Chapter 482 How Inhuman (Part [-])

"Follow my footsteps, don't make a mistake, or you won't be able to get out~" Shiyipo said sadly.

Is there a formation?Alan Tur thought.

Under the leadership of Shiyi, Alan Tur walked for a while, his eyes lit up, and the surroundings were no longer full of evil spirits.

The evil spirit has become very weak, and the sun is still shining, so it doesn't look dim at all.

Appearing next to Alentre is a group of buildings. There are many styles in the buildings, all of which are gorgeous. It is not at all different from guessing. The environment inside the monster house is extremely beautiful. Many monsters either maintain their human shapes or turn into monsters. The main body is doing its own thing, but there are many people watching Ellentel, and the interior of the Yaoju gives Ellentel a feeling of "Peach Blossom Spring", as if it is a fairyland on earth.


Alan Tur felt a little dazzling, his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes were about to be shaken blind!

Look down.

Your uncle, why is the ground paved with gold?

"This... can you really step on it?" Alan Tur asked cautiously.

"Of course the road is for stepping on!" Shiyi woman rolled her eyes, "Calm down, this is normal operation, you can go forward, the house in the center is the general's residence."

After speaking, Shiyi's eyes lit up, and she ran to a handsome guy riding a fish.

"Ebisu, you are here, do you want to join us?"

And the first reaction of the handsome guy riding the fish was not to look back, but to pat the fish under him.

"Go, max speed! Quick!"

Looking at the wet clothed woman going away, Alan Tur twitched the corners of his mouth.

After sorting out his mood, Alan Tur walked towards the center of Yaoju.

This was his first time entering the Yaoju, and he was very curious about it, but after walking for a while, a cold sweat broke out in his heart.

Why is there no monster whose strength is lower than the fourth level along the way?Tier [-] abounds.

No wonder Ling Huohuo didn't join any faction, it's completely possible to meet a faction by yourself!

Moreover, Alan Tur also discovered that Ling Huohuo is inexplicably arrogant!
Not only the ground is paved with gold, but other places are decorated with precious treasures. Alan Tur even saw a Ling Huo Huo first-class emerald statue.

Where did Ling Huohuo get so many gold jewels?Robbed the Bank of America vault?

And when Alan Tur walked to the house in the middle, he felt a little bit unable to open his eyes.

The golden foundation, the pillars made of jade, the roof made of glazed tiles, and two lions carved with glazed tiles at the door.

It's not that Alantel has never seen the emerald lion, but to put it bluntly, this pair is the biggest emerald lion that Alantel has ever seen!

Have you seen the two-story emerald lion?I have seen!

The aura of a rich man hit his face, as if he was laughing at his word "poor".

Why is it so gorgeous?Is it really okay?Aren't you afraid of being hacked when you go out?

I remember that when Ling Huohuo was doing the task, he was obviously dressed very ordinary, he didn't look like a rich man at all, could it be that - the low-key of the rich?
"It's Mr. Allental, the general is already waiting inside, please follow me."

Completely overwhelmed by the gorgeous house, it wasn't until Hongshuang opened his mouth that Alan Tur found Hongshuang standing under the emerald lion.

Compared with the two-story emerald lion, the red frost is really insignificant.

"You are……"

"I am the general's secretary, Xue Nu Hongshuang." Hongshuang said with a smile.

have a look!have a look!
A mansion, a beautiful secretary, this is a sure winner in life!

Damn life winner!
No, I can't let Ling Huohuo continue to be unrestrained, Alan Tur felt that he had to drag Ling Huohuo into the deep pit of the Demon King's Army!

The interior decoration of the house was beyond Alan Tur's expectation. It was no longer that jeweled look. Although there were still jewelry decorations, it was very modern.

"The taste very unique." Alan Tur wanted to comment on Ling Huohuo's mansion, but found that he was at a loss for words.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"That's good. By the way, this is a little girl's taste. Thank you for your approval."


Ling Huohuo didn't want to comment on her mansion and Hongshuang's upstart-like taste, sleeping on a gorgeous jeweled bed of ten square meters, Ling Huohuo didn't have the face to say anything about Hongshuang.

To be honest, sleeping on gold and silver beads is uncomfortable, a bit hard.

Ling Huohuo has already sat down in the reception room.

Seeing Alan Tur come in, Ling Huohuo stood up and faced Alan Tur.


After exchanging pleasantries, Ling Huohuo and Alan Tur sat opposite each other.

"Crude tea, please bear with me."

Hongshuang respectfully pushed two cups of tea in front of Ling Huohuo and Alan Tur, the cups were blood red.

Allen Terre nodded with a smile.

Looking at the color of the teacup, feeling the feel of the teacup, his face froze.

"Is this teacup made of ruby?"

"That's right, it's from Hongyu." Hongshuang smiled and nodded.

A teacup made of ruby?

Alan Tur looked at the teapot beside Hongshuang again.

"That's right, this set is all from Hongyu." Hongshuang said with a smile.

Ruby is a very rare and precious kind. In ancient times, this kind of jade was only handed down by the royal family.

And now there is a set of ruby ​​teapots and teacups, this is really... How inhumane!
Although extraordinary people are called extraordinary people, it refers to power. For some gold jewelry, extraordinary people also like it very much.

Even in the Extraordinary Academy, gold and jewelry are extremely valuable things. Although they can't be exchanged for many points on the surface, private circulation is still very popular.

Bringing it as a gift is even more face-saving.

Who the hell is Ling Huohuo?Didn't you really rob the Bank of America's vault?
Looking at the teacup made of ruby, Alan Tur looked forward to the tea inside the cup even more. What level of tea would be in the teacup made of ruby?
As a westerner, Alan Tur doesn't often drink tea, but he still knows the quality of tea.

What he didn't see was that Ling Huohuo didn't move the teacup in front of him.

Take a sip of tea, savor carefully, lips...

Lip you uncle!

"Pfft - bah bah bah."

Alan Tur spouted all the tea in his mouth.

"What kind of tea is this?"

Alan Tur frowned.

The tea water entered the mouth, sour, astringent, bitter, salty, a rotten taste, this is definitely not a serious tea!
After taking a sip of tea, Alan Tur felt poisoned, and he was about to cast two healing spells on himself.

"Rough tea, didn't you just say that?" Hongshuang said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo also scratched his head in embarrassment, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Can he still not know whether he has tea at home?
Neither Ling Huohuo nor Xiao Yunyun liked to drink tea, and they had never prepared tea at all.

Now Hongshuang brings out two cups of tea. The tea leaves are definitely obtained by Hongshuang, and the most likely source is other monsters.

The taste of ordinary monsters is very different from that of humans. Even Ling Huohuo rarely eats what other monsters give him.

When he saw Hongshuang making tea, he kept an eye out and didn't drink it, wanting to see Alan Tur's reaction first.

Sure enough, this tea is definitely not a serious tea!

(End of this chapter)

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