Chapter 528 Monster Conference (Part [-])
Men, when they are single, they don’t go out and mess around, they don’t mess around, they are of noble character, but they have established a relationship, and after doing everything they should do, they don’t show anything when faced with the temptation of their lover. It doesn't look bad, so maybe there is a problem below.

Looking at Xiao Yunyun who was full of wild beauty, Ling Huohuo leaned closer.

"I think……"

"Don't think about it!"

"I want……"




Hongshuang squatted down and poked ORZ's Ling Huohuo on the ground.

"Oh, the general is petrified."

Looking at Ling Huohuo who had turned gray, Xiao Yunyun's face turned red. Although he was very active this week, he was never afraid, but... Facing Ling Huohuo's strong physical strength, it was really hard to resist, and he had already changed The combat power of Ling Huohuo who has become a monster is not comparable to that of a human like Xiao Yunyun!
In addition, Ling Huohuo's strength itself is stronger than Xiao Yunyun's. For a week, Xiao Yunyun was in pain and joy. If she hadn't possessed the fifth-level strength herself, as an ordinary person, she would have fallen apart a long time ago. Even Xiao Yunyun Also feel some back pain.

Xiao Yunyun also wants to take a break~
"Pervert, obscene, hum."

Xiao Yunyun turned his head away, but the blush on his face could not be concealed no matter what.


After some squabbling, Ling Huohuo returned to normal, gathered the monsters, held a meeting in the conference hall, and learned about the situation in the different world during this period.

Although there are many buildings in the demon city, most of them are used for living, and there are only five practical buildings.

They are - conference hall, canteen, slaughterhouse, large warehouse, and central tower.

As the name suggests, the conference hall is used for meetings, enough to hold thousands of people, and as long as the monsters recover their human bodies, they can all sit in.

However, this kind of plenary meeting is rarely held, and the small conference hall and offices on the second floor of the conference hall are generally used.

My aunt usually manages the whole city here.

The cafeteria is a place for group meals, and there are monsters who specialize in processing ingredients. The food is not only brought from the real world, but also hunted beasts from outside.

Although most of the beasts can be eaten, their taste is not as good, but there are still many delicious beasts and ingredients.

Because of this, breeding farms and planting farms have been established outside the city to breed those delicious delicacies, which are protected by formations.

The slaughterhouse is used to slaughter the prey brought back from the outside. After dismemberment, each part will be distributed to different places, and some usable materials will be stored in the large warehouse for others to take at any time.

The big warehouse is the place where all kinds of items are stored. Materials, weapons, raw food, etc. are all stored in the big warehouse by category.

The key to the big library is in the hands of my aunt. Although the big library has never been locked, the things inside can be taken at will.

After all, Ling Huohuo's power is based on Ling Huohuo's core, and there is no so-called high-level existence, such as Hongshuang and aunt are just like the captain.

The central tower is very particular.

It was not built for human habitation, but was built by magic and other means.

With the functions of defense and investigation, it is the protection core of the demon city.

The quality of the central tower is Tier [-].

The demon city is located in the woods, there are many kinds of beasts, few of these beasts are intelligent.

The strength distribution of the beasts in the forest is similar to the structure of a circular ladder.

The strength of the beasts along one direction is almost the same, but viewed horizontally, the strength of the beasts in one direction will gradually become stronger, and the strength of the beasts in the other direction will gradually become weaker.

The range of Yaocheng at this time is within the range of the fifth-level strength, which is relatively close to the sixth-level circle.

The range of each strength ladder is very large, and the surrounding beasts are enough for monsters to hunt and kill.

And although wild beasts have no wisdom, they will attack the demon city if they encounter them.

The corpses of wild beasts outside and the blood on the wall are not only left by hunting wild beasts, but also have the function of deterring wild beasts.

The central tower is also to defend against passing beasts outside when the city is empty.


"Moxi Moxi..." Ling Huohuo sat on the front table and tried Mike.

The monsters sat neatly on the chairs, very much like the principal's speech during the opening ceremony.

"Cough cough." Ling Huohuo coughed twice at Mike, and the loudspeaker echoed Ling Huohuo's cough in the conference room.

"Good!" the monsters shouted.

clap clap clap...

With Ootengu leading the way, the entire conference room burst into applause. Although there were only about 150 youkai, there was a full applause of 500 people.

"The general has worked hard!"

"The general is tanned!"

"The general said it very well!"


"Really, go deep into the heart of the demon!"

Xiao Yunyun: "..."

What did Ling Huohuo say just now?
Sitting next to Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun and her aunt both looked helpless. Isn't this flattering too much?
Hongshuang also clapped her hands with a smile on her face. Ai Fu was placed in the real world by Ling Huohuo, and Hongshuang regained her "mentally retarded" state.


The mourning skull sitting in the aunt's arms shouted in a childish voice, and the aunt's heart melted instantly, and she also clapped her hands.

"Everyone, please be polite, don't say that, you will be embarrassed." Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Yunyun: "..."

You don't look embarrassed at all!Where is the face?

Xiao Yunyun sighed, although it was not the first time we saw each other, but I still felt a headache watching it, in fact, the monsters had nothing to say in the meeting, everything went smoothly, even the situation in the monster city was sorted out by my aunt and told Ling Huo Huo, every group meeting is like this, spent in the flattery and flattery of the monsters.

Therefore, every meeting is held very quickly.

Xiao Yunyun felt that even if he stood on that stage and was praised by all the monsters, he would not feel a little bit happy.

"The mistress is so beautiful!"

"Yes, yes, it is the general's blessing to be able to marry the mistress!"

"I have never seen such a beautiful woman as the mistress!"


"Ah, you're being polite, you're being polite, how dare you admit it? If you have anything to say, let's talk together, hahaha..." Xiao Yunyun also laughed happily, showing an embarrassed but secretly happy expression.

The process of every general meeting of monsters is - boasting fire fire, boasting Xiao Yunyun, the meeting is over.

After all, even though Xiao Yunyun didn't realize that she had been with Ling Huohuo for so long, her personality was becoming more and more similar to Ling Huohuo's.

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. After a long time together, husband and wife will appear as husband and wife. This kind of saying is not without basis...


In fact, every time Ling Huohuo convenes a group meeting of monsters, it is not to listen to flattery, although it is really enjoyable to listen to. No wonder ancient emperors always liked courtiers who can flatter.

Ling Huohuo uses this method to communicate with the monsters and communicate their feelings. As the general of the monsters, it is impossible to ignore the monsters, otherwise it will not only affect the relationship between Ling Huohuo and the monsters, but also affect the relationship between Ling Huohuo and the monsters. Huo's Hundred Ghosts at Night, although Ling Huohuo rarely used it, it was indeed Ling Huohuo's trump card.

In addition to drinking and eating meat together, it is also necessary to flatter and bullshit each other.

Even the monsters sent out by Ling Huohuo to inquire about the news are all in rotation, and they will return to Ling Huohuo on time. Although they seldom communicate with each other, they can still maintain the relationship between Ling Huohuo and them.

As long as the monsters join a certain monster king's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, they will rarely betray except for being deeply injured.

(End of this chapter)

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