Chapter 487 Nero's Visit (Part [-])
After Jia Ailu's analysis and explanation, Hongshuang's state is easy to understand.

When Hongshuang was young, her parents left a soul inheritance in the depths of her soul. This situation is very common in the race of Snow Girl. If the parents die unexpectedly and cannot educate their children, they will leave a soul inheritance, which contains the inheritance left by their parents. The living experience of the child will gradually be integrated into the soul of the offspring, which contains the love of parents for their children.

For the Xuenv race, the meaning of soul inheritance is very heavy.

Although Xuenv is a very ferocious monster, her body is cold, but her heart is warm, and her love for her children is not lacking at all, and she is even one of the few monsters who can love their children.

But the difference is that Hongshuang's parents are very strong, and the soul inheritance left behind cannot be easily absorbed by Hongshuang, and in the end they can only slowly merge into Hongshuang's soul, and even cause stagnation, which is also the reason for Hongshuang's headache .

It was okay before, but when Hongshuang reached the fifth level, her strength skyrocketed, and the speed of absorbing inheritance accelerated, and problems arose.

The speed at which the soul inheritance merged into Hongshuang's soul was accelerated, and it had a greater impact on Hongshuang, oppressing Hongshuang's soul and affecting the spirit.

To put it simply, Hongshuang's intelligence has degenerated, about the same as a 15-year-old human girl, and she is also similar to a girl who is neurotic and has a bad brain.

For some reason, Ling Huohuo thought of Guo Xiaoyu at this time, wondering if Guo Xiaoyu's IQ was over 15 years old.

In order to help Hongshuang alleviate her soul problems, Jia Ailu suggested that Hongshuang should come to the Holy Light Meeting every day in the future, so that she can help relieve the pressure on the soul and speed up the integration of soul inheritance.

In this way, according to Jia Ailu's estimate, it will take half a year for the soul inheritance to be completely absorbed by Hongshuang.

And at that time, Hongshuang's soul will transform directly, even directly to the seventh level. After all, the soul inheritance and Hongshuang's soul have the same root and same origin.

And at that time, as long as there is enough strength to replenish, Hongshuang will be able to reach the seventh step in one leap!
Use mental retardation for half a year in exchange for breaking through to the seventh level?
It's a big profit, Ling Huohuo said that he wants it too.

Some people can't break through to the sixth level in their lifetime, even Ling Miao is still stuck at the door, and is still dangling at the fifth level.

But Ling Huohuo experienced life-threatening, and the sixth-level mandrill hard steel broke through to the sixth level, and the seventh level is still far away.

I have to say that having good parents can really reach the sky in one step!
In order to let Hongshuang recuperate with peace of mind, Ling Huohuo assigned Hongshuang's usual responsibility to other monsters. They usually help Hongshuang and have experience in handling things.

In fact, the reason for this is that Ling Huohuo was worried that Hongshuang would do something mentally retarded again. Fortunately, the Jiaailu she met this time was an angel. Although she shouted MMP in her heart, she would definitely smile on her face. For those who have a bad temper, the 40-meter long knife may have to be placed around their necks.

Ling Huohuo is still very clear about the power of mental retardation. After all, he and Guo Xiaoyu were at the same table for so long in high school, let alone tears.

Hongshuang took a rest, but the treatment for Hongshuang increased linearly, after all, she was a sick person.

At the same time, from the day the Holy Light Society came back, the monsters will take turns taking care of Hongshuang 24 hours a day. Her current state is really not reassuring.

And Ling Huohuo also decided to stay in Yaoju during this time, deal with Hongshuang's problems at any time, and personally pick up Hongshuang to Jia Ailu for treatment every day.

On the one hand, he was worried, and on the other hand, Ling Huohuo discovered that the place of the Holy Light Society was not suitable for monsters to go to, and the Holy Light actually had a restraining effect on monsters!

After all, monsters are not good people, and the circumstances of their birth are also very strange. Many monsters are entwined with resentment and death, which happen to be restrained by the Holy Light. It's really hard to start treatment.

