Chapter 545 Forest Spirit (Part [-])
The night passed quickly.

The next day, Ling Huohuo and the giant dragons split into two groups. Ling Huohuo went to the Elven Forest in the south to inquire about news, while Nibo took the three elders to the Frozen City in the north to inquire about news.

Along with Ling Huohuo were Harrigan and Yilian Youmeng, and Ling Huohuo didn't forget to bring the magic dragon, the time bomb.

Ling Huohuo didn't put the magic dragon into the small world, because Ling Huohuo discovered that the magic energy on the magic dragon would be contagious. Sword, Ling Huohuo himself can't keep staring at the magic dragon, there are still many seals, it is really inappropriate.

If something goes wrong, it will definitely be a big trouble.

Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng sat on Harrigan's body, while the magic dragon flew aside by itself, but a golden collar was put on its neck.

After a night of "teaching" by Ling Huohuo, Demon Dragon has become much more honest. Although he still can't find out anything, he can already listen to Ling Huohuo's words.

Moreover, the seeds of sword energy were buried in its body by Ling Huohuo. If Ling Huohuo thought about it, the dragon would lose its fighting power immediately.

The energy level of Ling Huohuo's sword energy is very high, and it cannot be corroded by the magic energy on the dragon.

He couldn't fight and couldn't fight, and he couldn't run away. In the end, the magic dragon could only resign himself to his fate and follow behind with a dejected look.

As for the golden collar on the dragon's neck, it was purely Ling Huohuo's own bad taste.

If you don't mark your pet, what if you get lost?
Well, the gold collar is the same collar on Harpy's neck.

Yilian Youmeng helped arrange the affairs of the giant dragons last night, and gained a lot of favor from them. Therefore, Nibo also agreed to Yilian Youmeng's request to become a dragon knight, and exchanged a dragon egg with the contract. Books and special equipment were given to Yilian Youmeng, which made Yilian Youmeng very excited.

Therefore, her Phase [-] mission is considered complete.

Yilian Youmeng immediately put on her professional suit - dragon riding armor.

A pair of blue female armor, a keel helmet, carved dragon claws on the shoulders, and a pair of blue boots, which seem to be both beauty and strength. There is a golden ornate cloak like a robe behind it, which makes the hideous armor look like It was a little more divine, and the exposed thigh and lower abdomen also added a bit of temptation to her.

The weapon is a dragon gun.

As long as the dragon egg hatches successfully, she can become a veritable dragon knight!

After the job change, Yilian Youmeng discovered that Dragon Knight is still a profession of both magic and martial arts, but what he uses is no longer ordinary elemental magic, but a more powerful dragon language magic!
Overall, Dragon Knight is definitely a powerful class!

But what disappointed Yilian Youmeng was that the mission reminder did not remind her that she had attracted Ling Huohuo's attention, which also meant that it was impossible to start the mission of the monster line.

But today, Ling Huohuo was going to the Elven Forest to inquire about the situation, which made Yilian Youmeng see the turning point, and took the initiative to follow.

As a player, I naturally know the importance of starting the race quest. If I take this opportunity to get along with Ling Huohuo and start the monster line quest, that piece will definitely be beneficial for myself and my union. !

After all, so far, as far as she knows, she is the only player who has really come into contact with the monster line!
Yilian Youmeng could still stay in the primitive wild forest for two days, so she was naturally unwilling to give up this opportunity and wanted to fight for it.

Therefore, enduring physical and mental exhaustion, Yilian Youmeng gritted his teeth and followed. Fortunately, Ling Huohuo did not refuse.

However, after getting along with Ling Huohuo, Yilian Youmeng once again refreshed her understanding of Ling Huohuo.

Yilian Youmeng sat on Harrigan's hard scales and grabbed Harrigan's scales. Although the dragonrider armor has the function of preventing wind, just sitting on the cold scales is not good for the tired Yilian Youmeng. experience.

However, Ling Huohuo's side...

Looking at Ling Huohuo, Yilian Youmeng's eyes showed resentment.

I saw a huge luxurious gold-plated seat lying across Harrigan's body, and the fluffy cushion looked extremely warm.

Ling Huohuo crossed Erlang's legs, with his hands resting on the back of the seat, and the spider festival sword was inserted on the side, and he seemed to be full of a strong aura of a big boss.

The oncoming airflow was isolated by the shield released by the bench, and Yilian Youmeng sitting on the icy scales was also isolated.

Yilian Youmeng: How can I gain favor in TM?
Leaving aside the favoritism, Yilian Youmeng now has the heart to cut off Ling Huohuo, so doesn't she know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?
Fortunately, Harrigan was flying steadily.

The mission of Harrigan is to lead Ling Huohuo. After all, the area on the seventh floor is so big that it will take a long time for Ling Huohuo to find the forest of elves by himself.

At the same time, there is also the purpose of using Harrigan as the middle dragon to help Ling Huohuo and the elves of the elf forest build a good relationship.

Harrigan introduced Ling Huohuo to Ling Huohuo while flying.

"The forest of elves lives in the elves, specifically, the elves of the forest. The elves are divided into many branches, and the elves of the forest are elves who contract with the forest. Legend has it that they were blessed by the forest goddess. The strength is doubled, and it also has a strong healing ability. The big and small tribes, including the dragons in our Dragon Valley, often seek treatment from the elves when they are sick."

"The forest elves here live in a tribal way. I have been there several times. The buildings are all made of wood. If you want me to say, it's better to live in a cave. The wood is not strong at first glance. Living in a cave is not only strong, but also Warm in winter and cool in summer..."

solid?Hehe, wouldn't the Dragon Valley become flat now after reunion?
Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng both rolled their eyes, but didn't say much.

"The elves of the forest mainly have seven occupations, namely elf ranger, elf warrior, elf mage, elf archer, griffin rider, forest priest, and forest animal trainer. The first four occupations have more people, and the last three There are relatively few species, and although the elves are good at healing, it does not mean that the elves are weak, but rather strong."

"The elves of the forest don't have an elf king, but are led by a seventh-level elder, and there are twelve seventh-level elf elders below. There is also a regular sixth-level mage group with a hundred people, and a sixth-level bow and arrow group with a hundred people. Hundred-member sixth-order ranger regiment, hundred-member sixth-order warrior regiment."

"There are currently thirteen elders at the seventh level of the forest elves, and the number at the sixth level is generally maintained at [-]. There are at least a thousand remaining at the fifth level and below."

"Not only are the forest elves themselves strong, but the forest elves also live together with other tribes, such as the ancient war trees, mountain giants, and the Chimera clan. These are all extremely strong races."

"And the elves of the forest have also inherited the usual advantages of the elves, such as sharp eyes, extremely high talent, and natural elemental perception."

Hearing this, Yilian Youmeng took a deep breath. I used to think that one of more than sixty would be awesome, but the forest elves were all counted in hundreds.

Ling Huohuo didn't say anything.

If you only look at the number and strength, the forest elves are indeed extremely powerful. However, you can't look at the surface when looking at the problem. Don't forget that the dragons in the Dragon Valley, who have far fewer strong people than them, are on a par with the forest elves!Forest Spirit must have its own shortcomings.

Sure enough, what Halligan said next verified Ling Huohuo's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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