The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 574 The Dragon Lives Just To Shout This Voice

Chapter 574 The Dragon Lives to Shout This Voice (Part [-])
Three days passed in a flash.

"The Lost World" is finally open again!

The first time it went online, players checked the updated content.

"The return of the original clan: the big and small clans that lived in seclusion in the cracks of space began to become active again, and the lost continent became active again. However, behind the return of the clan, there is hidden..."

"Race transfer: The clan returns, and the number of races increases. In a certain race, the racial favorability is raised to friendly, and the race transfer task is received from the patriarch. After getting the blood of the race, the current race can be changed. Note: You can only change the race once , please choose carefully."

"Open occupations: the return of clans, the battle of civilizations, bringing in new blood, opening occupations unique to races, opening occupations unique to camps, and opening occupations unique to characters. Players are welcome to explore by themselves."

"Hall of Heroes: Only true heroes can enter the Hall of Heroes. Accept the missions of the Hall of Heroes or the City Hall of Heroes, gain hero points, get hero badges, upgrade the level of hero badges, and receive more rewards. Note: only You can contact the hall missions in the hero character of your own race and in the hall of heroes."

"Faction Wars: Clan returns, and the quiet and chaotic faction is active again. The primitive wasteland is just the beginning of the war. Pick up the weapons in your hands and fight bloody for your faction! Depending on the situation, you will get different rewards, please explore by yourself."

"Map open: The explorable range of the map becomes larger."

"Open Map - Primitive Wasteland: The passage of the Primitive Wasteland is opened, and players can freely enter and exit the Primitive Wasteland."

The above is the explanation of the system, and players began to try to explore new games.

However, Ling Huohuo and the others got much more detailed information.

The return of the clan is to allow more races to participate in the game of "The Lost World".

The so-called race transfer and career opening are to deepen the integration between people in the real world and creatures in this world.

The Hall of Heroes selects those who are genuine and capable. When they reach a certain level, they will know the truth of this world!
And those so-called heroes are those creatures who can talk to the will of the world.

Ling Huohuo, Nibo, the Great Elder of the Elf Clan, the Great Elder of the Naga Clan, and the Great Elder of the Frost Giant, among Ling Huohuo's forces, only five of them have won the title of hero.

The Naga tribe and the Frost Giants did not join Ling Huohuo's siege, but as subsidiary forces, they established a satellite city near the Future Science and Technology City.

There is nothing to say about the faction war. The chaotic faction has been jumping a bit recently. The will of the world thinks that they may provoke troubles, and sooner or later they will fight. Why not take advantage of this time to send a wave of benefits to the players, just about to be able to motivate the players Fight and upgrade their strength.

There is nothing new about the opening of the map. In the past, the range of activities of the players was actually restricted. It was not because of the will of the world that they would not be allowed to leave, but because the map was too large, and simply walking was too time-consuming.

But now, the construction of the teleportation array has greatly accelerated the exploration speed and scope of the players, making them feel that the map has become larger.

In fact, the land is still as fast and as big, but it is more convenient to walk on.


At this time, no players have come to the primitive wasteland.

However, the original wasteland at this time has changed greatly.

The original land within the seal was also utilized, and the original wild forest at this time was two times larger than before.

At the same time, the living range of monsters has also changed. Starting from the future science and technology city, the further outward, the stronger the power of the beasts. The strength of the strongest beasts in the outermost layer is the seventh rank!

The first to seventh floors are still forests, but outposts have been established, and creatures of many races are developing resources.

The sealed land has completely changed.

With sufficient resources, the Future Science and Technology City has been promoted several times in just three days.

At this time, it has become a fifth-level metropolis!
At the same time, the future science and technology city has also been renamed - the future city!
The future city is full of mechanical feeling, and high-tech products abound in it.

However, in order to allow the creatures who have adapted to forest life to adapt, the interior of the future city is designed with a combination of forest and technology, which is extremely beautiful and shocking. To be honest, when Ling Huohuo saw the future city, he was also shocked No way.

In fact, the reason why the future science and technology city develops so fast is because the future science and technology city itself has a complete development template, and Ling Huohuo and the others are just picking up the wisdom of others.

You only need to throw resources into the factory, the factory can upgrade and produce by itself, and then build other buildings, and continue to produce according to the design of the template. Moreover, the machine only needs to pay attention to the problem of durability, and there is no such thing as fatigue or efficiency decline. .

The construction of cities should be at a slower and slower pace, but the future city will be built at a constant speed until all the templates in the database are fully established, otherwise it will not stop.

During this period of time, a lot of factories were built, with templates, and soon produced a large number of life service robots to maintain the operation of the city.

Moreover, when the number of life service robots reaches the calculated saturation, the future city will start to build an arsenal!

Standing in front of the arsenal, I was speechless as I watched rows of all kinds of troops with fifth-level strength and various high-tech weapons coming out.

When did Tier [-] become so worthless?
Ling Huohuo estimated that when the future city is upgraded to a sixth-level city, the units and weapons produced may be of the sixth level!
However, just like cultivation, it is not that simple to upgrade a fifth-level city to a sixth-level city, and it is no longer a simple accumulation of resources.

Instead, we need an item called the core of the base. From the will of the world, Ling Huohuo got the name of the material that can be used as the core of the base. The base core made of different materials brings different abilities to the upgraded city. Consider it carefully, but there is a material that Linghuo is very familiar with-space refined iron!
If you remember correctly, the Sealed Gate is made of a large piece of space refined iron, right?

It shouldn't matter if two pieces are chiseled off, right?
However, don't worry, the future city at this time does not have the capital to be promoted to a sixth-tier city.

In addition to the future city, there are four satellite cities around the future city.

They are the New Moon City of the Forest Elves, the city built by the Forest Elves around the Crescent Lake, and moved their original Moonlight Spring into it, following the usual architectural style of the Forest Elves.

However, at this time, Yabai took Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang to practice swords on the Moonlight Spring in New Moon City. Babai said that the effect of refining swords with Moonlight Spring would be better. Afraid of affecting the spiritual consciousness of the forged sword, Babai even wanted to use Crescent Lake to refine the sword.

The dragon city of the giant dragons is very rough and wild, and the buildings inside are very large, all of which are caves, and it is the largest satellite city.

The Frost City of the Frost Giants is completely made of ice and snow, and the buildings are wild, but it is not as big as the dragons. After all, the Frost Giants don't need to fly, and they don't need such a large space.

The Misty Swamp City of the Naga Clan. Naga likes a humid climate, so they chose a swamp with rich water sources to build the city. It is the most mysterious city.

This is the original wild forest today.


10 minutes after the server was launched, the primitive wasteland welcomed the first player.

Because the portal was built in mid-air, Ling Huohuo had to build a suspended high platform and several lifting platforms in front of the portal. For those who are afraid of heights, the portal portal in the primitive wasteland is not friendly .

And guarding the portal is Harrigan, a guy who likes to watch the gate very much.

An ordinary-looking male player wearing a black armor stared at the extremely sci-fi future city in shock, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"As expected of a city of the future, even in this period, it is still shocking!"

Soon, the man's eyes became firm.

"This time, I absolutely want to be one step ahead, and I will not repeat the mistakes of my previous life. The strongest inheritance, the way of the sword, I absolutely want to get it! Xun'er, I will definitely change your fate!"

However, the man who was deep in thought did not notice that a giant was approaching him quietly, and after he found out, it was too late.

"Roar—surrender, or die!"

Harrigan let out his daily growl.

The dragon lives to shout this voice.

 The new book said, "I may be a fake Ultraman", I hope everyone will support it, and I will continue to write this time.

(End of this chapter)

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