Otherwise, if a holy light goes down, Hongshuang can be sent to the cemetery.


The days are still going on day by day.

Datiangu, Yizi and Ling Yu'er have been helping to take care of Yaoju's affairs, while Ling Huohuo is still teaching the students, Xiao Yunyun is also in class, and will return to Yaoju with Ling Huohuo after class. The relationship between the two continued to heat up, and it was only the last step.

Perhaps because of the lack of lust, Ling Huohuo's EQ also dropped a bit, and he didn't take the initiative to make a move with Xiao Yunyun by his side, on the contrary, it made Xiao Yunyun secretly anxious.

Xiao Yunyun felt that there was still an opportunity missing.

Babai just started to forge the sword, Ling Huohuo took the time to look at it once, four words - I don't understand it.

Babai presides over a huge sword array, and the swords collected by Ling Huohuo, including Yingyu, and the divine platform are all in it.

Eight hundred pieces of the divinity table were cut out to the size of a person. According to Babai's words, with Ling Huohuo's current strength, he would not be able to control any more.

The weapon is too strong, even Ling Huohuo can't use it at all.

In this way, half a month has passed.

On this day, Yaoju welcomed a guest again.

"Nieluo?" Ling Huohuo frowned slightly when Ling Yu'er told him that Nieluo was coming to visit him. He didn't know why Nieluo came to see him.

And what happened that night made Ling Huohuo look guilty at Xiao Yunyun who was sitting on the side. Xiao Yunyun had no class today, so he stayed in Yaoju to practice.

For some reason, when thinking of Nie Luo, Ling Huohuo felt that he was cheating on Xiao Yunyun behind his back.

"Let her in." Ling Huohuo said.

After Nero experienced the experience of "being blinded by dog ​​eyes", he finally sat in front of Ling Huohuo.

And in the dark, Nie Luo also wrote down new information about Yaoju and Ling Huohuo in his small notebook - rich!
After thinking about it, Nero added a few words - very rich!You can consider having a godfather.

After Nero returned to the Extraordinary Academy, he reported his findings to Megan. Due to various accidents, the relevant information obtained was limited, and the valuable information was even less. Opportunity to gather information.

Just when Megan and Nie Luo stared at Ling Huohuo, waiting for him to accept the mission again, they found that Ling Huohuo had no intention of continuing to accept the mission!
After some inquiring, I found out that it was Ling Huohuo's secretary. Xue Nu Hongshuang was ill and was recuperating at home. Ling Huohuo didn't plan to go out until Hongshuang recovered.

You don't go on missions, and you don't make trouble in the academy, how can we collect information about you?

With strength and influence, you have become a big boss, do you want to be so Buddhist?

The power of Ling Huohuo has long been in the eyes of most forces in the Transcendent Academy. Ling Huohuo of the sixth level, plus the spirit body of the sixth level, and a group of subordinates of the fourth level are indeed a force worthy of attention.

But because of the situation inside the Yaoju accidentally revealed by Alan Tur, the various forces couldn't sit still.

Because Ellentel's words are simply like this - the fifth level walks all over the ground, and the fourth level is not as good as a dog.

Well, there is indeed a fourth-order dog.

The fifth level walks all over the ground, and the fourth level is not as good as a dog?Do you want to be so arrogant?
But Alan Tur's character is still guaranteed, he will not create something out of nothing, so... this means that what he said is true!

And if this is the case, Ling Huohuo's forces will destroy the balance!

Megan couldn't sit still, and many high-level executives couldn't sit still. The Extraordinary Academy was mixed with fish and dragons, but they were safe and sound. On the one hand, there were powerful people on the top, and on the other hand, the balance of forces below, and Ling Huohuo This balance is being unknowingly broken.

If Ling Huohuo suddenly launched an attack, more than half of the forces in Chaofan Academy would be swept away by him.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo is a newcomer to the Extraordinary Academy, his foundation is too weak, and the uncertainty is too great!

Thus, there was Nero's visit today.

(End of this chapter)

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