The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 571 The battle is over, "Chapter Return of the Primitive Clan"

Chapter 571 The battle is over, "Return of the Primitive Clan" ([-] more)
"Desolate Ape King, why are you so late?" A voice came from the void.

"Some accidents happened." The Desolate Ape King grinned.

"Huh? Are you injured? No... you're dying???" The tone of the voice became extremely shocked.

"Ahem, almost." said the Desolate Ape King.

"Who did it? Is there still time for me to run?" the voice said weakly.

The Desolate Ape King opened his mouth, what the hell is this coercing his teammates?

The Desolate Ape King looked at Ling Huohuo who was gesticulating with a sword in the distance, and his scalp tingled for a while.

If it weren't for the fact that he was building a space channel, there was space power surging around him, forming a barrier, and Ling Huohuo was also worried that a rash attack would cause the space power to explode and destroy the space where the original wild forest was located. Otherwise, he might It's really going to be cold.

"It's still too late to run." The Desolate Ape King said, "Give me a hand and take me away."

"Uh, you're going to die, so why go?"

"If you can live, quickly pull me away, or you will die when the space channel is fixed!" the Desolate Ape King said angrily.

"Okay, no time, get in the car."

A black force fell from the void, covering the body of the Desolate Ape King.

"Ling Huohuo, I admit that you are my opponent. I hope that next time we meet, I can take your move."

After speaking, the Desolate Ape King was pulled away by the black light.

Ling Huohuo blinked, looked at the Desolate Ape King who was being dragged away, and then put away the eight hundred.

Although his strength was exhausted, Ling Huohuo was not that fragile, and his body was strong enough to support him.

Soon, the space channel was completely fixed.

It may be due to the law, the space passage is not a big black chrysanthemum, but a door, there is no portal, only two gorgeous doorposts, and between the doorposts, a huge silver and black vortex is constantly rotating with.

It is completely in the style of a portal in the game.

With the establishment of the portal, the space power began to recede.

"Ling Huohuo, those spatial forces are about to melt into the space, don't waste it!" Babai's voice sounded.

Ling Huohuo nodded, and walked to the center of the spread of space power. At this time, the space power is all scattered space power, not much, not so violent, and there is no barrier at the same time.

Ling Huohuo breathed calmly, raised his head, and closed his eyes. The power of space began to be sucked into Ling Huohuo's body. Ling Huohuo could feel the power of his space attribute growing slowly.

In addition to Ling Huohuo, after seeing Ling Huohuo's movements, the magic dragon realized Ling Huohuo's purpose, and immediately joined him.

She has also begun to absorb space power, because she does not have space attributes, and the absorbed power is used to improve her void walking skills, and the improvement is very large.

The magic dragon looked at Ling Huohuo who was obviously weak with malicious intentions, his eyes flickered, but he quickly regained his composure and concentrated on absorbing all the space power.

The scene of Ling Huohuo killing the Desolate Ape King in an instant is still vivid in my memory.

Can't beat, can't beat...

"Ding! Congratulations for solving the main attribute of the dragon bite for the second time. You can use the dragon mount with confidence and unlock more postures. Because you have solved the main attribute of the dragon bite many times, you will deepen the bond between the master and the mount, and you will initially understand the special ability of riding. Comprehend the skill [Prestige]. I hope to make persistent efforts to awaken more abilities."

A reminder sounded in Ling Huohuo's ear, which made Ling Huohuo's mood a little complicated. Just now he suddenly felt that his connection with the magic dragon had deepened. a skill.

"Possession: Passive. When riding, the power of the skill with momentum is enhanced. Depending on the bond between the mount and the owner, the enhancement rate is different. The stronger the bond, the stronger the enhancement rate, and vice versa. There is no upper limit for enhancement."

Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction. He did have a potential skill, but it was still a very strong skill, that is "fear". This bonus was very suitable for him.

However, having said that, isn't the frequency of triggering the attributes of the Dragon Devourer a bit high?Triggered twice in more than a week?

Looking at the magic dragon absorbing space power in the distance, Ling Huohuo showed a dazed expression. It seems that after absorbing the space power, the strength of the magic dragon has also increased, but it may be because he was afraid of his power to kill the wild ape king before. Resist it.

It seems that I need to ride the magic dragon more to strengthen my relationship.

The people in the lawful camp did not bother Ling Huohuo and Molong. After all, they were practicing, and their fists were still big. What's more, not everyone could control the power of space, and none of them had space attributes or space power. Attribute skills cannot absorb space power at all.

They were not idle, but started to clean up the battlefield. Don't forget, there are still some fish that slip through the net in the chaotic camp.

At the same time, there are still some people rushing for a ride at a fast speed, so prepare to tell everyone the good news of the great victory.

However, when this side came to an end, other places were not peaceful.


Primitive wasteland, one floor.

Yilian Youmeng was taken aback suddenly.

"Sister Yunyun." Yilian Youmeng stopped Xiao Yunyun, although no matter how I looked at it, I was definitely older than Xiao Yunyun, but... who made Xiao Yunyun older?What's more, he is a big boss above level [-], so he can't just look at his appearance. In order to build a good relationship, Yilian Youmeng called each other "Sister Yunyun" very smoothly.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yunyun who was dealing with matters asked.

"I'm going offline." Yilian Youmeng said, not worried about revealing that she is a player. The "NPCs" in "The Lost World" all know their kind of players, and they feel very comfortable with players. normal.

"Are you tired? Then go to rest first." Xiao Yunyun said.

Generally speaking, there is no limit to the amount of time a player can be online, but they will be offline from time to time due to fatigue or real-world events.

"No, the system is going to open a new expansion pack." Yilian Youmeng said.

"What expansion pack?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously.

Yilian Youmeng opened the panel and read along: "..."

Not just Yilian Youmeng.

At this time, all players in "The Lost World" have received a notification from the system to open a new expansion piece.

"Since the level and number of players have reached a critical value, a new expansion pack - "Return of the Primitive Clan" will be launched!"

"At that time, the race transfer system will be opened, more hidden, rare, and unique occupations will be opened, the Hall of Heroes system will be opened, the faction war system will be opened, more maps will be opened, and the map will be fully opened—the original wild forest."

"Update time - three days!"

Players have discovered another feature of "The Lost World" - the version update time is really long!
The following is the promotional material of the original wasteland.

Out of curiosity, the players clicked on the expansion pack.

Although there were only a few battle scenes, they immediately attracted the players' attention.

In the dark sky, in the ancient jungle, a figure tightly grasped the long sword in his hand, with an indifferent face, only a pair of gold and silver circular pupils shining brightly in the dark background.

The deep voice, like the croon of a king, faintly rang in the player's ears.

"Death is like the wind, always with me!"


"There is only one reason for your defeat, and that is—to be my enemy!"


"Everything in the world is the same on the outside and inside, how much is it?"


"Life and death, reincarnation is endless, we live, they die!"


"The invisible blade is the most deadly!"


"Whether it's windy or rainy, the sun always rises!"

(End of this chapter)

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