The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 526 Resign from position and build a new home

Chapter 526 Resign from position and build a new home (one more)
However, the huge momentum caused by Ling Huohuo's breakthrough also shocked many people.

The former site of Yaoju has been surrounded, and the place that was originally Yaoju has become a magma pool.

The eruption of Ling Huohuo's blood force directly blasted through the ground, causing the underground magma to surge up.

The Extraordinary Academy did not control the magma, but used formations to stabilize the magma in an active state, and the quasi-used magma was used to build a place on the magma that would help members of the fire attribute practice.

Originally, Chaofan Academy had such a special environment to assist in cultivation, but the scale was definitely not as large as Linghuohuobo.

After all, not all Tier [-]s can burst out with such power to blast the ground and attract magma up.

The eruption of all the blood power in Ling Huohuo's body is not weaker than the self-destruct of the sixth-order powerhouse, and the Transcendent Academy is not rich enough to use the self-destruct of the sixth-order powerhouse to change the surface environment.

However, because Ling Huohuo blasted through the ground, after negotiation, when the magma practice field is built, other people need to pay points to enter the practice field to practice, and Ling Huohuo can get [-]% of these points, and Chaofan Academy is responsible for helping to manage them.

Although Ling Huohuo destroyed the Yaoju, he lost a lot. After all, due to the limited time, it is impossible to move all the things in the Yaoju, but when the magma training ground is built, Ling Huohuo only needs to sit Waiting for money happily at home is definitely a considerable income, and the destroyed Yaoju is nothing.

But because the monster residence was destroyed, the monsters also needed a place to settle down. Although Ling Huohuo sent many monsters out, there were still more than 100 monster kings staying in Chaofan Academy.

In addition to the destruction of the hot spring, the cultivation of monsters is also a big problem.

When Ling Huohuo didn't come back, Megan placed the monsters in a public apartment, under the care of Yabai and Fudo Mingo, and nothing went wrong.

But now that Ling Huohuo is back, the arrangements for the monsters will naturally be left to Ling Huohuo himself.


School committee building, third floor.

At this time, it was still the scene when Ling Huohuo was reporting, and all ten school committee members were there.

However, the difference is that Ling Huohuo has his own seat at this time, although it is not on the conference table, but this can also explain a lot of problems.

The successor of the Sword God!

Just this name, even if Ling Huohuo is only at the sixth rank, it can still put Ling Huohuo in an out-of-standard position in Chaofan Academy.

Although Sword God is not popular, but... really strong!
Extraordinary Academy is a place where strength speaks. As long as the strength is sufficient and the strength is frightening, then you can really do whatever you want!

"Teacher Ling, after passing, the school committee decided to allocate a new residence for you, and Chaofan Academy will also open some permissions to you. The specific permissions are listed in this table. What do you think?" Joseph said with a smile. Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo was actually not eligible to use most of the permissions on the form, but they were still given to Ling Huohuo.

In the face of Joseph's aboveboard behavior of bending the law for personal gain, the other school committees did not show anything wrong, and Ling Huohuo's value was enough for them to win him over.

Ling Huohuo took a look at the results form for himself, and took a deep breath.

Ling Huohuo knew the school rules, and after being in Chaofan Academy for so long, he was naturally clear about the authority. Many of the permissions on it had already involved the foundation of Chaofan Academy, but he didn't expect that the other party would hand it over to him directly.

However, as the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing, and then...

"Well, I'm very satisfied." Ling Huohuo's happy teeth were about to come out.

Joseph: "..."

Megan: "..."

School committee members: "..."

Joseph took a deep look at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo's personality is not as bad as he imagined, although it is indeed a bit inexplicably uncomfortable, but it is not as bad as the sword god, at least he didn't stick his sword on the table when he sat here for a meeting.

Maybe... Ling Huohuo can make friends!

"That's all for today. If there is any other situation, your correspondent will contact you. Does Teacher Ling have any thoughts?" Joseph asked with a smile.

Ling Huohuo thought of the correspondent who was coming and going. Originally, Ling Huohuo really wanted to replace this correspondent. After all, he felt surrounded by "yo" as soon as he talked with her.

But after a few months, Ling Huohuo found that he had gotten used to his correspondent's way of speaking strangely. It was really... scary!
However, Ling Huohuo didn't want to be entangled with his correspondent, but said something he had thought about a long time ago.

"I hope to resign as a tutor." Ling Huohuo said.

The members of the academic committee were silent for a moment.

Joseph frowned without leaving a trace.

"Can I ask why?"

If the connection between Ling Huohuo and the Extraordinary Academy weakens, it will not be a good thing for the Extraordinary Academy.

It's not that the Extraordinary Academy is wooing, but it hopes to catch up with Ling Huohuo.

Although the value of undeveloped geniuses is limited no matter what their potential is, their future cannot be denied.

As the school committee members of Extraordinary Academy, they look at the problem very realistically.

"I hope to go out to practice for a while, and living alone is not suitable for the current state of cultivation." Ling Huohuo said.

It is necessary to resign from the position of tutor and go out to practice. Ling Huohuo has to go out of his own way. Although the cultivation conditions of Chaofan Academy are not available outside, it is too comfortable. Simple communication with Sword God makes Ling Huohuo feel confident about his future. I have some understanding of how to walk the road.

An Yi can give birth to a strong man, but it is absolutely impossible to give birth to a genius!

Joseph relaxed his expression. It seemed that it was not a problem with Chaofan Academy, but a problem with Ling Huohuo's cultivation.

"Then let's do this. Instructor Ling resigns from his position as a mentor and joins our mission department to become a free man. If he likes, he can receive missions through the correspondent at any time. It will not disturb Instructor Ling's cultivation, and it will also provide many opportunities to fight." Azik said.

For Ling Huohuo, a good mentor, Azik has been envious for a long time.

Even if you can't command, it's great to put it in the list of members of the mission department.

"Yes." Ling Huohuo nodded.

Soon, the meeting against Ling Huohuo was over.

And Ling Huohuo also returned to the place where he temporarily lived. Before the new residence was built, Ling Huohuo and the monsters could only live in the place provided by the college.

The construction of the new house was not entrusted to the monsters. Although the houses built by the monsters were good in style, they were too messy and had their own personal style. Things like skulls hanging on the door were very common.

In the past, everyone lived together, and the existence was nothing more than a den of monsters. Naturally, it was nothing, but now that Ling Huohuo, who has become the "head of the family", can't continue to be so casual.

This time Ling Huohuo was going to make the new house his and Xiao Yunyun's home, so naturally he had to put in some effort.

Because the authority was opened, Ling Huohuo was able to mobilize the construction team in the college.

After some discussions and finalizing the design drawings of the new house, the construction team started construction without pursuing speed. Ling Huohuo asked the construction team to improve the quality.

(End of this chapter)

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