The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 539 The nuclear leveling of Dragon Nest

Chapter 539 The nuclear leveling of the Dragon Nest (second update)
The teleport-like operation just now is of course not a routine skill like "So close to the horizon".

Ling Huohuo just directly broke the space with the power of his space sword, bringing himself and Yilian Youmeng to the current position.

Although the power of space is very advanced, but like Ling Huohuo, who integrates the way of swords into his body, and the sword intent of space into his body, the power of space is not something that needs serious manipulation for him, as long as he thinks about it.The space power in his body is sufficient, and Ling Huohuo can manipulate the space power at will.

Manipulate power in the rules, and then use power to break the rules, and Ling Huohuo is the kind of person who breaks the rules!

This is the same as the high-achieving students of Bluefly use a tractor to open the beer cap. They all sit down and perform basic operations.


Yilian Youmeng followed Ling Huohuo's footwork into the Dragon Valley.

Although I don't know what the Dragon Valley was like before, I can vaguely see the prosperity in the Dragon Valley.

The huge Dragon Valley is divided into two sides, as if a huge mountain was cut in half vertically, and on the mountain wall, there are huge potholes, where the giant dragons live.

At this time, the originally prosperous and magnificent Dragon Valley had already ignited a raging fire inside, billowing thick smoke sprayed upwards, and most of the mountain walls on both sides collapsed, leaving it in ruins.

In the depths of the Dragon Valley, there were bursts of roars.

Contains anger and killing intent and so on.

The dragons who were not strong enough had already evacuated earlier, and the interior of the Dragon Valley seemed empty at this time.

Yilian Youmeng looked around and clicked her tongue in secret. This level of destruction would not be felt when Mount Tai collapsed.


Although following in the footsteps of the boss will make people feel a lot more at ease, but the reason why the boss is called the boss is not without reason, and the scene that the boss thinks is normal and can be easily held, for Mengxin, it may be a disaster.

A huge wind pressure fell from the sky, and a black shadow instantly enveloped Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng.

Yilian Youmeng only had time to raise his head with difficulty, only to see a huge black fireball falling from the sky, shooting directly at the two of them.

Immediately, Yilian Youmeng's face turned pale.

"It's over!"

However, before Yilian Youmeng could react, Ling Huohuo in front of her moved.

Pulling out the Spider Sword behind him.

A ray of light flashed, and the huge fireball was cut in half from the middle, and instantly annihilated, without any waves rising.

Yilian Youmeng: "..."

And the only damage that the fireball did to Yilian Youmeng was that it made her eyes blur.

"Boss, 666!" Yilian Youmeng shouted, a joy of narrow escape welled up in her heart.

"Hey! Hehe, a small bug has sneaked in! You even held my dragon's breath, should I praise you?" A huge voice sounded from the top of the head.

Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng looked up, only to see a black dragon flying in the sky, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring at Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng.

Locked by the aura of the giant dragon, Yilian Youmeng's body trembled, and she suddenly regretted following her.

The gods fight, what's the fun with me, a rookie?
But obviously, it was too late to retreat now.

Ling Huohuo is also looking at the giant dragon in the sky - the strength is also seventh-level, but the momentum is very strong, very evil, and the whole body is pitch black, not the blackness of the black dragon, but the blackness that represents evil, and the pair of pupils are not giant The golden pupils of the dragon, but the scarlet eyes, can't see the pupils, the eyes are completely occupied by scarlet, the body is twice as big as Nibo, and the black energy surrounds his body. For some reason, looking at those black energy, Ling Huo Huo has a familiar feeling, as if...Ling Miao's body has been entangled with this kind of black energy before!

And in the surrounding area, including Nibo, all the eight seventh-level giant dragons in the Dragon Valley surrounded this dragon, and the sixth-level dragon was nowhere to be seen.

But obviously, the giant dragons in Dragon Valley are not in a good state at this time. It seems that three of them are already very difficult to fly, but they still have to surround the dragon, as if they are going to die together.

Yilian Youmeng swallowed, looking at the magic dragon surrounded by it.

"Is this the goal of my mission? I'm afraid the system is going to kill me and let me inherit my little money!"

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, why are you here?" Nibo exclaimed, obviously he didn't expect Ling Huohuo to come in.

"Ah, curious, come in for a walk." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Nibo: "..."

Dragons: "..."

Yilian Youmeng: "..."

What's the matter with this door-to-door tone?

The scene was quiet for a while.

"Hehe, interesting, interesting, I encountered such an interesting thing as soon as I came out, the worm in the cesspit, I can bestow death on you! Hahaha!" The magic dragon let out a crazy laugh, and then... there is no more... …

Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up directly, and an invisible sword energy instantly shot into the dragon's open mouth.

"Cough cough cough..."

Viscous dragon blood flowed from the dragon's mouth and flowed down its neck.

Mouth burst... probably that's what it means.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's sudden attack, the giant dragons and Yilian Youmeng froze for a moment, and did it if they disagreed. Ling Huohuo's temper is a bit violent.

Seeing that the corner of Molong's mouth was bleeding, Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

Although the trick of staring at people with both eyes is not strong, but I didn't expect that after shooting into the mouth of the magic dragon, it only wounded it, and did not cause fatal injuries. This magic dragon's defense is good.

"Enemy? Can you kill it?" Ling Huohuo asked Nibo.

"Yes, but please be careful. The strength of the magic dragon is not weak, and its recovery ability is very strong!" Nibo said. Before they joined forces, they could indeed suppress the magic dragon for a short time, but now, the three are disabled, and the rest are not in good condition. Okay, but the magic dragon can still recover quickly, and the damage it has caused is not as fast as the other party's recovery. In short, it is very frustrating.

If there hadn't been Ling Huohuo, Dragon Nest would basically be cold today.

After receiving Nibo's confirmation, Ling Huohuo looked at Molong and waved behind him.

"Stand back, it's time to show real technique!"

Yilian Youmeng: "..."

But Yilian Youmeng ran away in a hurry, hid behind a big rock, poked her head out, and looked at Ling Huohuo.

Although he has seen the tragic situation in the Dragon Valley, Yilian Youmeng has no intuitive understanding of the strength above level [-], so he is naturally curious about the battle between Ling Huohuo and the magic dragon.

"Bug, you're dead!" the dragon roared angrily, and the dragon trembled angrily, spread its wings, and was filled with killing intent.

Ling Huohuo looked at the magic dragon in the sky and smiled.

"It's just a matter of trying to use you... Kendo Qilin!"

There was a sword cry, as if a long sword had been drawn out of its sheath, and Nibo, who was beside Ling Huohuo, suddenly felt cold, with a glow on his back, and looked at Ling Huohuo in shock.

Is the momentum alone so sharp?
And the demon dragon who bears the brunt is even more imposing, and the substantive killing intent is instantly dissipated.

As if wielding a long sword, countless lights emerged from the sky, condensed into a huge unicorn composed of sword energy, turned around gracefully, and rushed towards the dragon.

"Looking for death!" The demon dragon roared angrily when his momentum was broken.

"The Wrath of the Demon Dragon!"

Terrifying black flames erupted from the dragon's body, covering the whole body, and collided with the unicorn composed of sword energy in a blink of an eye.


A mushroom cloud rises from Dragon Valley.

I don't know what happened to the magic dragon, but Nibo knows that Dragon Valley... is flat!
(End of this chapter)

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