The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 511 There is a kind of milk called poisonous milk

Chapter 511 There is a kind of milk called poisonous milk (one more)
It is very difficult to break the game from Ling Huohuo and Shi Lifang, and the key to breaking the game can only be placed on other people.

On this point, Ling Huohuo and Shi Lifang think the same thing.

However, the difference lies in the fact that Fudo Mingo and Qilixiang have different strengths!
Because Shilixiang and Qilixiang have very firm wills, Ling Huohuo's fear effect is limited, but it does not mean that it has no effect.

Ling Huohuo secretly accumulated strength, burst out with all his strength, and rushed towards Qilixiang. Even if his will was reassessed, it would definitely be greatly affected.

After all, Ling Huohuo's fear is not a bad ability. A precious ability naturally has a precious value that matches itself!
Fear instantly invaded Qilixiang's will, causing great fear to emerge deep in his heart.

"It's going to die, it's so scary, what the hell is it...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Qilixiang fell to her knees on the ground because of her great fear, and let out a terrified scream with a look of collapse.

Fudo Mingwang used his short-term savings to attack Qilixiang as soon as he got rid of the fire wave.

And the other side.

The dense saber energy tore through the defensive template almost instantly, and landed on Ling Huohuo's body.

The White Knight was badly wounded.

"Warning! The breakage rate is 78%!"

The saber energy passed through the white knight and landed on Ling Huohuo's body, causing Ling Huohuo to groan, and in a blink of an eye he became a bloody man, as if he had been stabbed by a knife.

"Ling Huo Huo!"


The people in the distance obviously noticed Ling Huohuo's tragic situation, and exclaimed, Xiao Yunyun immediately rushed towards Ling Huohuo regardless of his own safety, followed by Hongshuang and Ling Yu'er.

The three did not continue to protect the lovers.

Something happened to Ling Huohuo, why protect them?

Although Ling Huohuo looked miserable, the defense module and the white knight also played a role. Ling Huohuo was not disabled, nor was he fatally injured!

Tightly just seriously hurt.

As for Ling Huohuo, whose recovery ability is extremely terrifying, there is no such thing as a serious injury. The wound on his body is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Huohuo directly took off the white knight and fell to the ground. Because of Qilixiang's screams, Shilifang stopped for a while and looked in Qilixiang's direction, but Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.


Summon the Burning Sword alone.

Red light sword intent!Sword Qi!
"Flame, tear it apart!"

After a short charge, Ling Huohuo rushed towards Shilixiang.

And Shili Fangxiang felt a strong chill, and suddenly remembered that Ling Huohuo was still there, secretly thinking that something was wrong, and hurriedly retreated.

In a blink of an eye, the stalemate turned into Ling Huohuo killing Shi Lixiang, Fudo Mingwang attacking Qi Lixiang.

The lovers watching the situation from a distance all smiled.

This wave, steady!
However, there is a kind of milk called poisonous milk!

"I'm so scared! Go to hell, couple! Explode, charge now!" Qi Lixiang, who was still kneeling on the ground, looking like a defeated dog, trembled as if she had lost her mind and went crazy, suddenly broke out and roared When he came out, the eyes under the robe became red, as if dripping blood, with a faint red light.

Fear can make people tremble, but it can also make people sick.

Under the contradiction of Qilixiang's own malice and fear of lovers, Qilixiang has become abnormal!

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, even more violent than before. At this time, Qilixiang broke through!

Although Qilixiang did not break through to the seventh level, her strength was one level closer.

The sudden eruption of Qilixiang startled Fufu Mingwang.

"Fuck, what the hell?"

Didn't you say it's stable?

The flames attacking Qilixiang were instantly torn into pieces by the sword energy, and a terrifying killing intent spread all around, Fudo Mingo suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

Wait, this power, this feeling, is still a familiar formula, or a familiar taste, isn't this the sword intent that Ling Huohuo often uses?

Qilixiang actually comprehended the sword intent? !
Shouldn't this kind of breakthrough before the battle be the life of the protagonist?What's happening here?
If before Fudo Mingwang could deal with Qilixiang by virtue of experience and skills, and play him in the applause, then now, Qilixiang who has comprehended the sword will definitely be able to chase Fudo Mingwang.

Because the sword intent can cause tons of damage to the spirit body!

Is this the fabled Lost Game?
On the other side, Ling Huohuo, who felt the power of the sword intent, paused, and looked in Qilixiang's direction in disbelief.

And this kind of operation?

However, because of Ling Huohuo's pause, Shi Lixiang's killing blow also lost the chance to kill.



"Go to hell! Lovers!"

To Fudo Mingwang's surprise, Qi Lixiang didn't attack him, but rushed to the couple's position immediately.

"not good!"

Fudo Ming Wang said secretly, and hurriedly chased after him.

Couples also change colors suddenly.

Wait, shouldn't the script be like this?
Don't make trouble, bro!
Isn't your opponent Fudo Mingo?
We don't have any power now, you just come to chop us like this, brother dei, won't your conscience hurt?
"Run away!" Megan shouted, looking anxious.

The lovers reacted in a hurry, turned around and ran around the high platform, Megan and Nero were cut off.

And Qilixiang chased after him, waving the sword in his hand, and shouting loudly while waving——

"Die, sweetheart!"

"Die, charge now!"


But Qilixiang seemed to have lost her sanity, she only knew how to chase and slash, she didn't seem to use skills at all, and she didn't use long-range means to attack, and she ran all on her two legs.

But even so, no one dared to challenge Qilixiang.

But Fudoming King chased after Qilixiang, wanted to attack Qilixiang, but was always repelled by the sword intent, and could not stop Qilixiang at all, so he could only follow behind Qilixiang's ass just in case, just in case.

Fudo Mingo felt that history was always surprisingly similar, so why could every enemy who was originally as strong as himself be able to temporarily break through?
Inexplicably a little melancholy...

At this time, there are three parties.

The lovers ran in front, Qilixiang chased behind Megan and Nero's buttocks, Fudo Mingo chased behind Qilixiang.

In this way, three waves of people ran around the high platform.

Everyone outside the barrier was stunned when they saw the scene at this time.

what's the situation?What kind of routine is the development of the plot?
However, Ling Huohuo, who was in the middle of the high platform, failed to hit him. He just cut the clothes on Shili Fangfang's chest, and did not cause substantial damage.

When Ling Huohuo wanted to continue attacking, she was stunned when she looked at Shilixiang in front of her...

(End of this chapter)

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