The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 577: NPC Ling Huohuo Has Been Online

Chapter 577 NPC Ling Huohuo Has Been Online (Part [-])
Ye Qiu can be regarded as someone who has seen big storms. After all, he has even seen scenes like rebirth. He always feels that he can face anything more calmly.

However, when he really faced Ling Huohuo, he felt that this was not the case at all.

This is like encountering a Boss at the end of a walk in the entrance when brushing the dungeon, how cool it is.

The first reaction of the request was to run, but he quickly resisted the urge to run away.

After all, if they remembered correctly, Ling Huohuo belonged to the neutral camp, and he wasn't some evil NPC.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his mouth, and it was only after a minute that Ye Qiu regained his composure.

If you want to change the regrets of your previous life, you need absolute strength, so the strongest professional inheritance has always been his goal, but with the experience of his previous life, he knows that not only getting the strongest inheritance, but even standing in Ling Huohuo's There is a lot to pay in front of him. For this, he has considered a lot and made preparations.

After going through all kinds of hardships, and even losing all the talents he had in the game so far to stand in front of Ling Huohuo, Ye Qiu could accept such a thing, and even expected it, and made a lot of preparations.

However, meeting Ling Huohuo by chance on the street now made Ye Qiu feel a little uncomfortable.

I always feel that there is something wrong with the plot?
But Ye Qiu is not the kind of cheap person, it is impossible to ask Ling Huohuo to leave, and then design a level for himself.

Now that I ran into him on the street, I must seize this opportunity!This may also be the only chance for me to get in touch with Ling Huohuo!
Ye Qiu's eyes became firm.

For Xun'er, no matter what, I must seize this opportunity!
"Here's a bunch of roasted gluten!" Ye Qiu stretched out a finger.

Ling Huohuo looked at Ye Qiu who had returned to normal, shrugged his shoulders, handed Ye Qiu a bunch of roasted gluten, and took the two gold coins that Ye Qiu handed over.

Although buying a bunch of roasted gluten with two gold coins would make you vomit blood, but Ye Qiu thinks it's worth it. After all, he doesn't know Ling Huohuo, and it's impossible to reveal that he knows Ling Huohuo, so he wants to partner with Ling Huohuo. If you want to talk, you must find an entry point, and buying his roasted gluten is a good choice!

Ye Qiu looked at the golden roasted gluten in his hand.

"Speaking of which, it smells really good." Ye Qiu sighed and couldn't help but take a bite.

"Delicious ~ five more skewers!"

"Okay." Ling Huohuo smiled and got busy again.

There is actually a reason for Ling Huohuo to set up a stall here.

In the battle with the Desolate Ape King, Ling Huohuo didn't get any spoils, but he got something more precious than any spoils - the understanding of the way of the sword!

That move [Sword Dao·Gu Long] unexpectedly made Ling Huohuo briefly see the true meaning of the Sword Dao.

Although he only glanced at it without leaving any impression, it gave Ling Huohuo a feeling of ignorance, as if he had understood something or not.

However, now Ling Huohuo used this trick again without gaining anything, as if that time was just a coincidence.

In the end, after communicating with Babai, Ling Huohuo decided to stop for a while and accumulate some accumulation. When the time comes, the harvest will naturally appear in front of him!
Ling Huohuo knew his strength, and although he wanted to help build the future city, he knew that he didn't have the ability to intervene rashly, because Ling Huohuo knew that he had a high status in the hearts of all living beings in Mixia, and there was even a cult of personality. The situation is likely to cause blind trust in the subordinates. If a wrong decision is made, it will definitely have a great impact on the future development of the future city.

So Ling Huohuo entrusted the development of the future city to those experienced elders, and with Xiao Yunyun watching, nothing would go wrong.

Because it takes time to accumulate strength, Ling Huohuo's cultivation has also temporarily stopped.

Moreover, the development of the future city needs a stable environment, and within a short period of time, everything will be well-regulated, and nothing will happen, and it will enter a stable and peaceful development stage.

However, although Ling Huohuo is free, it doesn't mean that Ling Huohuo has nothing to do.

Soon, Ling Huohuo discovered something more interesting than fighting monsters and upgrading the city - playing with players!

As an NPC for the first time, shouldn't you do your best?
As for how much evil taste and malice are hidden behind this, it is unknown.

In the end, Ling Huohuo dressed up as the owner of a roadside stall. The ingredients and sauces for roasting gluten are made by people who are good at making gourmet food. OK.

A bunch of roasted gluten is definitely not worth two gold coins, and two gold coins is a price that can make people vomit blood.

The reason for setting such a high price is actually to cheat the players of their money!
Urban construction also requires money, and the owner of the city has no food left, so he can only set up a stall to earn money to maintain his life...

"Old man, give me some subsidies, I want to apply for a poor city or something."

"Hehe." The will of the world.



"Boss, your craftsmanship is so good, why do you still set up a roadside stall here? You can also be a chef if you go to the city lord's mansion." Ye Qiu asked with a smile pointingly, as long as Ling Huohuo revealed and Information about the city lord's mansion, then we can talk further.

However, soon, Ye Qiu couldn't laugh anymore.

"You don't understand." Ling Huohuo shook his head and said.

"Oh? Is there something hidden in it?" Ye Qiu came to his senses and asked.

Ling Huohuo sighed, with a deep look.

"Because plain and simple is the truth."

Ye Qiu: "..."

I can't accept this!
"Boss, do you need any help?" Ye Qiu finally decided to get straight to the point and ask questions directly. If Ling Huohuo continued to be so "indifferent", he would definitely not be able to trigger the mission!

Ling Huohuo laughed heartily.

What a classic sentence, this is taking care of your own tasks!

When you meet an NPC on the side of the road, you will go forward to ask for the task, which is really in line with the routine of the players.

However, Ling Huohuo was also prepared.

Not disappointing Ye Qiu, Ling Huohuo showed a troubled expression on the surface.

Ye Qiu's eyes lit up.

"I still have some strength, as long as the boss asks, I won't refuse." Ye Qiu said.

"Really?" Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up, a little moved.

"Really!" Ye Qiu assured, patted his chest, with a confident look, a little excited in his heart, that he really let himself receive a task from Ling Huohuo!

Ling Huohuo "hesitated" for a while, and asked tentatively, "Then you..."

Under Ye Qiu's expectant gaze, Ling Huohuo finally spoke out the mission requirements.

"Then... can you learn how to bray?"


Ye Qiu's smile gradually froze on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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