The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 559 Voice Package of the Will of the World

Chapter 559 Voice Package of the Will of the World ([-] more)
Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Can you explain what the 'ding' sound means?" Ling Huohuo said.

However, no one answered him.

"Don't pretend to be dead, I know you're here!"

"Emmmm..." A line of words floated past Ling Huohuo's eyes.

"Don't use barrage! Talk to me!"

"Ding! Here you are~ Dear, do you have any questions?" A sweet young lady's voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

Ling Huohuo: "..."



"Don't bullshit me! Do you have a world will and gender?" Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

"What about gender? Without face-to-face, who knows? As long as the voice is nice, gender doesn't matter. Besides, it's easier to get the other party's favor with such a nice voice. There are many voice controls among players. ~Little brother, are you black? My loli voice~" The loli voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear, making Ling Huohuo's skin crawl.

"What about female players?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"So, little brother, do you play together?" An extremely magnetic male voice sounded in Ling Huohuo's ear, the kind that the woman bends when she hears GH.

"In addition to the shared ones, there are Huo Jianhua version, Hu Ge version, Billy King version, King Kong Barbie version, etc. in the voice package, do you want to try it?" World Will said in two different voices.

"Stop! Stop, just talk normally." Ling Huohuo said hastily.

"Is it true that you don't need a voice pack? There are voice actors with the same style, and Two-dimensional with the same style~"

"Emmm..." After thinking for a while, "Let's get a nail palace version."

"Baga, hentai, Wulu Sai!" A familiar voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

"I didn't expect you to have the potential to shake M, you are really a real person." The will of the world sighed.

Ling Huohuo's old face flushed.

"What do you know, there is a disease called nail palace disease, okay, let's not talk too much, let's talk about the same notification sound as the player, I am not a player, specifically I am an NPC, How can I also hear the sound of the system reminder?"

"Baga, there's nothing strange about this." Naigong's voice sounded, "The way of heaven is fair, the creatures in the lost land followed the law and joined the "Lost World", playing characters, concealing the truth, looking for opportunities to save the world, the way of heaven is natural Compensation must be given, so compensation within the rules has been made, and, because of some changes in the rules, you can also enjoy some of the benefits of the players."

"Can you tell me more specifically? Elder Nibo didn't tell me this information, and you didn't mention it before." Ling Huohuo said doubtfully.

"No way to race! Hmph, you really are ignorant, so I'll tell you, they don't tell you because they see you as pitiful~"

Your uncle!What am I ignorant of?Obviously you didn't tell me!Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while.

However, listening to Kuigong's voice, he didn't feel angry, instead he felt secretly refreshed when he was scolded? ? ?
"Because of the combination of technology and laws, many laws in the Lost Land have changed. Even I, as the will of the world, cannot fully control and understand, because while the new laws change the world, they also affect me and the real world. The will is bound, so everything needs to be explored by the creatures of the Lost Land, and I can only provide some information and make some adjustments to the world as allowed by the laws."

"Being able to directly intervene in the world is the law's compensation to me. After all, I couldn't directly intervene in anything in the world before."

Ling Huohuo nodded. As Walliver said before, the only way for the will of the world to intervene in the world is to use laws. Intervention within the limits allowed by the laws of the world not only requires a lot of deduction, but also is extremely troublesome. If you are not careful, you will play off, otherwise, because of the proximity of the Lost Land and the real world, the will of the two worlds will not be helpless.

And the only time Ling Huohuo has seen the intervention of the will of the world in the world is the "Red Moon Warning" before the real world and the world of the undead meet, but it is only a warning, and what should be done still needs to be done.

Recalling this, Ling Huohuo suddenly thought of something.

In other words, who saved the real world in the first place and kept it from being swallowed up?

However, at this time, the will of the world continued to speak, and Ling Huohuo put aside his doubts for the time being.

"Baga, distracted while others are talking? In the temple!"

"Please continue." Ling Huohuo smiled.

Hearing this scolding, my heart melted.

"Hmph, listen up! What I'm going to say next is the information I've got so far!"

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"First of all, the first point, if there is any change in the creatures in the Lost Land, you will receive a reminder, as well as a description of the change. You have just joined the Lost World, so you can receive the reminder. And this is very helpful The cultivation of the creatures has saved a lot of detours, and during this time, the strength of the creatures in the Lost Land has improved significantly."

"Then do I have my own panel?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The creatures in the Lost Lands are all flesh and blood. They are different from the existence of the players. They don't have their own latitude panel, but they have a simple analysis panel, and they can also read the data created by the Lost Lands and players. The basic properties of the item."

"Then what do I need to see?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Just think about the panel."

Ling Huohuo nodded, thinking about the panel, and sure enough, a panel appeared in his consciousness.

If Yilian Youmeng sees the panel, she will find that the information on it is basically the same as the information she obtained through special means before.

The difference is that Ling Huohuo has been promoted to another level.

And finally, there is an extra column for [Mounts].

Ling Huohuo tried to investigate.

"[Mount]: Demon Dragon, unnamed"

"Race: Giant Dragon (Demonized)"

"Level: 79"

"gender: female"

"Faction: Neutral Peaceful Faction"

"Description: A giant dragon whose body has been invaded by demonic energy. Compared with the same kind, it has become larger in size and stronger in strength, far surpassing the same kind, but it has become extremely ferocious. It is originally a chaotic and evil camp, but because of the contract, it follows the transformation of the master. Become a neutral and peaceful camp."

"Special state: demonized dragon blood elf transformation (passive). Note: Because it was soaked in the moonlight spring polluted by evil thoughts, it was disturbed and mutated in the process of transforming into a demonized elf. It became the first and only one at present. A demonized dragon blood elf, you can choose to cancel this state when riding."

"Skills: Dragon Might (passive), Dragon Breath (active), Dragon Roar (active), Natural Whisper (active)..."

"Exclusive skill for mounts: Be a dragon knight from today (active). Note: It can be activated during the riding process, which greatly enhances the strength of the mount and the rider, and at the same time greatly increases the charm of both parties. Note: Humanoid and dragon-shaped It can be activated in any riding state, and you must pay attention to your body and keep up with nutrition when riding a doll."

"The special attribute of the mount: Lord Devourer. Note: If the strength cannot overwhelm the dragon, it will be counter-killed. Friendly reminder, no matter what time it is, please pay attention to your posture and try to be on top."

After reading the description about the magic dragon, Ling Huohuo looked at the magic dragon who was still thumping in the Moonlight Spring with a look of shock.

"Shocked, the magic dragon is actually a mother!???"

(End of this chapter)

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