Chapter 489 Data Acquisition (Part [-])
"I haven't thought of doing a mission recently." Ling Huohuo shook his head and said.

Nie Luo nodded, and squinted without leaving a trace, "If that's the case, I can send Xiao Yunyun's application as soon as possible, and I can participate in the plan at any time."

Afterwards, the three chatted about some unnutritive topics, and Nero got up to leave.

"Ala, is this a friend of the general? Are you going back?" Hongshuang suddenly appeared outside the door.

"Hongshuang, what's the matter?" Ling Huohuo asked, it stands to reason that Hongshuang is recuperating from illness, and usually soaks in hot springs on the third floor underground, why did she come up today?
However, just judging from Hongshuang's behavior at this time, Hongshuang doesn't look like she has a brain problem at all, Ling Huohuo has to sigh that Hongshuang's self-cultivation is really good.

"Ah, it's like this. I suddenly remembered that two more ginsengs were ripe. I didn't pick them back, so I came up and picked them back. But since the general's friend is here, let's take one back. It can be raised and eaten. , high nutritional value~”

As she spoke, Hongshuang raised her hand with a smile, revealing the two ginseng babies who were blocked by her sleeves, which were exactly the same as the ginseng baby given to Jiaailu.

"..." Ling Huohuo.

"..." Xiao Yunyun.

Why is there such a weird thing?How much did you plant?

"..." Nie Luo blinked at the ginseng baby in front of him, and then took the ginseng baby calmly.

"Thank you." Nero thanked, without knowing what was going on in his heart.

"You're welcome." Hongshuang smiled, looking very happy.



Xiao Yunyun's application was quickly approved, and after more than ten days, Nie Luo brought two certificates.

The identities of the people in the Extraordinary Academy have been recorded, their abilities, occupations, and identities can be known at a glance. Generally speaking, for an application for participation in an experiment like this, you only need to sign at the end.

The battle armor plan has no special requirements for those who participate in the experiment, so there is no review step.

After Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun finished signing, they signed a non-disclosure agreement. After all, this is a secret experiment and has not been announced yet.

The existence of the battle armor can be exposed, but the location of the research institute and the core secrets about the battle armor cannot be revealed.

After all, there are many capable people in the Transcendent Academy, so it is impossible for someone to restore the achievements of others and steal the fruits of labor with just a few words.

After that, Nie Luo brought Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun into a secret base.

The base is under a teaching building, but the entrance is outside the teaching building.

There are not many people in the base, only more than 30, but the internal equipment is extremely high-tech.

There are also many models of battle armor.

for battle armor
The purpose of the battle armor is "suitable for any profession and any identity", and for this purpose, the battle armor is divided into two types.

One is the general-purpose type. This general-purpose type is designed to cope with people of different sizes, so it is relatively large and looks more like a mecha. Although the artificial intelligence is also very advanced, the general-purpose type restricts the hardware configuration. It is completely a template The mosaic mode is moderate in all aspects, there is nothing outstanding, but it is enough for people in the Transcendent Realm to use.

The general-purpose design is very fast, and it has basically been completed. The only thing left is the final debugging, which needs to be tested in the experiment and is expected to be announced next year.

And the other is the special armor that is opposite to the universal type, such as Nero's blue knight.

The artificial intelligence of this kind of armor is more advanced, and the hardware configuration is also higher. They are all designed according to the situation of different people. This is the main body of the design of the battle armor!

Because this kind of combat armor is specially made to assist those above the fifth level in fighting, because the battles in the Transcendent Realm and the Transformation Realm are different.

This is the case with Nero's blue knight. If there is no accident, the blue knight is enough for her to use to the sixth level.

At present, only three pieces of this special armor have been completed, one pair was sent to the foreign combat department for actual combat inspection, and the other was sent to the high-level of the college as a reference, to estimate the value, and hope to apply for more resource support, It is still under discussion, and the third officer has been assigned to Nero to observe closely.

At this time, there are still three pairs of special armor being produced, the theme model has been produced, and the data of the participants is still lacking. As long as Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun provide enough data, they will directly start to continue to adjust the production according to their data , A finished product can be born in one month.

Before collecting the data and characteristics of Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, Nie Luo revealed that he brought them to meet the person in charge of the project, a woman with deep dark circles—Mu Nuo, who had committed a lot of crimes.

With silver hair and a plump figure, she is a rare beauty at first glance, but at this time she has messy hair, deep dark circles under her eyes, and glasses with black frames. Her strength is at the fifth level.

Ling Huohuo always felt that Mu Nuo was a little familiar to him. After asking, Ling Huohuo suddenly realized that Mu Nuo came from the research department!

What a good person, let the research department suffer again.

So far, Ling Huohuo has met three people from the research department, all of whom looked half-dead.

Fortunately, Mu Nuo can't speak, just like Jia Fei suddenly "pause here", his consciousness is very clear, Ling Huohuo and her can communicate normally.

Well, that's right, Jia Fei was disgusted by Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's information was collected for a week.

From the simple six-dimensional to the level of power, they have all been checked. Looking at the checked data, both Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have a feeling of re-understanding themselves.

Compared with the average data of the sixth-order humans that Mu Nuo gave him, Ling Huohuo found that his speed was lower than the average, while his body strength, strength and energy were all higher than the average. The direction of strengthening cultivation is speed.

Except for Ling Huohuo's lack of combat awareness, everything else is pretty good.

As for Xiao Yunyun, his strength and explosive power are much higher than those of magicians of the same level, but his physical strength is not satisfactory. Mu Nuo said that if this continues, without a body that can withstand mania and strength, it is very likely that it will affect Xiao Yunyun's body and soul. to cause irreversible damage.

Moreover, there is a very high-level power circuit in Xiao Yunyun's body, which is also a burden on Xiao Yunyun's body, and will affect future breakthroughs.

After getting these data and suggestions, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun bid farewell to Mu Nuo and Nie Luo, and returned to Yaoju.

Regarding Xiao Yunyun's problem, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun had a rare and serious chat, and then Ling Huohuo found Babai again. After some exchanges, the solution to Xiao Yunyun's problem was soon The result—call Walliver again!

(End of this chapter)

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