The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 560 Advanced Moonlight Spring? !

Chapter 560 Advanced Moonlight Spring? ! (two more)

"Hentai, even girls can't tell the difference. What are your eyes for?"

"But... I haven't seen the underside of the magic dragon..." Ling Huohuo said with his teeth bared, his face twisted.

" really are a hentai! You actually want to see the girl's bottom! Baga! Inside the temple!"

"What's the matter? When distinguishing between male and female animals, isn't the easiest way to look directly at the bottom? Besides, she is a dragon and I am a monster. Would I be in heat with other creatures?"

"Why not? Xiao Yunyun seems to be a human being. Besides, the aesthetics of humanoid creatures are very similar. Don't forget that the demonized dragon blood elves transformed by magic dragons are also humanoid creatures."

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth and was speechless, but being called a humanoid creature made him feel a little complicated.

Although they look the same, they are indeed two different creatures from humans!

Ling Huohuo looked at the sky with some melancholy.

"Since when did you accept the fact that you are not human?"

"Okay, let's talk about the second point." World Will said.

Originally, Ling Huohuo didn't want to continue the discussion, but the will of the world forcibly changed the topic, and Ling Huohuo naturally had no objection.

"Second point, because of the change of the law, many things in the lost world have changed, and you can also use the power of these changed things to greatly facilitate life and production. Please explore the details yourself."

"It's basically just these two points. If you have any questions, please contact me again. I... I told you because of your pity, not because I have any thoughts about you! Hmph! Hentai!"

"If you have an idea, you don't need it, just chat with me by voice." Although the voice is nice, Ling Huohuo never forgets that the will of the world has no gender, not even a body. go hand in hand?

"Hentai! Ignore you!"

After speaking, the will of the world fell silent, Ling Huohuo shrugged, the other party should have gone back.

However, the information obtained from the will of the world is enough for Ling Huohuo to face most of the weird situations that will arise next.

Ling Huohuo also understood his situation in the Lost Land.

Although I play the role of an NPC, I am actually a living being, and naturally have my own survival system, and I can also catch the changing laws at this time.

Moreover, this change only appeared after I contacted the will of the world last time and confirmed that I could gain a foothold in this world.

Similar to character login, register and become a member of "The Lost World".

Although the previous self could practice and survive normally, it was only limited to the surface, and it was not completely accepted by this world, similar to the state of a tourist logging in.

However, the difference is that because I come from the real world and retain the power to go back and forth, it is not that simple for the local creatures in the Lost Land to enter the real world.

"I just don't know how many people are in a situation similar to mine." Ling Huohuo sighed.

He did not forget that the reason why he was able to enter the Lost Lands was entirely because of the game compensation helmet. Since the equipment for going back and forth was researched by those people, there is no guarantee that they would not be able to use it themselves, but could manufacture this kind of thing People, what is their true identity?Who are the people behind?
I always feel that there must be some dirty PY transaction behind this!

While Ling Huohuo was thinking wildly, on the other side, the dragon's struggle gradually became weaker, its huge size disappeared, and instead it sank into the Moonlight Spring.

At this time, the Moonlight Spring has also undergone tremendous changes, the evil thoughts inside have completely disappeared, and the Moonlight Spring has turned into a clear light green instead, exuding a gleaming light, which cannot be connected with the previous mosaic at all. Together.

Soon, Moonlight Spring returned to calm, but there was no sign of the magic dragon.

"Won't you drown?" Ling Huohuo curiously stretched his head towards Moonlight Spring.

At this moment.


A figure rushed out of the Moonlight Spring like a mermaid, startling Ling Huohuo.

The white and tender body was naked, and the long black hair was thrown into a beautiful arc with the swing of the head, forming a line of water droplets, and the two giant rabbits on the chest were also jumping happily because of the shaking of the body.

The figure closed its eyes and stood quietly in the spring water.

Ling Huohuo, on the other hand, was sitting on the ground, staring blankly at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

At some point, the sun disappeared, and the sky entered a deep night without the moon.

The beams of light formed by the dots of fluorescence, without knowing the source, slowly fell from the sky, and sprinkled down into the Moonlight Spring, covering the figures within the range of the Moonlight Spring and Ling Huohuo's body, covering both of them with a beautiful veil .

At this time, most of the creatures in the primitive wild forest have discovered the sudden appearance of the beam of light sprinkled from the sky, and they all raised their heads, looking at the spectacular scenery in the distance in shock.

Forest of Spirits.

The elders who were mobilizing all the elves of the forest felt the abnormality of the environment.

"Why is it suddenly dark?" The third elder looked around suspiciously.

"This is..." The second elder looked at the moonlight in the distance in shock.

"Moonlight Spring! You've recovered!" the Great Elder stepped forward and said slowly.

"Moonlight Spring?!"

The elders exclaimed.

"It's the polluted Moonlight Spring!" The Second Elder quickly thought of it.

The Great Elder showed a serious expression and looked into the distance.

"Break and then stand up. The revived Moonlight Spring has not only not weakened, but has become stronger. At this time, it is forcibly absorbing moonlight to make up for its own shortfall. Moonlight Spring may be about to advance!"

The great elder said quietly.

The elders gasped.

Advanced?The Moonlight Spring is the foundation of the elves of the forest. It has been cultivated for so many years. Now the Moonlight Spring in the Fairy Forest is only on the edge of advancement. It will take a while to advance. If the Moonlight Spring is advanced, it will be beneficial to the entire tribe. Huge improvement is the key to the advancement of the tribe, and in the distance, the abandoned Moonlight Spring is advancing, which makes the elders unable to sit still.

"Quick, bring someone there!"

"We must find the Moonlight Spring!"

The elders hurriedly arranged.

"Let's go, the whole family, Moonlight Spring is advanced, and the elves of the forest are obliged to protect it." The Great Elder said suddenly.

Several elders looked at the Great Elder meaningfully, not understanding why the whole clan should go, but they felt that what the Great Elder said was all right, so they all nodded in the end and went down to make arrangements.

For the advanced Moonlight Spring, the elves of the forest naturally agreed to guard it without any objection.

Soon, the mighty team set off from the forest of elves.

Ling Yaoyao, Fudo Mingo, Harrigan and Yilian Youmeng also followed, and they were all curious about the advanced Moonlight Spring.

(End of this chapter)

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