The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 576 Real Roasted Gluten ~ Exciting!

Chapter 576 Real Roasted Gluten ~ Exciting! (two more)

After waving Ye Qiu away, Harrigan counted the gold coins in a good mood. Looking at the small pile of gold coins, he suddenly felt as if he had discovered a way to make money!
At this time, the portal trembled again, and several figures walked out from it at the same time.

Several figures are male and female, and the equipment they are wearing is the current top equipment. They are obviously high-end players, but they don't seem to belong to the same power.

The players looked at the scene in front of them, whether it was the portal in the air, the suspended high platform, or the extremely sci-fi future city in the distance, they were extremely shocked.

"Have you crossed?"

"Is this really a primitive wild forest?"

The players began to discuss, and some even took the camera equipment and started to record the surrounding scenery, wanting to upload it to the forum as soon as possible.

"Everyone, I don't think this is the time to visit." The leading man said.

"Hua Shao, what's the matter?" The others asked in confusion.

The man named Hua Shao pointed to Harrigan lying on the platform and said.

"That dragon is alive!"


Everyone looked at Harrigan in shock. They thought it was a decorative statue at first!
Sure enough, they saw Harrigan blinking.

A gust of cold air rose, refreshing them from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

dragon?Friend or foe?
Harrigan, who was looking at the players, looked at the good equipment on the players and showed a big smile.

"Surrender, or die? Or... leave money for your life!"


Ye Qiu bid farewell to Harrigan, sat on the lifting platform, and began to fall, not knowing that his experience opened a new door for Harrigan, and deceived a large number of players.

After successfully entering the virgin forest and getting Harrigan's scales, Ye Qiu was still in a very happy mood.

While falling, Ye Qiu looked into the distance.

Ye Qiu has seen an even more glorious future city in the future. Facing this future city that is still in its infancy, Ye Qiu feels very fresh. He uses his camera function to record what he sees and hears, and then uploads it to the forum , set to pay to watch.

The asset has just shrunk by one-fifth, Ye Qiu has to find a way to replenish it!
Moreover, the video uploaded by myself is definitely the first-hand video, and it is definitely the first to upload, which is profitable. When more players enter the future city in the future, it will be impossible to make money!
Ye Qiu thought for a while, hesitated, and uploaded the news about paying Harrigan to enter the future city on the forum. As for whether other players can increase Harrigan's favorability and how much, that's unknown, but What is certain is that it is definitely not as big as the benefits I get!
After all, not everyone has the courage to give Harrigan a thousand gold coins directly, let alone the first one!
Soon, Ye Qiu landed safely on the ground.

Familiar with the road, he took a taxi on the side of the road.

That's right, a taxi!

There are also technological cities in "The Lost World", but there are not many, and there is absolutely no technological development in the future cities.

In the future city, even the taxis on the roadside are fully automatic, but the charge is relatively expensive, ten gold coins, use it casually, and compensate for damage.

The future city is very large, and you can't use mounts in the city. If you don't use a taxi and rely on your feet, it will be very troublesome.

After getting in the car, Ye Qiu began to arrange his own plan. If he wanted to go ahead and take full advantage of the information he knew about the future, he had to make a reasonable plan.

"The first thing is to go to the city hall and set your return city in the future city, and then familiarize yourself with the distribution of the future city at this time, see how much useful information you can recall, and then... try to find That, or trigger a mission related to that person!"

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu felt a toothache.

Although everyone knows that person has the strongest inheritance and knows where that person is, no one has ever actively triggered tasks related to the strongest inheritance. Those who have accepted the tasks of the strongest inheritance are completely passively triggered. After completing a certain task, I suddenly received a task invitation without any preparation and no rules to follow.

Although Ye Qiu knows all the tasks that can trigger the strongest inheritance, but now is not the time, the only one he can get in touch with is Harrigan, but he doesn't know how long it will take if he wants to get Harrigan's favorability to admiration. What's more, at this time, even if the favorability is set to Adoration, can Harrigan really take himself to that person and persuade that person to give him the task of the strongest inheritance?
You should know that the tasks in "The Lost World" are not fixed, they will change according to the level and position of the NPC!

In the end, Ye Qiu decided to go shopping by himself first, maybe the future city at this time will surprise him, if it is not possible, he will try the Harrigan road again, but it will definitely make his heart hurt.

Ye Qiu took a taxi and looked at both sides of the street curiously. The buildings in the current future city are very new, and there are still traces of buildings.

However, as I know, the interior of the future city is a combination of technology and nature, and there are many races living there.

Looking at the smiling citizens and the thriving city, Ye Qiu's mood also became calm, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

At this time, Ye Qiu's nose moved.

"It smells so good." Ye Qiu's eyes lit up, he stopped the taxi, stuck his head out of the window, and looked around curiously.

A small street stall in the distance attracted his attention, and the fragrance came from there!

Ye Qiu remembered that there would be a huge food street in the future city, which would attract all the gourmets. Could it be that there is a prototype of a food street now?
Ye Qiu got out of the car and walked towards the stall. The owner of the stall was wearing a turban, with his head down, unable to see clearly, he was singing while roasting something.

"Fragrant taste ~ have you ever tasted it? Spicy feeling ~ have you ever tasted it? The singing of Internet celebrities ~ have you heard it? Real roasted gluten ~ it's so exciting! ~~~ let you eat real gluten Affordable! Different taste!!! Roasted gluten, roasted gluten~~my roasted gluten! Let you eat happily every day~roasted gluten, roasted gluten~~my roasted gluten! Let you eat every morning and evening All energetic!~~~~”

Ye Qiu has black hair.

What the hell kind of song is this TM?Is there a sentence on tune?
However, the scent that hit his face made Ye Qiu temporarily turn his desire to complain.

"Boss, how do you sell roasted gluten?" Ye Qiu asked.

"A string of two gold coins, how much does the customer want to buy?" the boss looked up and replied.

Two gold coins?Why don't you grab it! ?

But when Ye Qiu saw the boss's appearance clearly, he swallowed the words abruptly, almost choking to death, but he was still too excited to keep his mouth shut.

Because, the boss who sells roasted gluten turned out to be the owner of the strongest inheritance!

Ling Huohuo raised his head and looked at the player in front of him with his mouth open and drooling when he opened and closed it.

What's wrong?Fool?When will an idiot be able to play The Lost World?

"Hey, wipe off the drool before it drips on my baked gluten!"

I'm afraid it's not a mental retardation!
This was Ling Huohuo's first impression of Ye Qiu.

(End of this chapter)

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