Chapter 585 Xiao Yunyun Leaves (Part [-])
Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, it has been a month since the original wild forest was fully opened.

After a month of hard work by Xiao Yunyun and others, the future city is already on the right track.

As long as the current development speed is maintained, the future city should be able to upgrade to a sixth-level city in two months.

However, the sheep herding team on the mountains outside the future city is getting bigger and bigger.


On this day, Ling Huohuo did not go out to arrange the task of herding sheep as usual.

Instead, he was lying alone in a hammock in the yard of his residence, drinking wine and looking at the sky.

In fact, Ling Huohuo seldom drinks alcohol, and he is not a person who likes to drink, but today Ling Huohuo feels uncomfortable...

"It's not good, it's not good, general, the mistress is gone, no, she ran away from home!" Ling Yu'er hurried in, still holding a note in her hand, and followed behind her. A group of heavily armed monsters.

Ling Huohuo didn't show any surprised expression, but sighed, and took the note in Ling Yu'er's hand.

Ling Huohuo glanced at it, and the words on the note were very short - "Go out to practice, don't read."

"I see." Ling Huohuo said.

"Huh?" Ling Yu'er and the monsters were taken aback.

"But, don't you need to go to the mistress? What should I do if I encounter danger outside?" Ling Yu'er said hastily.

The monsters also nodded.

"Yes, General, we are all ready," said the monsters.

"Don't worry, Xiao Yunyun is more reliable than you." Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes at the monsters. It may be because of their race. The monsters rarely like to use their brains. Most of them are very irritable. Let them go out by themselves. There will definitely be a lot of troubles. When encountering danger, no matter whether you can beat it or not, your first reaction is definitely hard steel, and the first one is stronger than the first one!

Monsters with both strength and IQ like Hongshuang and Gugu are only a minority.

Although Xiao Yunyun's strength is not as good as that of the monsters, his IQ can definitely beat most monsters by ten blocks, and the probability of accidents is definitely much lower than that of the monsters.

The monsters were a little embarrassed by what Ling Huohuo said.

"Okay, let's all go down and leave me alone." Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

"Oh." The monsters nodded and lined up out of Ling Huohuo's yard.

"By the way, remember to count who your mistresses have taken away, and don't make any more oolongs." Ling Huohuo said to Ling Yu'er.

"Oh? Has the mistress brought someone?" Ling Yu'er was taken aback.

"What do you think? Your mistress knows her strength, how could she go out without a bodyguard?" Ling Huohuo said.

"Oh." Ling Yu'er nodded.

"Recently, when your mistress is no longer, I have worked hard for you. Don't cause trouble. Once you find a problem that cannot be solved, you must notify me as soon as possible, and then there will be nothing else." Ling Huohuo said.

"Yes, I will take my leave." Ling Yu'er nodded and left the yard.

When the monsters left, Ling Huohuo looked at the footprints all over the ground and the trampled lawn, and was speechless for a while.

But Ling Huohuo didn't say anything, still looking at the sky and drinking.

In fact, Ling Huohuo had a premonition recently that Xiao Yunyun would leave.

For the past week Xiao Yunyun was very clingy to himself, Ling Huohuo knew that Xiao Yunyun had already planned to leave.

Ling Huohuo had expected Xiao Yunyun's departure a long time ago.

Following her, it is difficult for Xiao Yunyun to improve, because her cultivation system is different from her own, and also different from that of other people under her control, and at the same time, the environment of the primitive wild forest is not suitable for her cultivation.

Based on Ling Huohuo's understanding of Xiao Yunyun, Xiao Yunyun is definitely not the kind of person willing to be mediocre, and will definitely find a way to improve himself, and Xiao Yunyun has to leave temporarily if he wants to improve.

Although he had already made psychological preparations, Ling Huohuo still felt uncomfortable when Xiao Yunyun left.

"so annoying."

Ling Huohuo murmured.

At this time, a figure came in, it was a smiling demon dragon wearing a maid outfit, after knowing that Xiao Yunyun had left, she rushed over immediately, of course not to comfort Ling Huohuo, but to come and see Ling Huohuo looked uncomfortable.

