Chapter 563 Forest Spirit, get! (one more)
Ling Huohuo was stared at by a large group of forest elves and people of other races, and didn't know what to say for a while.

It is obvious that the eyes of the forest elves are not kind. Facing important items related to the future of the entire race, even the kind forest elves have difficulty calming down for a while.

"Clan people, what are you doing?" the Great Elder suddenly said.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo is a distinguished guest who saved our entire tribe, do you want to take action against him? I am so disappointed in you!" said the Great Elder with a heartbroken look.

The elves of the forest withdrew their gazes and lowered their heads in shame.

"But... Crescent Lake..." the elf of the forest said.

"That's right, Crescent Lake is an important part of the inheritance of the elves, but as believers of the Forest Goddess, we cannot do anything to disappoint the Forest Goddess." The Great Elder said flatly.

The elves of the forest didn't make any more noise, they all chose to be silent and began to repent.

"Clan people, now that Crescent Lake has appeared, I know everyone's desire for Crescent Lake, but now, we have only one way to get the right to use Crescent Lake!" said the Great Elder.

"any solution?"

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo's Mixia, I think His Excellency Ling Huohuo will not be stingy with his subordinates." The Great Elder said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what the elders meant, and guessed the current situation of the forest elves.

Obviously, the elders and high-level people agree with the foreknowledge of the great elders and the threat of the chaotic camp in the seal to join his own ranks, but the ordinary people of the forest elves obviously don't I must have thought so, and there must have been different voices.

After all, as a high-level race, they have their own pride. It is impossible for ordinary people to choose to join Ling Huohuo so easily.

Originally, I was my own boss and lived a happy life. Who would like to be inferior to others?

The forest elves are a relatively democratic group, and the attitude of the clansmen must be considered. Therefore, the purpose of the elders is to use Crescent Lake to persuade the forest elves to join Ling Huohuo's camp!

Looking at it this way, the elders are launching a ruthless plan to cheat even their own clansmen, and even the clansmen of the entire tribe, but their starting point is good.

"But... Crescent Lake itself evolved from the Moonlight Spring of our forest elves!" Some elves retorted.

"But we once abandoned it. It was Your Excellency Ling Huohuo who cleaned up the filth in Moonlight Spring and helped Moonlight Spring evolve into Crescent Lake!" said the Great Elder.

"Where's the evidence?"

The Great Elder looked at Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo naturally understood what the Great Elder meant, and asked him to assist her in persuading the elves of the forest.

Ling Huohuo shrugged.

A layer of faint light spots floated on the surface of his body, looking extremely mysterious.

Moonlight Sword Intent!

This is the first time Ling Huohuo has activated the Moonlight Sword Intent, making Ling Huohuo feel that his state has become extremely ethereal, like a dream, like a dream.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo could also sense the coldness and strong destructive power contained in the sword intent. It was a kind of cold power that directly shattered vitality, with killing intent in the illusion.

"This is a thank you gift from Crescent Lake." Ling Huohuo said.

At the same time, Crescent Lake also responded, and the elves of the forest could feel the intimacy of Crescent Lake to Ling Huohuo.

Now, no elves objected.

"Can it be rented?" an elf asked.

"I think all of you must know how precious Crescent Lake is. Do you think we can afford to rent the right to use Crescent Lake?" the Great Elder asked rhetorically.

The forest elves chatted in whispers for a while, and finally fell silent.

Still the same sentence, Crescent Lake is very precious, but the forest elves who have lived in the primitive wild forest for many years are not rich and have nothing to sell.

Moreover, although Ling Huohuo had helped them, all the elves knew well that Ling Huohuo was not a saint, and it was impossible for them to use Crescent Lake for free.

"But, our Moonlight Spring can also evolve into Crescent Lake!" Another elf questioned.

The elder shook his head.

"Impossible. It is very difficult to meet the opportunities needed to advance from Moonlight Spring to Crescent Lake, and if it can be easily advanced, why do we still guard Moonlight Spring for so many years? Moreover, Crescent Lake has just evolved, and space The power of moonlight outside has been drained, and it will take at least a thousand years to condense the power of moonlight that can make Moonlight Spring evolve into Crescent Lake, but now the primitive wild forest is in turmoil, and we forest elves can't afford to wait. .” said the great elder.

The forest elves fell silent.

They all knew that the Great Elder was telling the truth. After all, the forest elf tribe had just experienced turmoil, and the seal was not a secret in the tribe, and because of Harrigan, the seal was about to be broken. At this time, the elves of the forest were also a little panicked.

"Joining the Mixia of Your Excellency Ling Huohuo will not only allow the tribe's inheritance to evolve, but also get the protection of His Excellency Ling Huohuo. With His Excellency Ling Huohuo's protection, I believe that we will surely survive the ensuing turmoil Come down!" The elder added a fire.

Finally, the elves of the forest gave up their last struggle.

"I agree!" shouted an elf.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


After experiencing some spiritual struggle, all the elves agreed to the proposal of the great elder, and those who wanted to resist also followed the majority of the elves in a daze to agree, agreeing to join Ling Huohuo's downfall.

The elves of the forest did not appear that kind of iron-headed elves.

On the one hand, it is out of trust in the elders, and on the other hand, it is the consideration of inheritance and future disasters.

As a race that guards the seal, the elves of the forest know their responsibilities. Facing the people of the chaotic camp that is about to break the seal, it is impossible to escape, but they still feel guilty.

This time, just facing the demonized elves has fallen into a crisis of genocide, so if no one helps next time, wouldn't it just be GG?
Although I am inferior to others, but...but...

But for a long time, the elves of the forest didn't come out with a reason. Therefore, although they agreed to join Ling Huohuo's camp, they still felt a little uncomfortable, but it was just a little uncomfortable.

The elves of the forest are not a strong race. Just look at the virtues of the great elders who are responsible for leading the group.

The elves of the forest don't have a lot of arrogance. They have lived in the primitive wild forest for a long time, and they are naturally fond of nature. Under the steps, I naturally chose to "surrender". Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I didn't feel any resentment.

In response to the reaction of the clansmen, the elders smiled, and it was done!

The great elder smiled and nodded at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo also showed a smile, but he sighed a little, not for the elves of the forest, but for the Great Elder. I didn't expect such an unreliable Great Elder to fool his own clansman so smoothly. He really doesn't show his face. !

Also, if it wasn't for her good deception skills, how could it be possible for the elves of the forest to agree to her as the Great Elder?
Ling Huohuo did not continue to be in a daze, but stepped forward and stood beside the Great Elder. He knew that it was time for him to come forward to appease the faction that he had just agreed to join his own power. He was fooled by their Great Elder, and he was still confused about the future The elves of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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