The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 587 This Fruit Is So Delicious

Chapter 587 This Fruit Is So Delicious (One More)
Time passed slowly.

Life in the future city is still going on day by day.

Five months passed by.

Whether in the Lost Lands or in the real world, everything seems to be flat.

When Ling Huohuo was fine, he took Hongshuang to Jia Ailu in the real world for treatment. At this time, the inheritance in Hongshuang's brain was almost completely digested, and the aura in Hongshuang's body began to accumulate continuously. Huohuo could feel that she was only a layer of paper away from the sixth step.

At this time, Toyotomi Hideya is leading the future city. She no longer enters the future city as a player through equipment, but enters the lost land with her real body through Ling Huohuo.

Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi still use the characters in the game, but with the help of Ling Huohuo, their strength in the game has begun to gradually merge with their bodies in the real world.

The level of the players has generally reached level [-] or above, high-end players are all at level [-], and the highest is said to be stuck at level [-]. The further you go, the harder it is to level up, and after level [-], it corresponds to It's level six, so at level fifty, players will receive an extremely difficult task, and they won't be able to level up if they don't complete the task.

As for this upgrade task, none of the players has completed it yet.

At the same time, due to the improvement of the player's level, they have more and more contact with the game, and they are no longer the newcomers at the beginning. Therefore, the players also discovered that Ling Huohuo's sheep herding task was a pit, and they were still stupid It's like a mentally retarded person, but they don't know Ling Huohuo's true identity at all, and they have no hope of revenge. People who know Ling Huohuo's true identity are impossible to tell.

Fortunately, Chuling Huohuo's sheep-herding mission was set ablaze by Xiao Yunyun and stopped, and some people did get good rewards, and the players' grievances were not as deep as imagined.

The reason why Ling Huohuo didn't continue the task of herding sheep was because Ling Huohuo was tired of playing on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was because the future city had already begun to communicate with the outside world. The door can be stroked by a sheep.

Now a fourth-level city has also been built on the other side of the portal. As a jumping platform for the future city, it is named Xianyue City. Ten seventh-level powerhouses and hundreds of sixth-level powerhouses are resident here. For a Tier [-] city, the specifications are unimaginably high.

Because, in the Lost Land on the other side of the portal, the level of the city and the powerhouse correspond. A city of level [-] has at most a powerhouse of level [-]. Like this, there are ten powerhouses of level [-] stationed in the city, hundreds of As a sixth-tier powerhouse, only the future city can do such a rich and powerful thing.

After all, with all the efforts and calculations, Ling Huohuo's forces only have a fifth-tier main city, four fourth-tier satellite cities, a fourth-tier commercial city, and a first-tier druid tribe.

That's right, the druid tribe has only one level. Druids live in the woods every day, and only occasionally in the city of the future can they see the young druids led by Xiao Yunyun out shopping and shopping. As for the development of the city Things druids never considered.

However, the main city of the future city has not been upgraded, and it is already the limit for other cities to upgrade to level four.

In fact, the future city can be upgraded to a sixth-level city long ago, but Ling Huohuo is not in a hurry to upgrade, but wants to think about it carefully, go out for more shopping, and refer to the construction of other sixth-level cities.

After all, if the core of the base is determined, it cannot be replaced, and the core of the base is extremely important to the future development of the entire city. If it is not suitable, it is not suitable for the development of the entire force, and the city can only be abandoned. Starting from scratch, the loss will be huge.

However, as the core figure of the entire force, Ling Huohuo cannot go out easily, and Ling Huohuo is also waiting, waiting for eight hundred to cast his own sword!And he just happened to be able to get in touch with his new sword while going out.

After some calculations, almost half a year has passed, Hongshuang's illness is almost cured, and the sword is almost ready to be cast.


Ling Huohuo lay leisurely in his yard, eating fruit and looking at the sky.

But don't think that Ling Huohuo is being lazy, but... feeling nature!
That's right, it's just feeling nature!

In the past six months, Ling Huohuo has accumulated strength and enjoyed life, bah!When I realized nature, I found that my strength was improving in a magical way.

Ling Huohuo's comprehension of the sword intent has gone a step further, and he has also comprehended many new sword intents, and Ling Huohuo's temperament has become more natural and simple.

Having not made a move for half a year, Ling Huohuo could feel that his strength is still so much, and his realm is still that realm, but once he makes a move, it will be more dazzling and sharper like a dusty sword.

Ling Huohuo felt that he could completely abuse himself half a year ago.

"Well, these grapes are delicious."

Ling Huohuo looked at the white clouds floating in the sky, and felt that he missed Xiao Yunyun a little. He didn't know what Xiao Yunyun and the others were doing now. With the protection of the Great Elder Naga, it should be fine.

"Well, this banana is delicious."

However, in the past six months, Ling Miao and Ling Tian occasionally heard news. It seems that Ling Miao also entered "The Lost World" to hone himself. Xiao Yunyun formed a team to go out to practice, Ling Miao did not decide to come back, and wanted to surprise Yin Ya after seeing Yin Ya again.

However, Ling Tian has been digging graves around the world with his parents recently. I heard that he went to Cao Cao’s tomb last month. It is not the tomb where Cao Cao’s body is buried. It is said that Cao Cao built a huge and secret tomb related to the Three Kingdoms. , I don't know what's going on now, I hope nothing will happen, after all, it's not so safe to dig graves these days.

"Well, this lychee is really delicious."

By the way, there is also Li Yinman, the sister-in-law. I heard that she also came to the United States. Ling Tian asked himself to take care of her, but he only met twice. Not easy to detect.

"Well, this apple is delicious."

Recently, the players have become dishonest, and have begun to divide the territory outside the future city, but it will not affect the development of the future city, and will also give way to the people of the future city, so Toyotomi Hideya didn't care too much, after all, this is normal Phenomena, but whether it does not mean not caring, Toyotomi Hideya has also recently compiled a list of players who are active in the primitive wild forest and need to be cared about.

The ones at the top are not those big guilds and powerful people, but a player named Ye Qiu. This player named Ye Qiu has some impressions. It seems that he is the first to enter the primitive wild forest and the first to accept the task of herding sheep. player.

I heard that he formed a small guild, but everyone in this guild has outstanding personal strength, as if a group of elites were gathered together, and only elite players are accepted, which is very aggressive. high!

Moreover, the president, Ye Qiu, is always one step ahead and has extremely high personal strength.

Although the number of this guild is small, it has a pivotal position among the players. The most important thing is——Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi have joined this guild!
As for the reason...

It is said that Guo Xiaoyu took Lu Sisi to take the initiative, because Guo Xiaoyu said that only such a powerful guild can be worthy of her identity.

I heard that because of the joining of two powerful people, Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi, Ye Qiu's mouth was so happy during that time.

"Well, this pineapple is delicious."

"General! Something is wrong!" Suddenly Ling Yu'er's cry came from outside the yard, making Ling Huohuo's heart skip a beat, and he almost choked on the pineapple in his mouth.

 Now that I've explained everything clearly, it's time to start the next episode.
(End of this chapter)

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