The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 554 Compatibility Continues Life, Strength Pit Teammates

Chapter 554 Compatibility continues life, strength pits teammates (one more)
The conversation between Ling Huohuo and the elders of the elves of the forest was very pleasant.

Neither side had any bad ideas, and the nature of the forest elves is also very kind, so the two sides got to know each other very quickly.

And Ling Huohuo also told the elves of the forest about the Dragon Valley.

"There is no problem with the Forest of Elves. It seems that there should be no problem with the seal in the core area." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Nibo said that if there is a problem with one side of the seal, it will not have a great impact on the overall seal.

However, to Ling Huohuo's surprise, the expressions of the elders of the forest elves were not good.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Actually...although there is nothing wrong with the Elven Forest, the situation of the seal is not optimistic." The second elder said awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo frowned.

"The protective cover of the Forest of Elves uses the power of the seal, and the power of the protective cover is almost consumed, so..."

"So the seal on the Elven Forest is also considered broken?" Ling Huohuo took the words with a look of shock.

"Yes~" the elder said with a smile.

"It's your sister!" Ling Huohuo's heart was broken.

Let you guard the seal, but you consume the power of the seal to protect yourself?Isn't this self-stealing?Do you want to be so unreliable? ! ! !

There is nothing better than pig teammates.

I used to laugh at the leader of the demonized elves, but now it’s all right, the feng shui turns, now come to my house, how about playing?
"How thick are your thighs to withstand your dragging!?" Ling Huohuo roared.

"Well, after all, the magic circle of the protective cover was also worked out by us forest elves, why don't you give it a compliment... Mmmmmmm."

The Second Elder hastily covered the mouth of his First Elder.

Didn't you see that Ling Huohuo's face was already blackened into carbon? Did you still say?Are you courting death?
"Ahem, this matter is considered wrong by our forest elves, but we have also been calculated. Normally, with the power of the elf forest, there is no need to activate the protective shield as a last resort. However, the mountain giants were secretly Sealing, our forest elves alone can't sustain the attack of the prepared demonic elves."

"If it weren't for the protective cover, the forest elf tribe wouldn't be able to keep the seal at all. When the elf forest is flattened and the enemy directly destroys the seal, the seal will be destroyed more thoroughly. This was the consideration back then. The elves are isolated and helpless. The magic circle of the protective cover that we, the elves of the forest, have only researched. The main purpose is to buy time for the rescue of other people. Compared with the seal being directly destroyed, the seal still has some energy left, and it can last for a while. The ending is the best." The third elder explained.

The other elders also nodded.

Ling Huohuo took a long breath and sat down. What the third elder said was indeed reasonable.

As a race that guards the seal, considering various situations, it is indeed a wise choice to arrange means.

However, who chose to let the elves of the forest guard the seal?Wouldn't it be better to choose a race with stronger individual strength?

It's all right now, Cai forced his teammates to forcefully continue his life, and ended up cheating his teammates.

However, this is clearly not the time for accountability.

Fortunately, because of my own intervention, although the seal on the Dragon Nest side was destroyed, it was not complete. Although the seal on the Fairy Forest was seriously consumed, the situation was better than that on the Dragon Nest side.

The seals in these two directions can last for a while, but it will definitely not be long, and this period of time is the reaction time left for myself and other races guarding the seals!

"Can you re-strengthen the seal?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The second elder shook his head.

"The level of the seal is the eighth level. We can't intervene. It is the limit to be able to use the power to research the protective shield. If all four seals are intact, they can recharge by themselves. However, the seal on the Dragon Valley is now broken. It’s too late, it can’t be recharged, and the power of the seal will be less if you use it a little.”

The self-charging of the seal is also the reason why the elves of the forest dare to study the power of the seal to support the protective shield. However, the plan cannot keep up with the rapid changes, and the Dragon Valley is the first to be broken!

"Because of the sneak attack from the chaotic camp, the current situation is not good. At present, we must make adequate responses to prevent those people from the chaotic camp from continuing to attack and make the situation worse. At the same time, we must also be prepared to deal with people from the chaotic camp breaking the seal." .” said the third elder.

Ling Huohuo fell into thinking.

"In short, transfer the ethnic group and prepare for the battle." The second elder said.

After the people from the sealed chaotic camp broke the seal, the first to attack would definitely be the four clans guarding the seal, there is no doubt about it.

The question is, can they repel the chaotic camp?

If it can't be stopped, in the end, the four clans will definitely be slaughtered.

The original wild forest and the main space can only communicate through the teleportation magic circle. Without a channel, it is naturally impossible to mobilize large-scale reinforcements. Even now, it may not be too late to send people to ask for help. The four clans have lived in the primitive wild forest for a long time and have derailed from the main space. .

At the same time, the will of the world must be fair and just, and it is impossible to provide any help. At this time, the four races can only rely on themselves to save themselves!

For a while, the entire conference room fell into silence, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

"Oh, I'm flustered." The first elder seemed to have just realized that something was going to happen, and knocked on his hand, making the other elders feel black, but the oppressive atmosphere was dissipated.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, I wonder if you have any good way to save us?" the Great Elder said suddenly.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, and pointed to himself.


"Yes~" the Great Elder nodded, "My intuition tells me that you must have a way."

The other elders were also taken aback, and all looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Are you so sure that I have a solution?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

"Of course, the output is all based on roar, and the position is based on feeling, there is nothing wrong with it!" The elder gave Ling Huohuo a thumbs up, closed one eye, and looked naughty.


Ling Huohuo fell silent.

The other elders just wanted to apologize to Ling Huohuo for the grand elder's casualness, but when they saw Ling Huohuo's silence, their eyes lit up, silence?Did not directly deny it?Could Ling Huohuo really have a solution?

Ling Huohuo does have a way, and that is Small World!
There is a small world, Ling Huohuo can try to move all the races here,

However, something is bound to be exposed.

Ling Huohuo's eyes flickered, weighing gains and losses.

However, no matter how you think about it, what you get can't be proportional to what you give. Expose a hole card to get the friendship of the four clans?Give me a break!

The hole card is always the hole card, but friendship may not be a life-saving straw!
If it was Ling Huohuo before, he might agree, but now Ling Huohuo is not as straightforward as before.

Nothing to do with good or evil, but responsibility!

Ling Huohuo still has a lot of monsters behind him, and Xiao Yunyun is waiting for him. Ling Huohuo must care about his own safety, and such things as revealing his cards must be carefully considered!

After all, Small World was an important trump card for saving Ling Huohuo's life!

(End of this chapter)

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