The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 586 Xiao Yunyun's Shyness

Chapter 586 Xiao Yunyun's Shyness (Part [-])
On the platform in front of the primitive wasteland portal.

People come and go.

Harrigan lay on the ground leisurely, and put a big box in front of it, and the players who came in consciously threw the gold coins in their hands into the box.

Three figures in black robes stood quietly on the edge, looking into the distance. Behind them, a black and red-eyed sheep stood quietly, with a rope around its neck, and a short man at the other end. figure holding hands.

"Yunyun, can we go directly?" Yin Ya asked.

"Hmph, who cares, maybe that guy didn't notice that I left at all." Xiao Yunyun said with a curled lip.

"Oh, it's really dishonest, obviously you are reluctant." Yin Ya said with a smile.

"Talking!" Xiao Yunyun looked away angrily.

Yin Ya smiled.

Ye Jiro watched this scene quietly, and didn't say much.

The only ones who followed Xiao Yunyun were Ye Cilang and Yin Ya, and they didn't disturb the others.

As for the black sheep, it was the devil sheep fed by Guo Xiaoyu, and Xiao Yunyun led it out to cultivate it. After all, she also practiced devil magic, and the magic circuit in her body was also devil's.

Xiao Yunyun felt that he had a good compatibility with the devil sheep, so he could consider training the devil sheep as a mount or a battle pet.

At this moment, a half-human, half-snake figure approached from a distance, which immediately attracted the attention of Xiao Yunyun and the others.

"It's... Grand Elder Naga?" Xiao Yunyun said in surprise.

"That's right, it's me. I have seen the lady of the city lord." The person who came was the great elder of the Naga tribe, but at this time she changed her usual charming appearance, and was wearing a long robe, carrying a small backpack, as if she was about to go out. look.

"You don't need to be so polite outside, just call me Xiao Yunyun." Xiao Yunyun waved his hand, and then looked at Elder Naga suspiciously, "Why are you here? Are you going to travel far away?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"I have been waiting for you here for a long time." Naga Great Elder said.

"Wait for me?" Xiao Yunyun pointed at himself suspiciously.

"That's right." Great Elder Naga nodded.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously.

"From today onwards, I will be responsible for protecting your safety," said the Great Elder Naga.

"Protect me? Who told you to come?" Xiao Yunyun's expression changed.

"It's City Lord Ling. He had expected that you would leave secretly, so he told me to wait here. I have been waiting here for three days." Said this, the tone of Naga Great Elder was a bit resentful. Blowing the wind for three days is really not a good experience, and only the rough-skinned and thick-skinned giant dragons can bear it.

Not far away, Harrigan sneezed, raised his head blankly, and scanned the surroundings.

"Why do you think someone was talking about me just now?"

the other side.

Xiao Yunyun's expression froze, and he wanted to cry.

"This idiot!"

Xiao Yunyun murmured softly, his eyes were a little red, and he took a deep breath hastily.

"But, how did he move you?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

This matter must be clarified. The Naga clan did not belong to Ling Huohuo's Mixia, but joined Ling Huohuo's forces. How did Ling Huohuo manage to make the elders willing to protect him? Did you do something out of your mind?
The Great Elder Naga showed a smile.

"Don't worry, the Naga tribe and the Frost Giants have agreed to join the Mixia of Lord Ling."

"What? When did it happen? Why didn't I know?" Xiao Yunyun was shocked.

"It happened a week ago. At that time, you had already begun to let go of your rights. It was normal to not know that this matter was arranged by Ms. Toyotomi Xiuya. As for the reason why you joined Lingcheng Lord Mixia, it was because Guo Miss Xiaoyu, she convinced the people of our two clans that we high-ranking people don’t want to be bare-bones commanders, so we can only agree.” Elder Naga said with a wry smile.

a week ago?

Xiao Yunyun's face turned red, because he was leaving, and he and Ling Huohuo had lived an unspeakable life this week, and he really didn't know what happened this week.

"Guo Xiaoyu? How did she do it?" Yin Ya and Ye Cilang looked shocked.

Although Yin Ya has only been in contact with Guo Xiaoyu for a short time, she can feel that Guo Xiaoyu is an out-of-the-ordinary person. She is so powerful?Is wisdom as stupid as it is?
Ye Cilang also doubts whether Guo Xiaoyu has that IQ.

"It's also because of Miss Guo Xiaoyu that I and the high-level officials of the Frost Giants understand the horror of the magic stick." Elder Naga said with some melancholy.

"Could it be..." The three of Xiao Yunyun suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, Ms. Guo Xiaoyu went to our two clans to preach. Now our Naga clan believes in the Goddess of Forest Standing, and the Frost Giants believe in the Goddess of Life." Said this, the Naga Great Elder made a resentful expression.

The three of Xiao Yunyun looked at each other.


"Then why did you come out?" Xiao Yunyun continued to ask.

"Ah." The elder Naga sighed, "Now everyone in the tribe listened to the envoy, Miss Guo Xiaoyu, we high-level officials felt a little uncomfortable staying in the clan, so we all came out. I am responsible for protecting you. Let the remaining high-level people go to the other side of the portal to build a base for the future city."

The three of Xiao Yunyun looked at Great Elder Naga with some pity.

Guo Xiaoyu is a scam!It actually forced the high-level people of the two families to go out to relax!
"It's really hard work for you." Xiao Yunyun said apologetically.

"It's okay, I believe that under the leadership of Ms. Guo Xiaoyu, the Naga and Frost Giants will definitely develop better. Moreover, letting go of the burden of responsibility makes me feel a little relieved. Recently, I feel that the bottleneck has loosened a bit. " said the great elder Naga.

Hehe, old iron, you are too happy too early.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyun didn't say that in the end, nor did he explain anything to Grand Elder Naga, worried that Grand Elder Naga's little heart couldn't bear the blow.

"I hope." Xiao Yunyun said perfunctorily.

"Then, Miss Xiao Yunyun, when are we going to leave?" Naga Elder said, tightening the luggage on his back.

"Hmm... just wait a minute." Xiao Yunyun looked at the sheep all over the mountains and plains in the distance, and suddenly smiled, "I still have something to do, wait for me for 10 minutes."

"Okay." Naga Great Elder nodded.


10 minute later.

A huge magic circle rises from the high platform.

The surrounding players were watching not far away, because the Naga Great Elder was blocking them outside, and no one came to disturb them.

Harrigan also got up and looked curiously, not knowing what Xiao Yunyun was going to do.

"Yunyun, what are you going to do?" Yin Ya asked curiously.

"Well, I feel that Ling Huohuo has taken care of me, I'm a little shy, and I want to vent."

"Huh?" Yin Ya was taken aback.

Xiao Yunyun pressed his hands on the magic circle.

"Fire Hunting Hundred Flames Shoot!"

The magic power surged violently, and then, countless flames shot out from the magic circle like arrows and fell towards the future city.

No, the target is those sheep outside the future city!

Amidst the screams of the sheep and the yelling of the players, the sheep all over the mountains and plains came directly to a wave of annihilation.

Yin Ya and Ye Cilang tugged at the corners of their mouths.

The jaws of the players dropped from shock.

"Miss Xiao Yunyun, what are you..." Great Elder Naga asked curiously.

"The shyness of a beautiful girl, haven't you seen it? Well, I'm in a good mood, let's go." After speaking, Xiao Yunyun left with a smile on his hand, leading the devil sheep.

Yin Ya, Ye Cilang and Naga Great Elder hurriedly followed.

Only the jaw dropped player and Harrigan were left on the platform.

This is, the legendary... the shyness of the beautiful girl?

(End of this chapter)

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