The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 573 The holy fire is about to burn again!

Chapter 573 The holy fire is about to burn again! (one more)
After determining the future development goals, Ling Huohuo assigned the construction authority of the future science and technology city to Xiao Yunyun, the Elder Elf of the Forest, and the Elder Nibo.

The development of the future science and technology city is temporarily handed over to them.

And Ling Huohuo is responsible for recalling the monsters who went out.

Now that the situation in the other world has been clarified, and it is very suitable for cultivation, Ling Huohuo naturally wants to recall the monsters and send them into the lost world.

At the same time, because of the existence of the Lost World, Ling Huohuo also changed his original plan to leave the Transcendent Academy and go out to explore.

Although there must be things worth exploring in the real world, the Lost World is definitely more suitable for training yourself. After all, the seventh level is not common in the real world.

After Ling Huohuo returned to the Extraordinary Academy, he discovered something that surprised him.

Extraordinary Academy is popularizing the game warehouse of "The Lost World"!
Various research groups have also been established.

After using the permission, Ling Huohuo finally figured out what was going on after contacting his "Yo Yo Yo" operator.

It turned out that it was requested by the high-level of the college to popularize, and it was also revealed that improving one's strength in "The Lost World" would also have an impact on one's own strength in the real world.

Under semi-forced conditions, most of the teachers and students in the Extraordinary Academy joined "The Lost World".

The Extraordinary Academy even narrowed the scope of tasks in the real world, as if they wanted to play games as a group with one heart and one mind.

It also made the entire Transcendent Academy obtain a rare peace.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo's appearance on the posters and promotional videos is different from usual, and the will of the world has also been adjusted, so he is not worried that others will recognize Ling Huohuo.

And Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun also got the game room assigned by the academy.

However, it was clear that Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were not available for the time being.

During these two days, Jian Shengdao also came to invite Ling Huohuo to his house as a guest.

It was only then that Ling Huohuo remembered that he still had an agreement with Jian Shengdao's grandfather, and his grandfather was still looking to provoke trouble.

After happily going, as expected, Jian Shengdao's grandfather challenged Ling Huohuo.

The reason why Ling Huohuo is only invited now is because during this period of time, Jian Shengdao's grandfather actually spent some time building an arena that can withstand the sixth-level battle.

In fact, there is also a battle room for Tier [-] battles in the academy.

However, Ling Huohuo soon figured it out. Jian Shengdao's grandfather might not have the confidence to defeat him absolutely, and he didn't want to be ashamed, so he used no effort to build a ring in his home.

However, Ling Huohuo at this time is no longer the Ling Huohuo of a month ago.

After Jian Shengdao's grandfather used the strongest attack, Ling Huohuo was unscathed, and then killed Jian Shengdao's grandfather in an instant.

Also this time, Ling Huohuo discovered that people really fade.

Looking at Jian Shengdao's grandfather who was sitting in the corner doubting his life, Ling Huohuo touched his chin and wondered if he was going too far?

Jian Shengdao's grandfather has a big beard, should I let him lose two hairs?

However, apart from Jian Shengdao's grandfather, Jian Shengdao's family members are very enthusiastic about Ling Huohuo, and during the chat, Ling Huohuo also figured out why Jian Shengdao's grandfather didn't like him, all because, Jian Shengdao's grandfather is a grandson!

When Ling Huohuo left, Jian Shengdao wanted to practice with Ling Huohuo, but Ling Huohuo didn't take him with him.

Instead, tell him, let him enter "The Lost World", "The Lost World" will not let him down.

Saying goodbye to the enthusiastic Jian family, the pensive Jian Shengdao, and the still faded and doubtful grandfather of Jian Shengdao, Ling Huohuo once again returned to his home in Chaofan Academy.

A week passed and the house was built.

It is extremely exquisite, and Xiao Yunyun is also satisfied.

While waiting for the monsters to return, Ling Huohuo also contacted some people.

First, I went to visit Jia Ailu. After all, Jia Ailu was Hongshuang's attending physician, and took Hongshuang to her for an examination. At this time, Hongshuang's condition was normal.

