The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 483 Hongshuang: I didn't take medicine today, I feel cute

Chapter 483 Hongshuang: I Didn't Take Medicine Today, I Feel Cute (Part [-])
The ruby ​​teacup is filled with hard-to-drink tea... Do rich people like this tune now?Or is it that this tea is actually a very high-end tea, and I am just ignorant and ignorant?

When Alan Tur was hesitant to take a second sip, Ling Huohuo stopped him first.

"Ahem, I'd rather not drink this tea."

With that said, Ling Huohuo put the two cups of tea back in front of Hongshuang.

"Ala, what a pity, this is the tea made from the leaves on the kappa's head, let's do an experiment... I really want to know the general's evaluation~"

Allentre: Sure enough, it's not that I'm ignorant, the problem is the tea leaves!


Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"By the way, aren't there any monsters who become spirits from tea trees?"

"No~" Hongshuang said with a smile.

"General, did you call me?" A passing tea tree demon stuck its head in through the window.

A ruby ​​tea cup frozen by ice directly hit the tea tree demon on the head, and the tea tree demon immediately fainted outside the room.


"Really not~ I definitely don't want to do an experiment~"



After rejecting Hongshuang's "kappa tea", Ling Huohuo finally started to talk about serious matters with Alan Tur.

And Hongshuang was feeding the transformed King Slime with the "Kappa Tea" just now.

At this time, the metamorphic slime king is only the size of a basketball. I don’t know what to feed Hongshuang. At this time, the metamorphic slime king has turned pink, soft and cute, and you can’t see it at all. It used to be the behemoth that destroyed half of New York.

"I don't know why you came to see me?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Um, I don't know if Teacher Ling has the idea of ​​joining a certain organization?" After seeing the forces under Ling Huohuo, Alan Tur felt that the possibility of Ling Huohuo joining the Demon King's Army has been greatly reduced. It can be said that it is almost No.

There are people who are rich and have a very pleasant life, how can they join the Demon King Army that Lao Shizi has never heard of?

And rather than being a phoenix tail, the possibility of Ling Huohuo joining the Demon King's army is really too low.

However, Alan Tur felt that it was necessary for him to try again, who made him rich?You can never guess what rich people think.

It is not impossible to experience life and find excitement.

Therefore, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask.

"Join an organization?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "Sorry, I don't want to join any organization, and I don't believe in the Holy Light."

Alan Tur knew that Ling Huohuo misunderstood that he wanted to pull him into the Holy Light Society. Although he misunderstood, he could understand that Ling Huohuo had no intention of joining any organization, and the Demon King Army had no possibility of joining. , can only shake his head with a wry smile, it seems that he has to find his target again.

"However, I would like to meet the angels of the Holy Light Society when I have time. I wonder if I can be allowed?" Ling Huohuo asked. He was still very curious about angels. Babai told him that he had been blessed by angels before. But in the end, because of the "Sword Code", the blessing was expelled.

Ling Huohuo couldn't remember when he met an angel, let alone when he was blessed by an angel, but none of these affected his curiosity about angels.

Allen Turl smiled.

"Of course you can. Lady Gailu doesn't object to other people visiting her, but is very happy for someone to visit her." Alan Tur said, and he exposed the matter of inviting Ling Huohuo to join the Demon King's Army.

"Gairu? Is that the name of that angel?"

"That's right, Master Gailu is the strongest angel known as the 'Hand of God'." Alan Tur said.

hand of God?That's not Kato Taka... Ahh!
"The strongest angel? So powerful?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"That's right, in fact, the angel in the Holy Light Society was not Gailu-sama. For the past 50 years, another angel-sama was stationed in the Holy Light Society, but the angel-sama suddenly remembered that the gas in his home was not turned off, so He returned to the heaven in a hurry, and the one who replaced him was Master Jia Ailu, and Master Jia Ailu has just come to the earth for two years, and he is not very used to life on the earth." Alan Tur said, adding silently in his heart, It was from that time that there were rumors that there was a deep sea banshee in the Holy Light Society.

Is the gas off at home?Do you want to be so casual?And if the gas has not been turned off for 50 years, will it really not be bankrupted by the gas bill?
Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered the people of the demon clan of the Buddhist family, and suddenly felt that the more he knew, the more powerful characters in his impression would collapse. Is it "cool, cool and handsome" in your mouth?

I always feel that Babai is like a concubine competing for favor when talking about the sword god. It is very possible to beautify the image of the sword god, it is really possible!

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that he had discovered something terrible, wouldn't he be silenced?

Shaking his head, Ling Huohuo looked at Alan Tur again.

"Then I don't know when I can visit?"

"Anytime." Ellentel said with a smile, "If Teacher Ling has time, he can return to the Holy Light Society with me later."

Although Ling Huohuo couldn't be pulled into the Demon King's army, it didn't affect Ellentel's friendship with Ling Huohuo.

"Just call me Ling Huohuo, you don't have to be so polite." Ling Huohuo said.

Seeing that Ellentel wanted to take him to see the angel, Ling Huohuo decided to make Ellentel his friend.

"Hongshuang, go prepare some gifts, it's not good to visit empty-handed."

"Yes, General." Hong Shuang bowed slightly to Ling Huohuo, got up and walked out.

Seeing Hongshuang leave, Alan Tur was a little envious.

If you have something to do as a secretary, if you have nothing to do... Cough cough, if you have something to do, you only need to give an order, and someone will help to do it. This is the life of a rich person, which is great.

But 10 minutes later, Alan Tur suddenly felt a little sympathetic and became angry.

Ling Huohuo looked at the row of things on the ground and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"What is this?" Ling Huohuo picked up the first thing.

A red rope is wrapped around a ginseng-like plant, but the difference is that this god-like thing has facial features, hands and feet, and looks like a big fat doll, because it is wrapped around the body, at this time it She was shaking her legs and was struggling constantly, shaking and shaking, with a strong desire to survive.

"It's ginseng, General." Ling Huohuo asked.

"Ginseng? You tell me it's ginseng? Are you sure it's not a monster?"

"No, General, I planted this ginseng with my own hands, but it was infiltrated with demonic energy and turned into a demon. Even so, it does not affect the efficacy of ginseng, but it is even better. characteristics."


Looking at the frightened ginseng doll, Ling Huohuo felt that no one would have the desire to eat it, so he untied the rope and threw the ginseng on the ground.

Ling Huohuo felt that Hongshuang was always doing some inexplicable things today.

"The other..."

At this time, a figure suddenly walked in.

The figure was handsome in a white kimono, with a box on his back.

"General, excuse me."

"It's a pharmacist, why?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Pharmacist is an ancient monster king, not weak in strength, but also a rare kind monster, belonging to a clear stream in the monster world, and the conscience of monsters.

Good at healing, living in the deep mountains, treating injured pedestrians in the past.

In Ling Huohuo's team, he mainly serves as a healing unit.

"I'm here to look for Hongshuang." Ruo Ruo said politely.

"Hongshuang? What's wrong with her?" Ling Huohuo looked at Hongshuang.

I saw Ruo took out a bowl full of medicine from the medicine box behind him.

"Hongshuang, it's time to take medicine."

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Allentre: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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