The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 612 The "Road to Redemption" of the 5 Good Youth Ling Huohuo...

Chapter 612 The "Road to Redemption" of Wuhao Youth Ling Huohuo... (Part [-])

"Is there any problem with Rogier?" Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin and thought, "Well, although Rogier has a little temper, she is still very good, besides, I still have some monsters and Mai Shiranui. It should be fine."

Ling Huohuo is not in the capital at this time, but on the way to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

As for the purpose, it is naturally for the Black Moon Cavalry.

After catching the charming woman of the Black Moon Cavalry, I used some means to knock her mouth open, and got a lot of things about the Black Moon Cavalry, which was no different from what Ling Huohuo had guessed. The Black Moon Cavalry researched it. That kind of armor is indeed related to the sacred object.

And the current Black Moon Cavalry is also in the same group as the original captain, but they are not in the same base.

At the beginning, the captain brought back three holy relics and seven sets of armor, of which only one pair of armor matched with one holy relic, which was the tiger relic and the tiger armor, and they were sent to higher levels of the organization for research, leaving only Two relics and six suits of armor were used for research.

The people in this base did have two brushes. Although they didn't crack the secret of the holy object and armor, they managed to use the power of the holy object.

Moreover, some special methods were used to successfully copy the armor. Although it is a weakened version, it still has the characteristic of "be able to withstand a certain degree of attack without being damaged before the physical strength is exhausted".

Then, through an ancient totem method, the power of the rabbit relic and the pig relic was injected into the armor, which greatly improved the speed and attack of the armor.

However, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the energy production of the armor!
And the results are still improving, the armors on Hong Kai and Hei Kai are just experimental products released!
This is terrifying. If it continues and builds an armored army, the harm it can cause is self-evident, and it will be a huge overthrow to the entire world!

And Ling Huohuo, a five-good young man who knew all this, of course stood up and vowed to kill the crime in the cradle. He took the captured Black Moon Iron Rider and set foot on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau alone. The road to salvation...

Ling Huohuo himself almost believed it.

In fact, Ling Huohuo's real purpose is to get the base end, and it is best to grab the research results!

For this kind of thing that involves laws, there is no harm in studying it. Maybe it can upgrade the members of the future city in turn and add a standard equipment.

Ling Huohuo doesn't think that the technology in his future city will be weaker than that of the Black Moon Cavalry organization, it's just that it hasn't been fully explored yet, and, when robbing things, can't he rob tech personnel?How did Dr. Nan Bo and his scientific research team join his forces back then?

After the captured Black Moon Cavalry woman confided a bunch of key information, even if she woke up, she became shattered, asking questions and answering, even reporting her own measurements.

The title of the woman is Dark Moon, she doesn't have a name, and she is an orphan raised by Black Moon Cavalry since she was a child.

The ability is to control the shadow, and the strength is the seventh level.

Her measurements are, ahem...

Ling Huohuo drove her away from the capital, of course, it was An Yue who drove.

In addition to Ling Huohuo and An Yue, Firefox and Molong sat in the back row.

Just in case, Ling Huohuo took the magic dragon with him. Although he was very strong, but he was alone, and he was incapable of doing so, so maybe there would be some surprises with the magic dragon.

The reason why Rogier was not brought along was because Rogier did not want to experience the climate and environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Moreover, with Rogier's petty temperament, it would be easy to cause chaos if not handled properly, because according to An Yue, because the previous one The base was taken away, and their base was heavily guarded on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with eyeliners everywhere.

Therefore, the more obedient magic dragon is suitable for following.

And Firefox caught up by herself. After all, her mission was to follow Ling Huohuo. Now that Ling Huohuo has left, how could she not follow?

Fortunately, Firefox is very sensible. Although he was curious about the identities of Demon Dragon and Dark Moon, he didn't ask too many questions, and quietly acted as a bystander.

For the strong, the country's attitude is very loose. After all, they don't want to make trouble, and the existence of people like Firefox is just to show an attitude, and it is also for the other party to express their attitude.

However, Firefox is not useless, and it has solved a lot of things, which is why everyone can drive on the national highway openly.

Although he was driving all the time, An Yue's body and energy were not bad, he didn't appear tired, and there was no car crash or death due to fatigue driving.

Traveling along the way is rather boring.

Although it is faster to fly directly, there must be rules in China's territory. If extraordinary people can be allowed to fly around, what's the point?

Therefore, Ling Huohuo and the others can only drive. This is Ling Huohuo's attitude towards Huaxia - I follow your rules, I am not in danger, hello, I am also fine.

"Here's some music." Ling Huohuo turned on the radio.

"Today I'm going to tell you a sad story. I believe everyone will understand after listening to it...Why did you get rejected by the lion man? It's not because you don't look good..."

The faces of the three women in the car were a little ugly.


Squeezing the dark moon, except for going to the toilet and eating, there is no rest, one foot of the gas pedal is pressed to the bottom, and within six days, Ling Huohuo and his party entered the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Even the seventh-order An Yue was pale, and her legs were trembling when she got off the car.

Firefox is even more unbearable. Although she doesn't need to drive, her strength is not strong. How can her physique be compared with this group of transformational bosses? After sitting for six days, she almost broke her waist. It's also embarrassing.

Molong and Ling Huohuo didn't feel any discomfort anymore. Although they looked like dusty people, their physical foundations were there and they could still bear it.

At this time, the magic dragon also changed out of the maid outfit and wore casual clothes to set off his explosive figure.

If An Yue's figure is full of charm and full of sensuality, then Demon Dragon's figure is well-proportioned and slender, full of health and vitality.

"Repair for a day and work tomorrow." Ling Huohuo looked at An Yue and said.

An Yue understood Ling Huohuo's meaning, spread her hands, and said that she would not do anything, besides, she had leaked so much information, even if she went back, she would not have a chance to live. The good consequence is to be brainwashed and made into a war machine. Dark Moon definitely doesn't want this kind of ending. It's better to please Ling Huohuo and join Ling Huohuo. With her own strength, she might have a good ending.

"Come to our base on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Although I don't know what you are here for, it should be the safest place." Firefox said.

(End of this chapter)

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