The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 570 What hole card does your villain hide?

Chapter 570 What cards do you hide as a villain? (two more)

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As if hearing some funny joke, the Desolate Ape King laughed wildly.

"It's really... a big joke in the world!"

The people in the lawful camp also looked confused, looking at Ling Huohuo with complicated eyes.

Old Tie, you are so confident, we have no idea.

Only the Great Elder of the Forest Elf is an exception.

"Oh, you have such a strong momentum, you've become a fan~"

Everyone: "..."

We have nothing to say!

"You are weak now?" King Huangyuan suddenly felt that Ling Huohuo's brain might not work well.

"Everything in the world is the same on the outside and inside, how much is it?"

"Stubborn!" The aura of the Desolate Ape King skyrocketed, and now Ling Huohuo's mouth was full of coquettish words, maybe it wasn't because he had just controlled the law, because the pressure was too high, his brain was burned out, he had to take action, and try to see if he could get Ling Huo out of control. The fire is normal.

"Life and death, reincarnation is endless, we live, they die!"

No nonsense, the body of the Desolate Ape King flashed and attacked Ling Huohuo.

No, I can't let Ling Huohuo go on like this anymore, I can't watch a high-quality younger brother become mentally retarded like this.

However, at this time, Ling Huohuo slowly raised the sword in his hand.

The Desolate Ape King's body tightened, and his back felt cold.

what's the situation?
There are no redundant actions, and no redundant images.

With a flash of light, Ling Huohuo and Desolate Ape King disappeared from everyone's sight.

"What about people?"


The onlookers rioted, what just happened?Can slow motion play back a change?Well, please disregard the last sentence.


A eagle-headed creature pointed to the center of the pit and shouted.

Everyone looks.

I saw Ling Huohuo and the Desolate Ape King standing in the middle of the deep pit facing each other, neither of them moved.

At this time, the darkness in the sky gradually receded and disappeared, revealing the sunset glow in the sky.

Everyone looked at the changes at this time, a little puzzled, did they win or lose at this time?
At this time, the creatures in the primitive wild forest also showed the same doubts.

The dim sunlight fell on the bodies of Ling Huohuo and Desolate Ape King, dyeing them golden.

"This is, what... puff!" The Desolate Ape King spat out a mouthful of blood, and knelt on the ground, his heart was wet with blood, and his eyes were still full of disbelief.

With a wave of his hand, Ling Huohuo shook off the blood on Ba Baijian's body.

The [-] shot just now, the [-]th level hits the [-]th level, it is the father hitting the son, although the [-] is just a weapon, but don't forget, whose weapon is the [-]!Can the sword held by the sword god be the same?

Thus, the Desolate Ape King was instantly killed, and now he is relying on the remaining strength to support his body.

However... can these be said?

Don't you want to be embarrassed?

In the distance, seeing the Desolate Ape King kneeling on the ground, they all cheered.


However, Ling Huohuo didn't move at all, and they quickly calmed down again, quietly looking at Ling Huohuo and the Desolate Ape King in the deep pit.

Looking at the Desolate Ape King who was kneeling on the ground, everyone felt a sense of sadness.

He was obviously such an awesome person before, why did he kneel down?

Finally, Ling Huohuo spoke.

"The invisible blade is the most deadly!"

"Hehe... speak well." The desolate ape king's eyes became a little resentful, I am already like this, why can't you speak well?Let me die to understand?
Ling Huohuo was silent for a while.

"For those who cannot see the truth, the world is different."

Is this good talk?The Desolate Ape King was thinking, why does it still feel like a sassy talk?But Ling Huohuo shouldn't be fooling himself at this time.

So, after some hesitation, the Desolate Ape King asked his own question.

"What is...the truth?"

"Whether it's windy or rainy, the sun always rises."

The Desolate Ape King was silent, looking at the setting sun in the sky, feeling his own life that was constantly being lost, and covered his eyes with his hands.

The setting sun and the dying of people are so compatible.

"Is this the truth?"

For a moment, the Desolate Ape King felt that his state of mind had made a breakthrough again. If he accumulated it for a period of time, his strength would definitely improve. This kind of improvement is not common at the eighth level, and it can be encountered but not sought after!

Ling Huohuo's words are very philosophical!

However... the current self...

"Ahem..." The Desolate Ape King coughed up blood.

"Life is just a deception. From the moment you start breathing, you are slowly dying." Ling Huohuo turned his head and looked at the Desolate Ape King.

"Hehe... Do you think you really won?" The Desolate Ape King suddenly smiled.

Ling Huohuo showed surprise for the first time, and had a bad premonition in his heart, and was about to go up to make up the knife.

However, a terrifying wind and wave blew from the position of the Desolate Ape King, blowing away Ling Huohuo whose body had already been hollowed out.

"It's the power of a lot of space! Not good, the Desolate Ape King wants to open the space channel!" Babai's voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

"Can you interrupt?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yes, but the burst of space power can't bear the space stability of the primitive wild forest at all, and everyone will fall into the turbulent flow of space!" Babai said.

"Damn it!" Ling Huohuo cursed, why did such a stupid thing happen?

"Call you a wave, slap your face! It's obviously the protagonist's life, but you're doing boss work." Babai mocked.

Ling Huohuo had no words to refute.

Who knew that the Desolate Ape King actually had a hole card?

Shouldn't it be the villain who talked too much, and then was fled or killed by the decent guy who rushed to the street?How did it come back to me?

Am I not the protagonist?
Wait, is this book a villain's counterattack novel?Is the Desolate Ape King the real protagonist?The plot has just begun here?
"What are you thinking about? You know too much and be careful to make your eunuch!" Babai's voice sounded.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ling Huohuo took a deep breath, what kind of cards are you a villain hiding, but now you can't act rashly, Ling Huohuo can only quietly look at the distance, the constantly rolling wind and gushing space power.

At this time, the sky became dark again.

Not blackened by dark forces, not all, but one piece, turned into a pitch-black black hole.

"It's a space channel. Could it be that the Desolate Ape King wants to open a space channel, but this power of space...does he want to open a fixed space channel?" Babai analyzed.

"Fixed space channel?" Ling Huohuo was also taken aback. Ling Huohuo can open the space channel by himself, but it is only temporary, and it will be repaired by the space soon. If you want to open the fixed space channel, then The power needed must be extremely terrifying, where did the Desolate Ape King get so much space power? ? ?

And... to build a fixed space channel, what exactly is the Desolate Ape King going to do?Where should I connect again?
(End of this chapter)

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