The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 562 The 7th Sense That Doesn't Work When It Works

Chapter 562 The Seventh Sense That Works Sometimes and Doesn't Work (Part [-])
Overwhelmed by the magic dragon, Ling Huohuo threw the magic dragon into the small world. The beaten and temperless magic dragon is not afraid of her causing any trouble in the small world.

Compared with the dragon, there are obviously other more important things now.

After the beam of light disappeared, all races around Crescent Lake tentatively walked in under the leadership of the elves of the forest.

Even Ling Huohuo didn't even have time to further check his harvest and why he knew the next move of the magic dragon, so the elders brought the forest elves to Ling Huohuo.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, here... Moonlight Spring has really advanced into Crescent Lake? Oh oh oh oh oh..."

Although he was psychologically prepared, the Great Elder couldn't restrain his inner excitement when he saw the Moonlight Spring that had evolved into Crescent Lake, so he evolved into a baboon.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

"Is this really Crescent Lake?" The Second Elder asked excitedly.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

The second elder: "Oh oh oh oh..."

Third Elder: "Oh oh oh oh oh..."

Fourth Elder: "Oh oh oh oh oh..."


Looking at the nest of baboons in front of him, Ling Huohuo took a step back calmly.

At this time, all the elves of the forest were cheering.

Other races also sighed. Although they don't know what Crescent Lake is, it is absolutely amazing to see that the elves of the forest are like this.

After waiting for a long time, the elves of the forest stopped cheering.

"Sorry, I lost my composure." The elder said with some embarrassment, and the faces of the other elders were also a little red. However, for the elves of the forest, the significance of Crescent Lake is too great. Now the Moonlight Spring in his tribe It is only on the verge of evolution, and it is not known when it will evolve. The elves of the forest have been looking forward to Crescent Lake for a long time.

"It's okay." Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and while the elves of the forest were cheering, Ling Huohuo also took the opportunity to check his situation.


Ling Huohuo could feel that he had two more sword intents, moonlight sword intent and natural sword intent. These two sword intents, like other sword intents, were integrated into Ling Huohuo's body.

At the same time, these two sword intents are very high-level sword intents, higher than the five-element sword intent and slightly lower than the spatial sword intent.

In addition, Ling Huohuo also got a skill, which he found out after checking the panel, and it was also the reason why he could clearly know the next attack of the magic dragon.

"The seventh sense: Passive, the mysterious feeling obtained in nature that is different from the five senses and the sixth sense. Occasionally, it will make people enter the state of Fulin Xinzhi. It has a magical effect. It is the companionship obtained when opening the natural sword intent Ability."

The five senses explore the truth, the sixth sense predicts the future, and Ling Huohuo feels that the seventh sense he has acquired gives him a mysterious feeling about everything around him.

Prediction is only part of the ability, the real seventh sense is to let Ling Huohuo follow the feeling, and Fulin is sincere.

However, Ling Huohuo cannot control this ability, which is why it says "passive" in the introduction.

In other words, unless Ling Huohuo's luck is against the sky, you must not completely rely on the seventh sense. After all, it is said in the introduction that it appears occasionally. .

Therefore, this ability can only be used as an auxiliary ability. If Ling Huohuo relies on it, it will only kill himself.

In addition to these, Ling Huohuo also had to sigh, with a personal panel, he really had a clearer understanding of his situation and saved a lot of trouble, such as his seventh sense, which was not working at all times, and wanted to wait. I don't know when I will discover this ability.

Next, it is also a problem to study how the seventh sense comes from.

Now that I have a panel, it is equivalent to having a cultivation assistant by my side. I can really have a clear understanding of my state, and even choose the name of the new skill for me.

Just don't take it too easy.

Ling Huohuo also has an understanding of the magic dragon.

The magic dragon has an extra space skill - [Walk the Void], the introduction is inspired by the fusion of the remaining space power in its own soul power.

It may be because the fusion power is not much, the magic dragon only awakened one skill, and did not get the space attribute.

Ling Huohuo also sighed for a while, the good luck of the magic dragon, you must know that your soul power not only has space power, but also other attributes.

In addition, there are some other changes in the introduction on the panel of the magic dragon, but the difference is generally the same.

For the above information, Ling Huohuo finished all investigations before the elders recovered.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, I don't know how this Crescent Lake is advanced? Can you help us explain?" The Great Elder asked curiously.

Ling Huohuo smiled, "There is nothing you can do."

The advancement of Crescent Lake did not involve Ling Huohuo's secrets. Ling Huohuo told the elders what Crescent Lake told him, and made them amazed.

After all, the evil thoughts in Moonlight Fountain troubled them for a while, but Ling Huohuo actually had the means to get rid of the evil thoughts, he really is a boss.

The thirteen elders got together, and they didn't know what they were discussing, and Ling Huohuo didn't go to eavesdrop.

After a while, the thirteen elders seemed to have reached a consensus.

I saw the Great Elder smiling at Ling Huohuo, leaving Ling Huohuo at a loss.

Then the First Elder stood in front of the forest elves, and the Twelve Elders stood on either side of her.

Seeing that the elders were about to speak, the elves of the forest fell silent.

"Clan people, it is a great honor. Today we witnessed the birth of Crescent Lake. It is the long-cherished wish of our forest elves for countless generations to cultivate a crescent lake. Our ancestors have worked hard for it. Today, there is finally a crescent lake It was born in front of all the members of our forest elf tribe!"

"Long live!"


"Cheat! Old iron 666!"

The elves of the forest cheered for a long time, and the elders also smiled.

However, looking at the elders' smiles, Ling Huohuo always felt that they were planning something, because...their smiles were not good smiles!

And the targets of the calculation are also those cheering elves of the forest.

Ling Huohuo watched this scene with great interest.

After the cheers faded away, the Great Elder continued to speak out.

"People of the tribe, everyone must be aware of the significance of Crescent Lake to the elves, who can tell me!"

"The tribe can give birth to more tribesmen!" the elf of the forest said immediately.

"The clansmen born in the future will have better talents!"

"The level of the tribe will increase!"


Seeing the elves of the forest shouting about the benefits of Crescent Lake, the elders smiled brighter.

It is also the first time Ling Huohuo knows that Crescent Lake has so many uses. He hasn't had time to explore the attributes of Crescent Lake, but he doesn't know if it is useful for other races.

"Clan people, I know everyone's enthusiasm, but I have to regret to tell you that this Crescent Lake is an advanced form of the Moonlight Spring that was once abandoned by the elves of the forest. You already have your own master," said the Great Elder.


"Who is the master?"

The elves of the forest panicked.

Ling Huohuo suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the Great Elder smiled and pointed at himself.

"It is to save all our forest elves and the dragons of the Dragon Valley, our honored guest—His Excellency Ling Huohuo."

"Meow meow meow???"

Ling Huohuo looked confused, took the time to look at his panel again, that's right, he is not the owner of Crescent Lake!

(End of this chapter)

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