The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 546 Xiao Yunyun's Unattainable Level in His Life

Chapter 546 Xiao Yunyun's Unattainable Level (Part [-])
"Although compared to ordinary races, the forest elves are very powerful, but compared to other tribes that are also higher races, the forest elves have limited advantages. The forest elves are not a race suitable for direct confrontation."

"Compare it with our giant dragon. With the same strength, one-on-one, the magic and skills of the forest elves can't even break the defense of our giant dragon. However, if multiple elves use magic together, it still hurts a bit." .”

"Because of racial restrictions, the strength, speed, and stamina cannot be compared with our giant dragons. Our dragons are also stronger in lifespan. Forest elves are more suitable for supporting and harassing units. There are very few strong individual forest elves, but they are also No, as far as I know, the Great Elder of the Forest Elf can compete with Elder Nibo."

"In order to make up for their own shortcomings, the forest elves choose to live in symbiosis with other clans. With the assistance of the forest elves, the entire team can explode into stronger combat effectiveness in team battles."

"Moreover, the forest elves are a race blessed by the forest, and it is extremely easy to establish a good relationship with other races in the forest. Even the mountain giants whose heads are full of stones have been developed into comrades-in-arms by the forest elves, you know , even a giant dragon with an extremely powerful body would not dare to take a casual punch from a mountain giant of the same level."

After Harrigan's introduction, Ling Huohuo's understanding of the elves of the forest has deepened.

Yilian Youmeng's yearning for the forest elves is also weaker. Although the forest elves are very powerful, if they are fighting in a team, the forest elves are definitely the first choice for support, but if you want to change jobs from a personal point of view, Forest Elf is definitely not a good choice.

Moreover, cultivating a [-]th-level elf group of [-] people consumes more resources than cultivating a [-]th-level powerhouse with one enemy against a hundred.

If you want to pull up a [-]-member forest elf group, you must have enough resources to support it, and Yilian Youmeng doesn't think she or her union has such background.

Moreover, the most battles between players are still PVP, and the weak race value of the forest elves compared to other top races is not a good choice.

However, on the other hand, monsters are a good choice.

Thinking of this, Yilian Youmeng looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo is a monster, and the eight seventy-level dragon elders who have never beaten enemies were hanged by Ling Huohuo to beat them.

Although Yilian Youmeng has changed her job to become a dragon knight at this time, this does not affect Yilian Youmeng's yearning for monsters. The reminder of "can be upgraded" makes Yilian Youmeng's heart itch.

Moreover, if one is lucky enough to get the tenth-level professional inheritance of "True Swordsman", or a professional inheritance that cannot be displayed at the level of "Sword Dao Into the Body", then it is really a heifer Flying on a plane - awesome!

In team battles in the future, when others send out a division of troops to gank me, but I complete the counter-kill, I will have to sit on such a gorgeous chair and cross my legs, while the shouts of "666" from the younger brothers and the enemy With terrified eyes, he said that sentence——

"Do you know why you lost? Because you are my enemy!"

At that time, what giant in the sea, I will be No.1 in the game!The first goddess!

Thinking about the future, Yilian Youmeng couldn't close her legs with a smile, bah, it's her mouth.

Harrigan moved on, telling what he knew as he flew.

What surprised Ling Huohuo was that although Harrigan looked unreliable and mentally retarded, he knew a lot of things, and information about many races came out of his mouth, and he also knew a lot of secrets and gossip. .

Could this be the legendary Da Zhi Ruo Yu?
However, Harrigan accidentally revealed that "the wife of the leader of a certain tauren tribe had an affair with the leader of the pig-headed tribe next door, but he still didn't find out. Every time I passed by the tauren tribe, I would give the tauren leader half a green I hope it can wake up to this matter." After that, Ling Huohuo felt that the reason why Harrigan knew these things was definitely not because of his wisdom, but because of his gossiping heart and strong evil taste.

In short, Harrigan is definitely not a serious dragon!

Relying on the advantage of being able to fly, it can definitely do things like hiding in the sky and peeping!
While talking, Harrigan suddenly let out a "huh".

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"There seem to be elves in the forest down there," said Harrigan suddenly.

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo got up, and looked down with Yilian Youmeng, seeing a piece of emerald green.

"Nothing?" Yilian Youmeng asked suspiciously.

Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up slightly, and finally, through the gaps in the leaves, he saw a figure with pointed ears lying on the ground and passed out, and then glanced at Harrigan without leaving a trace.

You can only see clearly by using your own strength and cooperating with your perception, but Harrigan can find the fainted elf figure with just a glance. It is worthy of a pair of eyes that can detect gossip!
I'm in a delicate mood~
Ling Huohuo decided that Harrigan would never be allowed to go to his demon city in the future. When he and Xiao Yunyun were shy, there would probably be a pair of eyes staring at him through a gap eight hundred miles away.

Otherwise, let's kill the dragon first!

Ling Huohuo fell into thinking.

Harrigan felt a chill in his neck, and looked around in horror, always feeling that he had just walked around the edge of death.

"Let's go down and have a look first." Ling Huohuo said, giving up his plan to make a move.

"Okay." Harrigan shook his head, calmed down, and began to circle and land. There was someone on his back. If he landed straight as usual, he might throw the two people on his back.

"It's still some distance from the Forest of Elves, it's not a safe zone, and normally, elves rarely act alone, let alone faint here." Harrigan explained.

Ling Huohuo nodded, with a premonition in his heart that something may have happened to the Forest of Spirits.

Harrigan landed, crushing a clump of trees and clearing a clearing.

Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng got off Harrigan's back and walked towards the elf.

Ling Huohuo helped up the elf on the ground, which really fits the image of an elf in his heart.

The appearance is no different from that of a human being, with a slender figure, looks extremely beautiful, looks very comfortable, has a natural atmosphere, pointed ears, and has long milky white soft hair, but it is now soiled by mud.

She wears a garland on her head, and she wears green silk clothes, which look more like a robe, with sacred patterns on it, and the most shocking thing is the huge dimple on her chest, at least...J ! ?

This is really a level that Xiao Yunyun has been dreaming of all his life.

Even Yilian Youmeng, who is a woman, was shocked when she saw the terrifying size of the pair on the elf's chest.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo felt that, judging from his limited experience, in this state, the empty!

Think about it, it's a little exciting~
"This outfit... is a forest priest!" Harrigan looked at the outfit on the female elf and made a surprised voice.

(End of this chapter)

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