The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 479 Mission Failed, Chapter Arrived at Yaoju

Chapter 479 Mission failed, return to Yaoju (second update)

This mission was a failure.

Only two of the protected expedition team died, while the protector's academy team and adventure group suffered no casualties, and G even gained two catties.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo and the others will not get any rewards, and even have to pay a fine for mission failure, so Ling Huohuo, Yingmu Huadao and Rukawa Feng are very upset, because only the three of them are surviving to earn points of.

Other side quests, such as helping Fatty G find the boa constrictor, helping Bieber find out the true identity of Dr. Ryze, and helping Jia Fei keep an eye on the person with the safety umbrella...

Anyway, one thing is not completed, and nothing can be obtained.

Really bad!
But fortunately, there is a lot of income in the small world, which comforts Ling Huohuo.

Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede really fainted in the toilet.

The adventure group has nothing to lose. Although they can't get the final payment, they still have the advance payment. Moreover, Bieber also invites them to join the Extraordinary Academy, which is very attractive to idle extraordinary people who have no strength. They naturally readily agreed.

After reporting this incident, the academy began to take over the rest, and the rest has nothing to do with Ling Huohuo.

The condition of Jia Fei and the others is not very good. Dahl does not have a right arm yet, but fortunately he is still alive. They also went to the place where the forest boas and the gnats were fighting, and found that it has become a basin, feeling the remaining space power , Ling Huohuo and Babai guessed that space fragmentation also occurred here.

The four of Jia Fei definitely knew something, but if they didn't say anything, it was hard for others to ask.

After all, the four of them are people with status and strength, and there are people behind them!
After returning to the academy and saying goodbye to the others, Ling Huohuo returned to his demon residence.

The social tortoise was thrown into the underground hot spring. With the social tortoise, specifically, the source of water in its body, the underground hot spring will definitely become a paradise for water monsters in the future.

Then there are those gold, silver and jewels. Ling Huohuo handed them over to Hongshuang and asked her to deal with them. These things are all ordinary things and are useless. Ling Huohuo set up the sealed door outside. Hongshuang can Available anytime.

All the materials obtained in the maze were given to Xiao Yunyun.

And Babai also started preparing to practice swords for Ling Huohuo. In addition to the divine table, Babai also went to Ling Huohuo's sword box, and other weapons including Yingyu, and even the cow armor. .

After clearing an area in the small world, Babai began to practice swords.

I heard from Babai that the refining this time will take at least half a year because the materials are very high-grade, so it is best for Ling Huohuo not to disturb it.

In order to clear out a place for Babai to practice swords, Ling Huohuo once again untied many seals, mainly the seals of fifth-level monsters.

For recruiting people into the group, Ling Huohuo read a lot of relevant information, and finally summed up the most suitable method for him...

"Are you a member? No? Pull it down and beat me up first, and I'll ask again in 10 minutes! Next!"

"Are you a member? No? Pull it down and beat me up first, and I'll ask again in 10 minutes! Next!"

"Join? Join? Pull it down... Wait, take it to the hot spring, and bring out my spaghetti to entertain the friendly army! Next!"

"Are you a member? No? Pull it down and beat me up first, and I'll ask again in 10 minutes! Next!"

"Are you a member? No? Pull it down and beat me up first, and I'll ask again in 10 minutes! Next!"



In this way, during Ling Huohuo's "three visits to thatched cottage" inquiries again and again, all the fifth-level demon kings joined Ling Huohuo's Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts, gratifying, congratulations, gratification and congratulations!

These fifth-order demon kings are more ferocious than those under Ling Huohuo at this time, and all of them are of high quality, and even come out with their own BGM. After all, these demon kings were real before they were sealed. Boss, if big monsters can take over mountains and become kings, these monster kings will set aside land for their country!
One-on-one, even Ling Huohuo's demon king can't beat the ancient demon king who has just been broken, and it is often only four or five can beat one.

Ling Huohuo was amazed by the terrifying gap between them.

Therefore, with the addition of hundreds of ancient demon kings, the strength of Ling Huohuo's Baigui Yexing swelled up again.

Moreover, these old-fashioned ancient demon kings can still be handed over to those demon kings who have just reached the fifth level under Ling Huohuo. Even Ling Huohuo has benefited a lot from communicating with them.

After all, on the road of monsters, Ling Huohuo is groping by himself, and only the monsters under him can learn from them, and their strength is not as good as Ling Huohuo, and the experience they can gain is limited.

But what surprised Ling Huohuo was that even these fifth-level ancient demon kings didn't know why they collectively sealed many monsters back then. They only knew that there was a purge, but the cause and effect were not clear at all.

Ling Huohuo estimated that the stronger monsters in the remaining seals might be clearer.

But Ling Huohuo didn't lift the seal. Although he was also at the sixth level, at the fifth level, the ancient demon king who had just broken the seal could hang and beat the demon king under Ling Huohuo's subordinates, and replaced it with a stronger sixth-level monster Woolen cloth?

Afraid that Ling Huohuo would be beaten to death!

After all, Ling Huohuo had just broken through to the sixth level not long ago, and he hadn't reached [-] ranks yet, so he couldn't make waves.


Apart from these, there is one more thing that Ling Huohuo has to deal with...

"Huohuo, is this your demon house? It's not bad, but the lighting is not very good. I suggest you plant some lantern fruit trees from my demon world. They can not only illuminate, but also be used for eating. It's very sweet. Speaking of this The history of planting fruit trees..." An old man with a cane chattered beside Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo could only twitch the corners of his mouth helplessly.

This old man was wearing a plain gray robe, his hair and beard were white, and he had a kind face, as if he was a wise elder. Yes, this old man was indeed an elder—the elder of the Demon Race!
Babai also told Ling Huohuo about the elder of the demon clan. How did he find this elder of the demon clan?

On the way Ling Huohuo and his party went to the place where the forest anaconda and the gnat were fighting, everyone searched at a distance. Ling Huohuo accidentally found an old man who was squatting on the ground picking poisonous mushrooms to eat, and said that he heard If you don't understand.

The old man's face was full of greasy food, and every time he was poisoned, he would get up again after one breath and continue to eat.

Babai felt familiar with what the old man said, and recalled instantly after three seconds that the old man spoke the language of the demons!

Then Ling Huohuo threw the old man into the small world behind his back and handed it over to Eight Hundred Contacts.

But what surprised Ling Huohuo was that when he returned to Chaofan Academy, the old man had learned two languages, Chinese and Japanese, and was learning English by himself.

And with Babai's explanation, Ling Huohuo realized the real power of this old man-the head of the demon clan, and knows all the secrets of the demon clan!
(End of this chapter)

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