The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 553 Great Elder, Monkey Language Level!

Chapter 553 Great Elder, Monkey Language Level [-]! (three more, plus more)
"Come on, drink this glass of spirit fruit wine!" the general said.

"The ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton, Ling Huohuo was full.

"Good drinker!" The general gave a thumbs up.

"Where is it?" Ling Huohuo waved his hand modestly.

"Do you want some for Yilian Youmeng?" Emily asked Yilian Youmeng.

Yilian Youmeng closed her mouth tightly, covered her stomach with one hand, slumped on the chair, and waved at Emily.

I really can't eat it!

In order to obtain the state of [Natural Closeness], Yilian Youmeng ate ten plates of elf pasta!Fortunately, he successfully obtained the status, and also brushed the favor of the elves of the forest to the level of "friends".

The unexpected joy was that the level was directly raised by three levels. At this time, Yilian Youmeng was already level 33, which was much faster than spawning monsters.

Moreover, this is just a surprise.

[Natural closeness]: Status type (permanent), passive, gaining the closeness of wild beasts, will not be actively attacked by unintelligent wild beasts, and the strength of being in natural terrain increases by [-] times, can break the occupational restrictions, learn five Natural skills of level and below (including elemental skills, law-based skills, etc., cannot learn race-specific skills that do not match their own race).

Moreover, the description of "friendly army" also surprised Yilian Youmeng a little.

Allies of the Forest Elves: special favorability title, permanent, passive.With this title, you will gain the friendship of the forest elves, and the favorability of other elves except the forest elves will automatically increase to friendship, and you can accept the tasks of the forest elves.

The most intuitive manifestation of the title of "Friendly Army" is that the second elder looked at Yilian Youmeng at this time, and that old face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

The second elder patted Yilian Youmeng on the shoulder.

"You are blessed to be able to eat, you can work quickly, and you won't be afraid of being beaten in battle!"

Yilian Youmeng: "..."

In short, after ten plates of elf pasta, the harvest made Yilian Youmeng very satisfied. However, because of the elf pasta, Yilian Youmeng at this time can be said to have temporarily lost his fighting power. There is no way to move.

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang couldn't eat, but the forest elves did not neglect them. They were led to take a bath in the hot spring behind the forest elves. It is said that the hot spring is very good for the spirit body, and it will not Affect Fudo Myo who is a fire attribute.

After eating and drinking, Harrigan consciously left the conference room and lay down on the square to bask in the sun.

Ling Huohuo felt that his behavior was becoming more and more like Happy.

The magic dragon lay on the square bored, not knowing what to think.

After eating and drinking, Emily and the other elves told about the identities of Ling Huohuo and the group and what they saw along the way.

On the road earlier, Harrigan had told Emily everything.

Emily spoke vividly and danced, some thrilling parts were accompanied by sound effects, and she got up and put on various awkward poses.

The higher-ups of the forest elves listened hard.

Emily is clearly not a good narrator, though, as in…

"At that time, when Your Excellency Ling Huohuo was fighting with the demonized elves, it was like this, bang bang, biubiubiu, collapse, bang! Boom! Then wait again, bang, crackle..."

Most of the high-level executives were confused, and could only try to analyze Emily's meaning, and concluded that the characters in it were winning or losing, life or death.

Only the glamorous elder echoed Emily's words with an "oh, ah" voice, showing a surprised expression, as if he really understood it, as if he was in the scene, and occasionally clapped his hands excitedly .

In short, it looked out of tune.

It seems to have become a performance of Emily and the Great Elder.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ling Huohuo looked at the third elder inquiringly.

"Ahem, uh, the First Elder is Emily's grandmother, she should be able to understand what Emily is saying, but don't look at it like this, the First Elder is still very reliable occasionally!" The third elder said solemnly, emphatically Bitten the word "occasionally".

Occasionally?Ling Huohuo's hair is black, it sounds even more unreliable!

Ling Huohuo looked at the dancing Emily, like a fool.

I didn't expect that the Great Elder turned out to be Emily's grandmother. If you look carefully, Emily does look a bit like the Great Elder, for example... chest, ahem, anyway, Emily is also an elf with a background!
Moreover, Ling Huohuo was very skeptical whether the First Elder could really understand Emily's words. Ling Huohuo felt that the First Elder might just cooperate with the performance in order not to make Emily sad, and he said it without watching the Third Elder "Should understand"?Not sure.

Soon, Emily finished telling the story amidst the weird sound effects, but Ling Huohuo didn't understand a sentence anyway.

The senior elves of the forest looked at the elder.

The Great Elder was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"With the help of Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, the group of demonized elves was wiped out, and only a few fish slipped through the net. We have won!"


Damn, I actually understand!Also fully summarized!
Ling Huohuo looked at the elder in disbelief. It can be said that he is indeed a grandparent?

Monkey language tenth level, probably this level!

Hearing the elder's words, the senior elves of the forest cheered.

"Long live!"

"Praise the Great Elder!"

"Praise the Forest Goddess!"

"Praise Your Excellency Ling Huohuo!"



Wait, is there something weird mixed in?

"Okay, let's lift the alert." The Great Elder ordered.


The alert contact of the Forest of Spirits seemed to close the hood again.

Yilian Youmeng's ears heard the sound of the task being completed.

However, the quest rewards are nothing real to Yilian Youmeng in this matter, but she can feel that the favorability of the elves in the forest has risen again, but to her disappointment, it still did not cause Ling Huo The warning sound of Huo's attention sounded.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, he fished along the way, how could he attract Ling Huohuo's attention.

Wait, it seems that getting Ling Huohuo's attention doesn't have to be in the mission, doing some strange things, as long as the direction is right, it is likely to attract the other party's attention, such as... streaking?Pooh!
No, I can't open my mouth, I'm about to vomit...

"Okay, step back, I want to have a chat with Your Excellency Ling Huohuo," said the Great Elder.

The senior executives left, and Yilian Youmeng also left with Emily's support.

In the end, only Ling Huohuo, the thirteenth elder, and the general were left in the conference room.

Ling Huohuo also corrected his attitude.

"First of all, I would like to thank Your Excellency Ling Huohuo for helping Emily, thank you very much." The Great Elder said with a smile.

"It's okay, it should be." Ling Huohuo shook his head and said with a smile.

"Then, I hope to know the identity of Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, but that child Emily didn't make it clear." The elder said apologetically.

Ling Huohuo nodded with a smile, "Sure, I'm from the fifth-floor area, on the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there are a group of..."

(End of this chapter)

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