The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 613 Do you know the palm technique that falls from the sky?

Chapter 613 Do you know the palm technique that falls from the sky? (one more)
A slim figure entered the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

"What are they doing here?" September frowned.

After escaping from Ling Huohuo that day, Jiuyue didn't leave too far away, but turned back after hearing the sound of fighting in the park stop.

Preemptively copied the surveillance footage in the park before Firefox finished.

Then in September, after comparing the traffic videos of the entire capital that day, he successfully found the traces of Ling Huohuo's appearance, followed the clues, and found the place where Ling Huohuo currently lives.

In China, the defense of this kind of traffic video is not too strong, and September's hacking skills are also good, so it is easy to invade traffic routes. However, in order to prevent people from being targeted, September only retrieved the video and did not do anything. What kind of tricks, even the back door is not left. After all, although the defense of this kind of traffic video is not strong, there are people who check it regularly. Too much.

In this world full of supernatural beings, who knows if someone can really come along the network cable and beat you?

Although Jiuyue is at the seventh level, it doesn't mean she is invincible. For example, she knows that she can't beat Ling Huohuo. In a country as big as Huaxia, what if there is something hidden?

This is also the reason why many extraordinary people dare not be presumptuous.


The golden bull summoned by Rogier made a lot of noise that day. Although Firefox took people to deal with the aftermath, it still left some clues, and September was on the same day, and Firefox followed the clues to find it before cleaning up the traces. After going back, it was easy to find the overpass. According to the video around the overpass, Ling Huohuo's activity route of the day was reversed, and finally, he found the location of Ling Huohuo's residence.

After finding Ling Huohuo's location, Jiuyue didn't rush to contact Ling Huohuo, but lurked in the distance, monitoring Ling Huohuo's movements through the video of the streets around the villa. After all, Jiuyue couldn't guarantee that they would be there Will Ling Huohuo find him after he gets close to the villa?

The reason why Jiuyue stared at Ling Huohuo was because she found that Ling Huohuo had actually met the black moon cavalry. Now that her own clues were broken, following Ling Huohuo, maybe there would be unexpected discoveries.

Huang Tian paid off, after a while, Ling Huohuo drove away with a member of the Black Moon Cavalry, and Jiu Yue hurriedly followed behind.

But it's half a day's drive away, and Jiuyue doesn't believe that Ling Huohuo can still find herself so far away, so she will broadcast live... well, live broadcast is impossible.

If it is discovered, there must be no future, how can it be possible to broadcast live?

Therefore, September was cautious all the way.

After following Ling Huohuo and the others non-stop for five days, they finally arrived at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The state of An Yue who was driving was not good, and the state of Jiu Yue who was driving by herself was not much better. As a tracker, it was even worse than that of An Yue.

However, what reassures Jiuyue is that she did not follow her.


Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Ling Huohuo walked out of Firefox's stronghold on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

It is said to be a stronghold, but it is actually a bun shop selling buns on the side of the road.

The identity of Firefox is the niece of the proprietress of the steamed stuffed bun shop. In order to perfectly establish this identity, Firefox has come here many times, and even got acquainted with the neighbors around, and no one doubted it.

There is no curiosity about the three of Ling Huo and Huo brought by Firefox, they are just friends brought back by Firefox.

In order to prevent An Yue from being discovered, Firefox specially put makeup on An Yue before getting out of the car. I don’t know what kind of mentality it was, but Firefox put on An Yue’s smoky makeup, making An Yue look like a younger sister look like.

Looking for the direction, An Yue drove Ling Huohuo to the place where the base was located.

The base of the Black Moon Cavalry is located on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it does not go deep.

It's not in a deep mountain or forest, but under a pasture.

The pasture above was also established by the base as a cover.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the vast pasture in the distance, the sheep on the pasture are strolling slowly, and many tourists are riding horses in the divided horse farm, feeling the life on the plateau, the whole pasture looks like There is no difference between normal pastures, and it is impossible to imagine that there is a huge base under this pasture.

"What should we do next?" An Yue asked, "Everyone in this ranch, even the children, are left behind from the base. They usually operate the ranch and horse farm. The base is one kilometer above the ground. Only A passage can be entered and exited, and if the people above are alarmed to send a signal to the base below, the passage will also be blocked, and it will only scare the snake away."

Ling Huohuo's eyes looked at An Yue without blinking, and he felt a little terrified when he saw An Yue, and couldn't help hugging his chest.

"What... what are you going to do? I didn't do anything!" An Yue said nervously, is Ling Huohuo going to be a beast?Should I resist?In other words, can you resist?
"How did you say that? Woman..." Ling Huohuo sighed.

"The hair is long, but the knowledge is short." The magic dragon took the words and said.

The expressions of Dark Moon and Firefox became not very good, because they were both women with long hair.

"Aren't you a woman too?" An Yue said unhappily to the dragon.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I'm a female dragon, not a human~" the magic dragon said with a smile.

The expressions of An Yue and Firefox became puzzled.

I have always heard Ling Huohuo call this woman Molong before, and I always thought it was a code name, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Ling Huohuo patted Molong on the shoulder.

"I leave it to you, be careful not to hurt ordinary people." Ling Huohuo said, and glanced at Firefox by the way.

"Wait, are you going to do it directly?" Dark Moon and Firefox both exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt ordinary people. Besides, didn't you all do the finishing work well?" Ling Huohuo waved his hand indifferently.

Firefox's mood is a bit subtle, why does he sound like someone who wipes Ling Huohuo's ass?
"Shock the grass to scare the snake, hit the grass to scare the snake!" An Yue said hurriedly, if the people in the base were to run away, the fact that she brought Ling Huohuo and the others would definitely be dug out. Facing the pursuit of the entire force, An Yue Thinking about it made her feel apprehensive, because she knew that the strength of the faction she belonged to was unfathomable. Didn't she see that even at the seventh level, she was just out to run errands?

"Hit the grass to scare the snake?" Ling Huohuo smiled, "No, when you hit the grass, you can also kill the snake!"

Ling Huohuo's eyes shone with a strange light.

His seventh sense has just been activated suddenly, and his intuition tells him that only a frontal breakthrough is the best operation!
The dragon showed a ferocious and excited expression, the pupils of her eyes shrank suddenly and turned into vertical pupils, the corners of her mouth were split open, revealing a mouthful of fangs, and a black flame emerged from her mouth.

"Destroy! Destroy! Hahahaha..."


The figure of the magic dragon jumped high and went straight to the sky...

Ling Huohuo looked at the back of the demon dragon, and said quietly: "Do you know the palm technique that falls from the sky?"

Firefox and Dark Moon: "What?"

(End of this chapter)

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