Ling Huohuo felt uncomfortable, and Molong felt that he was in a good mood.

"What? You've completely fallen since your wife left? Tell me what's uncomfortable in your heart to make me happy." Molong mocked.

"You don't understand." Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"Is there something I don't understand? Heh, man, a creature that thinks in the lower body, has lost its female, and can only masturbate by itself at night, what a pity!" the magic dragon continued to mock.

Ling Huohuo suddenly looked straight at Molong without saying a word.

The magic dragon felt a little hairy when Ling Huohuo looked at it.

Could it be that because of Xiao Yunyun's departure, Ling Huohuo became so beastly, and finally wanted to attack him?Should I resist or should I enjoy it?

"Have you ever been in love?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The dragon's expression froze.

"When... of course, it's a love story!" Molong said, pulling his neck.

"Heh." Ling Huohuo showed a mocking smile, and didn't believe a word of what the dragon said.

I still remember that Nibo said that the magic dragon once pursued his ancestor's wife.

But don't forget, the dragon is a female!Focus.

If Nib's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandma had a normal sexual orientation, the dragon would have no chance.

To sum up, Magic Dragon is a lesbian who has never experienced love.

Feeling that Ling Huohuo seemed to see through his gaze, Molong's mentality exploded.

"You bully people!"

Crying, the magic dragon ran out of Ling Huohuo's yard, um, without going through the door, and knocked a hole in the wall.

Ling Huohuo felt that it was necessary to renovate the yard.

"Ling Huohuo." Guo Xiaoyu poked his head in from outside the cave.

"Guo Xiaoyu, what's the matter?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Ah, I heard that Xiao Yunyun went out to practice?" Guo Xiaoyu asked.

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded.

" I have a chance to take the position?" Guo Xiaoyu's eyes lit up.

Ling Huohuo's expression froze, are you serious?Are you not afraid that Xiao Yunyun will come back and find you desperately?
"I've been staring at the position of deputy city lord for a long time. Taking advantage of Xiao Yunyun's absence, I feel that my chance has come, hehehe~"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Although Guo Xiaoyu came late, she is also a mid-level official of the future city at this time, because she chose the task of herding sheep. Others are afraid of losing face, but Guo Xiaoyu is not afraid!
Then Guo Xiaoyu fed a tube of devil's blood that he didn't know where to get to the sheep, which directly made the sheep evolve into a devil sheep. According to the degree of completion, Guo Xiaoyu finally became a middle-level official.

Guo Xiaoyu walked in, behind her were Lu Sisi and Jian Taro.

"Well, let's see you."

Lu Sisi put the fruit basket in her hand in front of Ling Huohuo.

"I'm not injured, so don't send a fruit basket."

"Emotional injury is also injury!" Lu Sisi said naturally.

"Xiao Yunyun is just going out to practice, it's not that I don't want me! Don't make me so miserable!" Ling Huohuo roared.

Lu Sisi shrugged.


A charming cry came from outside the yard.

Ling Huohuo shuddered.

Then I saw a figure flying in from the outside, hanging directly on Ling Huohuo's body.

It was Toyotomi Hideya. At this time, Toyotomi Hideya was wearing a red kimono. I don't know how she ran so fast.

"Darling, I heard about Xiao Yunyun, she doesn't want you, I want you, come, lean here, feel my heart..." Saying that, Toyotomi Hideya stuffed Ling Huohuo's head into the two Tuo between.


"I want it too!" Guo Xiaoyu yelled, snatched Ling Huohuo from Fengchen Xiuya's arms, and stuffed it between her two rabbits.


"It feels like feeding a baby, Lu Sisi, do you want to try it too?" Guo Xiaoyu shouted at Lu Sisi.

Lu Sisi remained expressionless, and then took a step back politely.

"Ha ha."


Ling Huohuo felt that he was going to suffocate, why did the news spread so fast?And - don't stuff it in my mouth! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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