The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 540 Demonic Dragon, Attacking the Street

Chapter 540 Demon Dragon, Attacking the Street (Part [-])
"Ding! The player suffers impact damage of 99999, status, and dies."

Listening to the notification sound next to her ear, Yilian Youmeng was stunned, what happened just now?When you close your eyes, you die?
There is no pain at all, and the death experience is extremely bad.

However, immediately after, Yilian Youmeng burst into a wry smile, feeling a little disappointed.

After death, this job transfer task is basically a failure. I really don't have that fate. It seems that I have no chance with the seventh-level profession.

I don't know how the giant in the sea completed the job transfer task of the seventh-level profession. Does the protagonist's life really exist?
Yilian Youmeng vaguely remembered that before she closed her eyes, she saw Ling Huohuo's attack collide with the magic dragon.

And I should have been killed by the aftermath of the collision between the two.

"Is that the power of a strong man above level [-]? It's really... terrifying."

Yilian Youmeng, who was in the soul state, sighed.

The death penalty in The Lost World is severe.

After the player dies, he will enter the cemetery in the form of a soul, and his level will drop by one level, and he can be resurrected after a day. Of course, it is still possible to exit the game.

Except for the special binding equipment, all the equipment on the body will drop, and the items in the backpack will drop different percentages according to the degree of evil value.

The higher the crime value, the higher the percentage of the number of dropped items. The basis is to drop [-]% of the items in the backpack. For every point of crime value added, the drop percentage increases by [-]%, and the upper limit is [-]%.

Fortunately, in order to make a good impression on the NPC during the job change task, Yilian Youmeng emptied his sin value before, and this time the death should only drop [-]% of the things.

But it's a pity for that armor. That armor is one of the top armors among players. It's worth at least 50 Huaxia coins. It took Yilian Youmeng's guild a busy month to help her. Made it up.

Just as Yilian Youmeng was about to go offline, she suddenly discovered that a white magic circle appeared above her soul, pulling her soul.

"Wait, this is..."

Before finishing speaking, Yilian Youmeng was pulled up by the magic circle and disappeared.


Yilian Youmeng stood up abruptly.

He stretched out his hands, shook them, and showed a surprised expression.

"Is it really a resurrection technique?"

When Yilian Youmeng looked to her side, she found that there were two giant dragons beside her.

One end is the golden dragon Nibo, and the other end is a white dragon with power fluctuations in his body. It should be this white dragon that just resurrected himself.

"Thank you for your help." Yilian Youmeng thanked the two giant dragons.

"You're welcome." The white dragon said softly, but a gold coin leaked out from its claws. The white dragon reacted quickly and put away the gold coin immediately.

Looking at the gold coins put away by the white dragon, Yilian Youmeng seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly checked her equipment.

The equipment on his body is still there, but the durability is directly emptied, and it has been scrapped. The things in the backpack have fallen to the ground. After collecting all the things, it is found that all the drops are missing gold coins.

As a top player, Yilian Youmeng still has a lot of gold coins on her body, and more than 300 gold coins have dropped one-tenth of them.

At this time, a piece of gravel brushed Yilian Youmeng's head and blasted a big hole behind it.

Yilian Youmeng looked at the big pit behind her, swallowed, and her expression became a little weird. She suddenly remembered that the legendary dragon likes gold coins very much.

Now she very much suspects that the reason why the white dragon saved herself was entirely for the gold coins dropped after her death, and the other side was fighting, so now is obviously not a good time to revive herself. If she is affected again, it will inevitably Will die again, will inevitably drop gold coins again, then resurrect myself, pull myself up again, die again, and then drop gold coins...

Thinking hard!
For the white dragon, this is simply a no-cost business, and it is guaranteed to make money without losing money!

Resurrected again, Yilian Youmeng randomly found a set of spare equipment, put it on her body, and ran outside immediately, don't want to be a cash machine!

He couldn't beat him, and he didn't dare to scold him, so he could only choose to run away!
Seeing Yilian Youmeng leaving in Juechen, the white giant dragon's eyes were reluctant to let go.


As if hearing the words of the giant white dragon, Yilian Youmeng ran even faster.

Nibo: "..."


On the other side, the battle between Ling Huohuo and Molong has also reached a fever pitch.

The demon dragon was in a desperate posture, but Ling Huohuo was holding the spider festival sword, appearing to be in a state of ease.

"You can't beat me." Ling Huohuo said.

"Hey, what a joke, how do you know it's not the end?" the dragon roared angrily.

"Because I'm too strong." Ling Huohuo smiled.

"I have never seen such a brazen person! Die!"

After fighting the magic dragon for so long, Ling Huohuo has a better understanding of his current power.

My realm is actually not stronger than the magic dragon, even weaker, because the magic dragon has already touched the edge of the eighth level.

However, his power level is much higher than that of the magic dragon.

Ling Huohuo discovered that his attack and power actually carried the aura of Dao!

This is the power brought by Ling Huohuo's integration of his kendo into himself.

And the power with the aura of Dao is not much weaker than the level of power used by the social turtle and Ling Miao fusing the world's original core.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo's aura of avenues is stronger, and his strength is also stronger!The power level gap between the dragon and the magic dragon is much larger than the power level gap between Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao at the beginning.

Compared with the power of the magic dragon, it is like alloy equipment and ordinary stone bricks.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo's power also has terrifying destructive power. Don't forget that Ling Huohuo's swordsmanship has the madness to crush everything. It is a swordsmanship that was born after destroying one's own path and future!

Although the simple attack, the attack of Ling Huohuo and the magic dragon can achieve the same effect, but when they collide with each other, Ling Huohuo's power must be stronger.

And the crushing of the power level is enough to smooth out the gap in realm between Ling Huohuo and Molong.

No matter how strong the recovery power of the magic dragon is, it can only linger on in the face of an absolutely suppressing opponent.

To use an analogy, for example, a creature like Cupid that can regenerate infinitely, after being caught by a big boss like the Old One, can only be tied to the fate of the kitchen. Creatures that will never disappear must be in line with the appetite of the big bosses of the Old Ones.

The battle between Ling Huohuo and the magic dragon transitioned quickly from the beginning to the end.

Ling Huohuo didn't use any skills. For this crushing situation, using skills is too bullying, no, it's a dragon.

It may be that the realm has improved, but Ling Huohuo's sword energy is hard to dissipate, and it will continue to destroy the surrounding things. The dragon's body is gradually filled with sword energy.

The fighting power of the magic dragon that was infiltrated by Ling Huohuo's sword energy dropped rapidly. Soon, when the whole body of the magic dragon was attached by Ling Huohuo's sword energy, the magic dragon felt as if he had been tortured by thousands of knives. , finally unable to condense a sliver of strength, and finally——

With a broken body, the magic dragon rushes to the street!
Ling Huohuo stood in front of the magic dragon, looked into the eyes of the angry magic dragon, wiped the corners of his mouth, stretched out two fingers, and made a signature move of a certain rabbit.

"If you want to beat me, it's 2 years too early!"

(End of this chapter)

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