The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 611 The Growth of the King

Chapter 611 The Growth of the King (Part [-])
Jiushenglan Pool, a very famous large-scale bathing and leisure center in the capital, is known as "the most noble bathing center".

Because it is very upscale, it has also become a place where many "big shots" gather.

Today's Jiushenglan Pool is still lively, and there are countless luxury cars parked in the large parking lot outside the gate.

A row of black unlicensed convoys slowly approaching.

Looking at the car without a license plate, the doorman's eyes changed. Those who can drive an unlicensed car here in the capital but have not been arrested are either very high-status special people, or they are always messing around!
The doorman winked at the guards in the distance, telling them to be prepared. If the other party is here to cause trouble, they can act in time. If it is a big shot, someone can come out to greet them, which is not a loss of courtesy. .

Seeing the doorman's signal, the guard nodded, and the walkie-talkie began to contact the people above.

Because of the arriving convoy, everyone in Jiushenglanchi became active.

At the same time, there were many passing customers who noticed the convoy. Some customers stood curiously and looked at the convoy.

Not only the customers outside, but also some people in Jiushenglanchi also noticed the situation outside. After all, such a large-scale convoy is really uncommon.

"Young Master Ji, do you know the person who came?" A young man asked the young man beside him in front of the window on the third floor of Jiushenglanchi.

"No matter who comes, just don't worry if they come to play." Another young man puffed out a smoke ring, watching "Peppa Pig" on TV without blinking.

"Hehe." The young man smiled and continued to watch the situation downstairs.

The black convoy lined up in front of Jiushenglan Pool, and it was more luxurious when it was bright, and the car was obviously not of the same grade as the other cars, facing the gate of Jiushenglan Pool.

The car door opened, and countless men in black got out of the car. They surrounded the car in the middle with cold faces, and stood in two rows until they reached the entrance of Jiushenglan Pool.

"Everyone, this is..." the doorman asked tentatively.

"Taking a bath, haven't you seen it?" a big man said.

"Uh...then this posture..."

"Normal operation."


A woman in a maid outfit stepped out of the passenger seat and opened the rear seat.

Then, a little girl with blond hair jumped out of the back seat.


Some people are in a daze, such a big battle is for this child?
However, there was no one else behind the blond little loli, and the maid closed the car door.

"Miss, this is Jiushenglan Pool, known as the most noble bathing center in the capital." Mai Shiranui said respectfully.

That's right, Mai Shiranui and Rogier are coming.

As for how it all started...

Recently, Ling Miao and the five girls are also busy with establishing a trade union. They haven't seen each other for a while. Today, Ling Huohuo went out to handle errands and handed Rogier to Shiranui Mai. Therefore, Shiranui Mai assumed the responsibility of taking care of Luoji. Jill's work.

It may be because Ling Huohuo went out, no one suppressed Rogier, her nature rebounded, and Rogier became extremely indulgent.

Rogier suddenly wanted to take a bath, and she had to come to a noble place that could set off her status!
But what can Mai Shiranui do?Of course he chose to meet Rogier's request!
Fortunately, Ling Huohuo brought a group of people (monsters), and after listening to Mai Shiranui's arrangement, everything was prepared very quickly.

Then, there is the present scene.

Rogier folded her chest and looked up and down the building of Jiushenglanchi.

"Noble? Hmph, I haven't seen a trace of nobility other than earthy luxury!"

"Uh." Mai Shiranui was a little speechless, a little tired, no, it should be said that she was always tired.

Because—Rogier is really too difficult to serve!

The emperor is nothing more than this!

However, if you take on the work yourself, you have to persevere even if you are exhausted!
The monsters brought by Ling Huohuo admired Rogier's attitude. On the one hand, it was because of Ling Huohuo's face, and on the other hand, because Rogier's indulgent attitude was very suitable for their temper.

A strong man must have the attitude of a strong man!Don't forget, they are not good men and women!
"However, there is no place here that is qualified to be called noble, so let's go here and clear the place."

"Clear...clear the field?" Shiranui Wu was a little dazed, if the field was cleared, this would also...

You know, not all ordinary people are in Jiushenglan Pool, there are also many noble figures and some arrogant second-generation ancestors. Is Ling Huohuo looking for trouble?
Moreover, can it really clear the field successfully?
However, what shocked Mai Shiranui was that after listening to Rogier's words, Ling Huohuo's subordinates really started to act!


Someone shouted loudly, and the others cheered, and walked towards the Jiushenglan Pool, the chaos began...

Although Mai Shiranui was shocked by Rogier's boldness, she didn't speak, because she knew that this was not something she could get her hands on.

A luxurious bench was placed behind Rogier, and Rogier sat on the bench, holding a glass of red wine and tasting it gracefully.

Mai Shiranui looked at everything that had been provoked, but Rogier, who seemed to stay out of it, couldn't react for a while.

Who the hell is Rogier?

Such a question suddenly appeared in Mai Shiranui's heart.

"Woman," said Rogier suddenly.


Rogier raised the wine glass in his hand and looked at Mai Shiranui through the red liquid.

"Have fun."

"Pleasure?" Mai Shiranui didn't understand what Rogier meant.

"Happy?" A woman's voice sounded.

Rogier and Mai Shiranui looked at the direction of the sound at the same time.

A woman in a white bathrobe came out of the chaotic Jiushenglan Pond, as if she had entered a land of no one, and no one noticed her.

The woman was very young, she looked like only a high school student, her face was abnormally gray, and her black hair fluttered in the wind.


Mai Shiranui's first reaction was, however, she found that she didn't even have the ability to move, and only a pair of eyes looked at the visitor in shock.

"Who are you?" Rogier's expression became playful.

"Respected king, I am a fox in feather clothes." The woman stood not far from Rogier and bowed gracefully.

"Haha, it's interesting, what are you doing here?" Rogier seemed very happy to hear the name of the feather fox.

"I'm very curious about the joy in your mouth. I wonder if I can let me join in?" Yuyihu said with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed like a fox.

"Yes!" Rogier said with a smile, a golden figure flashed behind her, and Rogier's aura of dominance became stronger.

A real king will not ask the reason, and will not doubt anyone, because he is confident that he can control everything!
No matter what purpose the other party has, the king is the king!

Yuyihu showed a bright smile, but Mai Shiranui shuddered.

 focus, foreshadowing
(End of this chapter)

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