The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 488 Ling Huohuo: I think my life is about to be complete

Chapter 488 Ling Huohuo: I think my life is about to be complete (second update)

As the student union—an important department for coordinating students and mentors, Megan, as the chairman, naturally took charge of this matter, and then sent his assistant, Nero.

Neluo's ability is sufficient, and he has also been in contact with Ling Huohuo before, so he won't appear abrupt.

Neluo's arrival has two main purposes. The first purpose is to contact Ling Huohuo and continue to collect his information. The other purpose is to test Ling Huohuo and see if Ling Huohuo has any dangerous ideas. But when he found that Ling Huohuo was showing signs of rebellion, he had to report it as soon as possible.

Then... Of course, it's a nuclear bomb!


Looking at the very calm Nie Luo sitting in front of him, Ling Huohuo's eyes were a little erratic, as if thinking of the touch of that night again, he glanced at Xiao Yunyun beside him guiltily, and Xiao Yunyun stared at him with remorse. Looking at Nero's chest that held up the student's uniform.

"So big, so big, so big..."

Hearing Xiao Yunyun's broken thoughts, Ling Huohuo smiled awkwardly and twitched the corners of his mouth.

And Nie Luo is also looking at Xiao Yunyun.

She is also very concerned about Xiao Yunyun, after all, this is Ling Huohuo's public girlfriend, and she is also the only woman in Chaofan Academy who has an affair with Ling Huohuo.

Xiao Yunyun, a fifth-level fire magician, can control the flames from hell demons. He is extremely powerful, talented, and has excellent grades.

In Nie Luo's eyes, Xiao Yunyun is the kind of girl who is petite but very imposing. According to the information, Xiao Yunyun is a magician with the fire attribute, but she is not as irritable as those fire mages. She is a delicate young lady, and recently she is slowly turning into a queen.

Nie Luo has also been secretly staring at Xiao Yunyun, seeing Xiao Yunyun's transformation.

This change is probably related to Ling Huohuo!
After Xiao Yunyun and Ling Huohuo got together, they have always existed as the mistress in the Yaoju, and they have been respected by the monsters, and the environment can support people. In this way, Xiao Yunyun's aura is changing day by day , even she and Ling Huohuo didn't notice.

After all, they are together every day, and it is difficult to find this obvious change in discomfort.

In the end, Nie Luo's eyes fell on Xiao Yunyun's chest——Ah, I'm sorry!

No, it seems that there is not even an A.

Nie Luo looked at Xiao Yunyun with some pity, and unconsciously puffed out his chest.

Suddenly, Nieluo remembered the Jinyu Ji that Ling Huohuo took with him when he was in Amazon. Jinyu Ji was a loli, right? The young girl monster, plus Xiao Yunyun...

If you like loli, you will like young girls. If you like young girls, you will like flat chest. If you like flat chest, you will feel that as long as you are cute, it doesn't matter even if you are a boy...

Nieluo was startled, and suddenly felt that he had discovered something extraordinary, so he wouldn't be silenced, right?


Looking at Nieluo who suddenly looked at him vigilantly, Ling Huohuo's hair was covered with black lines, and he always felt that Nieluo was thinking about something impolite.

Coughing, attracted the attention of Xiao Yunyun and Nie Luo, and then Ling Huohuo briefly introduced each other.

"I don't know what's the matter for Miss Neluo to visit me?" Ling Huohuo got straight to the point.

"Just call me Nelo, I do have some things." Nero nodded, "Mr. Ling said that he was very interested in my blue battle armor, and he wanted to join that experiment, and I have already helped you The application has been approved by the above.”

The combat armor is the entry point for Nero to choose to contact Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a thing, but he had forgotten it, but Nie Luo still remembered it, and the application was returned, which can be said to be a surprise.

Ling Huohuo is still very interested in seeing that kind of armor.

"I'm interested, thank you very much." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Battle armor? What is that?" Xiao Yunyun asked suspiciously.

"Let me explain." Nero said, "Due to the limitations of the human body, the combat state fluctuates greatly and there is uncertainty. There is a development team in the academy whose research theme is to make up for this defect. After some experiments , and finally determined the research direction of combat aided by technology, and then the combat armor was born."

"Battle armor is a combination of special protection and artificial intelligence, which assists in combat. Through calculation, it can overcome the limitations of the human body, calculate the optimal attack method, and can reasonably analyze the state of the human body, play stably, and reduce the probability of accidents. "

"The battle armor is indeed very powerful. I have seen Nero wear the battle armor and kill five monsters of the same level with the lowest cost. The consumption is not very high." Ling Huohuo said.

Looking back now, Ling Huohuo still sighs a little for the fighting style that seems to have calculated every step.

"So powerful?" Xiao Yunyun opened her small mouth slightly in surprise, and killed five monsters of the same level without injury. Xiao Yunyun thought she could do it, as long as she burst out with all her strength, but after that she would definitely Lying weakly on the ground, exhausted, and even in danger of coma.

"That's why I'm very interested in that battle armor." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Then can I join too?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously, she also wanted this kind of black technology.

"Of course, this experiment still needs some participants. I can help you apply." Nero nodded and said, and the information of women who are closely related to Ling Huohuo is also valuable to collect.

"Thank you~" Xiao Yunyun suddenly felt that this woman with big breasts might be a good person.

"Then let's go there together after Yunyun's application is received." Ling Huohuo said.

"Okay." Nero nodded, not in a hurry.

"By the way, will Teacher Ling go out to do missions recently? After all, there are so many subordinates, and a lot of resources are consumed every day." Nie Luo then asked, it is better to inquire about Ling Huohuo's next plan, because Only in this way can we make better plans and get close to Ling Huohuo.

And when she first entered the Yaoju, she was also a little surprised when she found fierce monsters everywhere. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still a little unbelievable. How did Ling Huohuo cultivate so many fifth-level monsters? ?
You know, even if you cultivate to the fifth level, you will consume a lot of resources. Although Ling Huohuo is rich, gold, silver and jewelry cannot be used as training resources!

And there are so many monsters, but the cost of eating and using is not a small amount.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while.

The original purpose of doing the mission was to buy things for myself, but now Yabai is forging swords and has taken away all my equipment and weapons. I don’t have a weapon at hand, and the strength of fire skills alone has dropped a lot, so I stopped Go out and do missions.

As for feeding the monsters and providing them with resources, Ling Huohuo really didn't think about it.

Don't worry about food, Toyotomi Hideya still provides a lot of rations for monsters, and recently the monsters have started farming in their spare time, and the fat-headed ginseng baby is the finished product.

As for the cultivation resources, there are underground hot springs with abundant energy.

When I have nothing to do, take the monsters to practice in another world, eat and drink, and collect various resources.

Ling Huohuo felt that he really didn't lack anything.

The family has a house, food in the warehouse, people above, plus Xiao Yunyun and a group of younger brothers, there is no illness or disaster, this life is simply a perfect rhythm!
(End of this chapter)

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