The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 527 The Demon City in Another World

Chapter 527 The Demon City of Another World (Part [-])
The construction of the new house started, and Babai continued to return to the small world to forge swords.

Ling Huohuo planned to leave after the new house was built.

But Ling Huohuo was not idle during this time.

Instead, prepare to familiarize yourself with your current strength.

The first week of rebirth was actually spent in bed with his girlfriend. I have to say that Ling Huohuo is simply superb.

If you want to familiarize yourself with your own strength, you will naturally have to fight.

And the different world is a good battlefield!

Ling Huohuo brought a group of monsters and Xiao Yunyun to another world again.

In order to enter another world, Ling Huohuo put on those time-traveling eyes again.

The place where Ling Huohuo and the others appear is their stronghold, which is the place where Ling Huohuo enters and exits every time.

Ling Huohuo has been able to enter the different world for a long time, and his understanding and development of the different world is no longer comparable to what it used to be.

The sky in the other world has always been khaki, even in the daytime, it looks a little dark.

The passage of time is the same as in the original world.

The laws are almost exactly the same as the laws of nature, which are suitable for human survival.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo and the monsters didn't feel that there was anything wrong after they entered the different world.

Ling Huohuo's stronghold was built in the forest that Ling Huohuo built when he first entered the different world. It was next to a big river, and the nearby resources were sufficient, so there was no need to worry about survival.

The stronghold was built in the shape of a city, and it was named - Demon City!
All the materials for the construction of the demon city come from the forest.

There is a circle of magnificent tall stone walls in the demon city, and there are various buildings inside.

Usually, there will be about one hundred demon kings stationed in the demon city, guarding the city and hunting outside.

The existence of a different world also prevents the originally ferocious monsters from being worn away by the leisurely life, and still maintains sufficient fighting power and vigor.

Different from the demon dwellings in the original world, as soon as you enter the demon city, you can feel a fierce bloody breath. There are still prey corpses hanging on the wall. The stink of the smell.

For these, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun are used to it, and the monsters who followed Ling Huohuo also showed a comfortable smile, the cruelty deep in the blood cannot be easily erased.

"General!" The monster guarding the gate greeted Ling Huohuo with a smile, and Ling Huohuo also nodded with a smile.

Because some monsters are not very adapted to a comfortable and leisurely life, and they are born with killing, they will be stationed in the monster city in another world for a long time, and go out to fight wild when they have nothing to do. After a long time, they will become somewhat different from the monsters in the real world. the difference.

Such as clothing.

The monsters guarding the city gate were wearing armor made of scales, which was in stark contrast to Ling Huohuo's modern costumes.

Walking into the stronghold, there are almost no modern things inside.

A feeling of returning to the original era.

However, there are very few such monsters, and there are only more than 50 monsters stationed in the monster city for a long time. After all, most monsters are no worse than humans in adaptability.

"The big future is here!"

A loli voice came from Ling Huohuo's head.

A huge skeleton giant was lying on the city wall, looking down at Ling Huohuo, yes, she was the one who just shouted.

Mourning skeleton, a kind of undead monster.

With a height of 30 meters, he is the tallest among Ling Huohuo's subordinates, a head taller than the city wall of the demon city.

However, this domineering mourning skeleton under Ling Huohuo is still a loli, yes, it is a loli!
The evil spirit rolled.

The size of the mourning skeleton has shrunk sharply.

In the end, she turned into a little loli who was half a head shorter than Yizi and Jinyu Ji, no, it should be called a young girl more appropriately.

Ling Huohuo pondered for a long time after seeing the body and human form of Sangkuku for the first time, what happened to this world?
"Sang Jiang." Xiao Yunyun smiled and held Sang Kuku in his arms.

Sangkuu's eyes dodged a little, his face was flushed, and he looked shy.

That's right, Sangkuku not only has the posture of a young girl, but also is as shy as a young girl.

It also made the most domineering mourning skull a proper "little sister" in Ling Huohuo's team, just like raising a daughter.

But don't look at the appearance of the mourning skeleton, but it is an extremely devouring monster. If you don't see blood for three days, you will go crazy!
Now there is still a bloodstain on her little face.

"General, you are here." A woman in a kimono walked over gracefully, her body was extremely clean, not at all different from other monsters in the demon city who were covered in blood.

With the arrival of the woman, an aura of a mature woman rushed towards her face, she looked beautiful, and the pair of huge chests was the biggest Ling Huohuo had seen so far.

Because of the scream of the mourning skeleton just now, all the monsters knew Ling Huohuo's arrival, and hurriedly put down what they were doing and came out to greet him.

The blood on the demon kings who followed the woman was not even dry, so one could imagine what they were doing just now.

"It's aunt." Ling Huohuo greeted the woman with a smile.

"General, your appearance..."

"Ah, some breakthroughs."

Aunt is Ling Huohuo's name for a woman, and the woman's body is Gu Huo Niao!
Guhuo Bird, a monster who longs for its own children, often snatches other people's children.

In fact, Gu Huo Niao is not a monster who likes to kill, and she would not be in the demon city. This can be seen from her clothes and body fragrance instead of bloody smell, but until he discovered the existence of the mourning skeleton, So he decided to treat Sangkuku as his daughter.

After all, the shelf life of monster girls is much longer than that of humans!
Therefore, Gu Huo Niao has been following the mourning skeleton and taking care of the mourning skeleton.

Moreover, Gu Huo Niao's ability is also very strong, she is one of the few monsters with a deep scheming mind, her ability is not weaker than that of Hongshuang before, plus her own "maternal halo", it can completely make the monsters in the demon city devour Be obedient.

Therefore, she also became the manager of the demon city. Facts have proved that the demon city is well organized by her.

"Mistress." Gu Huo Niao greeted Xiao Yunyun.

"Hello, aunt." Xiao Yunyun said in an informative manner. After all, it was a little awkward to be called mistress by a woman who felt like his mother, and he couldn't put on airs like mistress at all.

Looking at the mourning skeleton in Xiao Yunyun's arms, Auntie showed a doting smile.

"Ala, when you act like a baby, you must take care of yourself, don't cause trouble to the mistress."

Auntie squatted down, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the blood on the cheek of the mourning skull. The pure white handkerchief was instantly stained red.

"Yeah." Sangkuku nodded obediently, narrowed his eyes, and seemed to enjoy his aunt's touch.

Although it is a picture of a loving mother and daughter, why do you think it is a bit scary?A smile appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

But Xiao Yunyun's attention was completely attracted by the huge size of her aunt's chest.

"Even though it's spectacular every time I look at it, I'm really envious..."

Xiao Yunyun glanced at his slightly swollen chest, he probably got an A.


After a brief exchange, Ling Huohuo and the monsters have all entered the demon city.

Do as the Romans do, Ling Huohuo and the others also changed into costumes similar to the monsters here after entering the stronghold, or directly restored the monster body.

The scale of the stronghold was originally designed to take care of the huge size of the monsters, which is enough for the monsters to have fun everywhere.

Ling Huohuo changed into a suit of animal skin, revealing his arms covered with red lines.

And Xiao Yunyun also changed into animal skin clothes, wearing a headband made of twigs on his head, revealing a pair of pink arms and a section of calf, and wearing animal skin shoes under his feet, full of all-you-can-eat temptations.

Looking at Xiao Yunyun who came out, Ling Huohuo swallowed, and then... shameful Shi Geng...

(End of this chapter)

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