The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 510 Fudo Myoko and Qi Lixiang

Chapter 510 Fudo Myoko and Qilixiang (Part [-])
Qilixiang attacked Fudo Mingo.

After a short fight, he saw that Fudo Myoko is a spell fort type with strong attack power. In contrast, most powerful skills mobilize power, that is, it takes longer to store power, and Fudo Myoko really didn't use it. Most of the powerful moves are instant fire spells.

However, although Fudo Mingo is a mana fortress, his melee combat ability is not weak.

On the contrary, his experience is only experienced, and he can master simple fire spells. If he is not careful, he will be attacked. He is definitely trained in fighting.

Because of this, Fudo Myoko entangled Qilixiang with a limited fire spell. Although he couldn't be in an advantage, Qilixiang didn't want to defeat Fudo Myoko in a short time.

This is also the reason why you have to pay the price of minor injuries if you want to get rid of Fudo Mingwang's entanglement, but fortunately, in a hurry, Fudo Mingwang can hardly achieve a one-hit counter-kill and complete a comeback with his instant fire spell.

However, in order to be sure, Qilixiang deliberately revealed two flaws. Although Fudo Ming Wang seized the opportunity to cause some damage to Qilixiang, but they were all within the range that Qilixiang could bear, and did not meet the requirements of a one-hit counter-kill.

Then Qilixiang didn't experiment any more. Selling flaws when fighting against an experienced strong man really tested her psychological endurance. If she continues to wave, Qilixiang can't guarantee that she can maintain her advantage. It is very likely that she doesn't need to continue planning and become a wave directly. Lose.

A fighter, after being strengthened, is entangled by a mage with small skills in melee combat. The strength of the two will be judged!
Qi Lixiang was also amazed by the skills and experience of Fudo Ming Wang. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Qi Lixiang would definitely have to learn from his teacher and hug her thigh.

But at this time, it doesn't affect Qilixiang's respect for Fudo Myoko, but even if there is respect, it can't interrupt Qilixiang and Shilixiang's plan!

Fudo Mingwang himself has experienced many battles. The living conditions of the Fire Clan were very difficult. In the constant fighting and life-and-death struggle, Fudo Mingwang has developed a whole body of skills. His experience is beyond the reach of ordinary people. .

He is already a leader in the sixth rank. Even now, in terms of fighting skills alone, Ling Huohuo is no match for Fudo Mingwang.

But since following Ling Huohuo, Fudo Mingo has had a hard time displaying his true strength.

Every time Ling Huohuo faced enemies, either they had special abilities to restrain spirit bodies, they could deal him tons of damage, or they were very strong.

For example, in the time of Transforming Slime King, the strength of Transforming Slime King was about the same as that of Fudo Akira. Fudo Akira felt that he could show off, and he performed very well at the beginning. Transforming Slime King was no match at all. .

But who knew that Transformation King Slime directly activated the enhancement, infinitely approached the seventh level, and knocked Fudo Ming into the air with absolute strength.

To sum it up in two words - uncomfortable!
In fact, in the battle with Qilixiang, although he was generally suppressed and beaten, Fudo Mingo played very well. After all, this kind of opponent is comparable to his own strength, and there are very few opponents who do not rely on overwhelming strength to fight against him. .

For a moment, Fudo Ming Wang somewhat forgot about the situation at this time, and entered a pure battle state.

So, many times he couldn't help but show off.

Of course, there were also times when Qi Lixiang slashed a lot of swords fiercely, but it didn't matter. Fudo Myoko's body is a spirit body. Although power attacks can cause damage, the attacks are of the fire attribute, and the damage is limited. Can hold live!
Because of this, Fudo Ming Wang did not think about counterattacking. Even if he found two flaws in the other party, he was merciful and deliberately did not take the opportunity to counterattack so that he could gain the upper hand. After all, the mental capacity of young people nowadays may not be too strong. , if the other party's mentality collapses, I can't continue to show off.

That's right, when Qilixiang deliberately sold his loopholes, Fudo Mingo did show mercy.

Otherwise, based on Fudo Mingwang's experience, Qilixiang would have been labeled as a grandson long ago.

The two still maintained the status quo under such inexplicable circumstances.

It wasn't until Ling Huohuo reminded Fudo Mingwang to prepare to fight back that Fudo Mingwang stopped "Tianxiu", and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.


"It's now!" Qilixiang narrowed his eyes, and the long sword in his hand slammed on the ground.

"The fire wave is surging!"

A wave of fire centered on the long sword and rushed to the surroundings.

Fudo Mingwang found that his body was pushed back uncontrollably by the fire waves.

Fudo Mingo's eyes flashed with surprise.

Qilixiang had never used this move before!

And... this trick can actually affect the spirit body! ?

However, this move has limited damage to the spirit body, so it is obviously not an attack skill.This may also be the reason why Qilixiang didn't use this trick just now.

Pushing back and forth does not have much attack power, how about playing?

If Fudo Myo was in the "Tianxiu" state just now, he might be startled by this move and miss the best time to counterattack.

But with Ling Huohuo's body shape, Fudo Mingwang has long since become serious again.

After a short pause, he discovered the flaw of this move - Qi Lixiang had no defenses up and down!
If a flaw is discovered, it is natural to fight back!

"Fire Pillar Erupts!"

One of Fudo Mingo's feet firmly stepped on the ground, resisting the push of the fire wave, his strength surged.

"Sure enough!" Qi Lixiang squinted his eyes, feeling the surge of Fudo Mingwang's power, he knew that Fudo Mingwang was going to fight back!

He expected that Fudo Mingo would fight back, but he should have counterattacked when he was rushing towards Megan and his body was stable, but he didn't expect it to be now, Fudo Mingo actually counterattacked with the thrust of the fire waves, it was almost like It's like anticipating that I will use a change!
Inexplicably, Qilixiang had a bad feeling.

A huge pillar of fire spewed out from Qilixiang's defenseless feet.

But Qilixiang is not without any defenses.

Instead, he changed his move instantly, and the long sword in his hand smashed the pillar of fire, but at the same time, he was also pushed up by the power of the pillar of fire.

But at this time, Fudo Myoko couldn't get close to Qilixiang because of the fire wave, so when Qilixiang landed, the fire wave disappeared, and Fudo Myoko was able to move, Qilixiang will enter the state of fighting with Fudo Myoko again!
Qilixiang fell to the ground quickly, the fire wave disappeared, and Fudo Mingo was able to act!
"No, I can't go on. If I go on, the president's physical strength will be the first to be unable to support it. Moreover, if I miss this opportunity, with the experience of the other party, it will be very difficult for me to have a chance!"

With a sudden change in her mind, Qilixiang gritted her teeth, ignored Fudo Mingwang, and turned around and rushed towards Megan!


Burning blood and temporarily improving strength will make him weak for a while, but Qilixiang can't control that much anymore, as long as he catches Megan, he will win!
However, what he didn't expect was that Ling Huohuo in the distance unexpectedly moved!
"Defense module, load!"

Huge defense modules are loaded on the White Knight.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Huohuo became a swordsman and a heavy warrior!
And Ling Huohuo under the white knight's hood slightly opened his eyes——

"Feel the fear!"

All of Ling Huohuo's fears flocked to Qilixiang, and at this time, Shilixiang's raindrops of knife attack fell on Ling Huohuo!

(End of this chapter)

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