!"


Everyone was stunned.

Ling Huohuo turned his perception to the ground, raised his eyebrows, and indeed felt some vibrations on the ground, but it was not too big, and if he didn't feel it carefully, he couldn't find it at all.

Several other people with sharper perceptions also raised their heads in surprise. Obviously, they also noticed the slight shaking of the ground.

"But, what does this have to do with Fatty G?" Yingmu Huadao asked.

"So it is!" Bieber nodded with a calm expression on his face.

"What's going on?" Fatty G asked.

"Because you have too much flesh on your body and it's very soft, the vibration of the ground is amplified on your body, so you start to vibrate." Nero explained.

"That's what I mean too." Bieber nodded.

"Why did Fatty G kneel down? Oh? He's faded, petrified, broken..."

"Is it an earthquake?" Rukawa Feng asked.

"No, it's impossible for the earthquake to last for such a long time. At least 5 minutes have passed since I discovered Fatty G was shaking. There must be a continuous shaking somewhere." Nero said.

"It seems that something happened in the forest again." Bieber said with a frown.

"Extinguish the fire and stay alert!" Nero said.

Soon, the bonfire was extinguished, and everyone entered a fighting state, staring at their surroundings vigilantly.

"The place where the vibration occurred should be some distance away from us. Instead of sitting still, it is better to take the initiative and investigate!" Bieber said.

"Let's go, we are better at investigation." Rukawa Feng said.

One of him and Yingmu Huadao can run fast, and the other can hide, which is suitable for investigation.

"Okay, stay safe," Bieber said.

Seeing Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede entering the rainforest first, Bieber looked at the others.

"Let's follow behind and stay vigilant. The danger does not necessarily come from the place where the vibration is generated."

Finally, Ling Huohuo and Bieber one after the other protected the team and entered the rainforest.

After 2 minutes, the flesh on Fat G's body no longer trembled.

"The shock is gone!"

Then, Rukawa Feng suddenly floated up from the ground.

"I found something!" Rukawa Feng said.

"What discovery?" The others looked at Rukawa Feng.

"Found the other four!"


The four of Jafetros stood on the battlefield where the forest boas and gnats were, and Jafei had been released by them a long time ago.

At this time, the battlefield between the forest boas and the twisted worms was extremely bloody. Both the forest boas and the twisted worms, without exception, had already become corpses.

It's not that both sides suffered, but the four of Jeffet Rose made a move, and it took only 2 minutes to wipe out the forest anaconda and the twisted mouth worm.

Although they are all instant kills, it takes time to swing a knife.

"I found it, this is it!" Jeffett Los put one hand in the abdomen of the leader of the forest boa, and groped out a piece of golden snake skin from it.

But even if he was doing such a bloody thing, Jeffet Rose didn't have any blood on his body. The blood of the forest boa fell to the ground as if water met glass.

"What about these corpses?" Leah asked, she had just collected all the sunflowers, and she also asked for those sunflowers that Jessica picked.

"Well, there are some uses of the colic mouth worm. As for the others, take it back and distribute it to the people below." Jeffet Los said.

After collecting all the things and confirming that nothing was left behind, Jeffet Rose nodded.

"Destroy this place."

Fatibella gave a soft drink, raised the longbow in her hand, a flash of light flashed, and a silver arrow shot towards the sun ladder.

"Breaking the Demon Arrow!"

The silver arrow hit the sun ladder, there was no violent explosion, but the power of space protecting the sun ladder began to fluctuate, the balance was broken, and the space began to shatter.

"Let's go."

The four turned and left.

The broken space, even the four of Jeffetros are unwilling to face it, if one is not careful, it will be the consequence of falling into the turbulent flow of space!

However, what they didn't expect was that after they left, when the space shattered, a figure fell out of the turbulent flow of space.

"Oh, it hurts your grandfather and me to death. Although I won't die, it hurts so much... Oh? Just now I clearly felt the power of my demon clan fluctuate. Isn't this the demon world?"

(End of this chapter)

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