Then Ling Huohuo contacted Guo Xiaoyu again.

Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu have not broken contact, they have always been in contact.

To Ling Huohuo's relief, Guo Xiaoyu did not raise her level after returning to China after the exchange between schools ended, and she was still at the seventh level.

Ling Huohuo is ready to drag Guo Xiaoyu to another world. After all, a seventh-level powerhouse, even if Guo Xiaoyu is unreliable, is still a great help.

However, what surprised Ling Huohuo was that Guo Xiaoyu was already playing "The Lost World". The reason why he didn't improve his strength during this period was because he was addicted to the game and couldn't extricate himself.

This made Ling Huohuo fall into silence.

In the end, Ling Huohuo asked Guo Xiaoyu to go to the primitive wasteland to find him after the update of "The Lost World" was completed.

Then Ling Huohuo contacted Lu Sisi again, and as expected, Lu Sisi was also playing "The Lost World", and Ling Huohuo also asked her to come to the primitive forest to find him.

And after hearing that Ling Huohuo was the protagonist in that promotional video, it was Lu Sisi's turn to fall silent this time.

Lu Sisi has comprehended the sword intent of sharpness, and his strength in the way of the sword is increasing rapidly. Although he has no power, he still has no power, but Jiantaro said that with the current Lu Sisi, using swordsmanship, even a second-level powerhouse will be killed in a second if he is not careful!

And relying on her expertise in this area, coupled with Lu Sisi's own good grades, Lu Sisi was finally recommended to Beijing University.

However, Lu Sisi also said one thing to Ling Huohuo.

The Huaxia military has also noticed Lu Sisi, and has been in contact with Lu Sisi, but after investigation, it was found that Lu Sisi was Ling Huohuo's friend, and they did not force Lu Sisi to join the military, but maintained friendly contact, and hoped to get Lu Sisi's support when necessary. help.

The reason why Lu Sisi was able to be sent to Beijing University was also because of the military behind it.

And the military figure who has been in contact with Lu Sisi is also an old acquaintance of Ling Huohuo - Qiao Feifei!

Now Qiao Feifei is also doing well in the military. On the one hand, she does have some skills and is very good at being a person. On the other hand, she also has a relationship with Ling Huohuo!
Ling Huohuo can understand the purpose of the military, the purpose is very simple - to sell well!
Although Ling Huohuo joined the Chaofan Academy, he did not revoke his status in the Huaxia military. That is to say, Ling Huohuo is not planning to leave the country, and there is a possibility of making friends with Ling Huohuo!
Naturally, Ling Huohuo didn't have any dissatisfaction, it's human nature, and he didn't have any malice towards Huaxia Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo has already started to think about whether he should take the time to visit Huaxia, after all, he hasn't been back for a while.

Although it has a population of more than 1, Ling Huohuo doesn't think that his own powerful people are enough. There are still shortcomings in various aspects. First of all, the management is not very mature. Xiao Yunyun and the others alone may not be able to manage it well. Tens of thousands of people, after all, it was the first time for Xiao Yunyun to manage so many people, while Ni Bo and the others only managed a few hundred people at most.

It's okay for a short time, but it's definitely not a long-term solution. Moreover, Xiao Yunyun is busy managing the city every day, so he doesn't have time to accompany him, so he feels a little lonely.

After some hesitation, Ling Huohuo took out his phone, hesitated for a while on a number, and finally dialed it.

"Hi, is this Toyotomi Hideya?"


While Ling Huohuo was arranging things, an undercurrent began to surge in Chaofan Academy.

Qilixiang has not been doing very well recently. Since she was arrested, although she has not disclosed her identity, the fine and punishment have not been missed, and the Transcendent Academy also monitors herself regularly.

Even the president was locked up at home and could not be contacted.

When Qilixiang felt that this might be the end of his life, a figure appeared in front of him and secretly handed him a leaflet.

"Old Tie, let the Demon King Army find out."

Qilixiang's eyes lit up when she understood what happened to the Demon King's Army.

The holy fire is about to burn again!

(End of this chapter)

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