The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 615 Hua Xiaoyu: Because they are crazy!

Chapter 615 Hua Xiaoyu: Because they are crazy! (two more)

underground base.

At this time, the underground base shook violently and was in chaos.

"what's the situation?"

"There's an earthquake, I'm about to die, I need to collect my clothes..."

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Meet the enemy!"

Following the order to meet the enemy, the personnel in the underground base quickly reacted, and countless people wearing standard black armor rushed out of the underground base.

Looking at the group of people rushing out, Ling Huohuo smiled.

Scared the snake?If the snake doesn't come out, how can the hunter take the snake's eggs?
Ling Huohuo took out a cube the size of a dice from his pocket, flicked it casually, and the cube flew in through the crack that was shaken out of the underground base.

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang turned into two rays of light, followed the cube and rushed into the underground base through the gap.

Their task is to lurk in secret and capture scientific researchers and materials. As for the holy objects and armor, they are not in a hurry. The armor and holy objects are guarded by strong people, so they need to do it themselves.

Now, the primary purpose is to draw out all the combat power in the base.

According to what An Yue said, there are generally only three Black Moon cavalry in the base, and besides An Yue, there should be two more. Besides, there are hundreds of mass-produced knights in black armor and other strong men.

In this base, there will be at least five seventh-level powerhouses, hundreds of sixth-level powerhouses, and even more fifth-level powerhouses. Those knights wearing black armor are also at least five-level strong, and some of them have six-level powerhouses. level of strength.

To be honest, when Ling Huohuo first heard about this truth, he was taken aback. When did the real world have so many strong people?

However, after An Yue's description, Ling Huohuo discovered a problem. According to An Yue, these strong men don't seem to be very suitable for life in modern society.

This made Ling Huohuo suspicious.

How could a subordinate trained by a force not adapt to life in modern society?
Either, these people were trained in the deep old forest, or...these people are not from this world!

Looking at the people who kept rushing out, Ling Huohuo observed carefully, trying to see something.

at last……

Ling Huohuo didn't see anything and gave up.

Ling Huohuo shook his head, found a larger gap that was shaken out, and entered the underground base.

As for the ground, just leave it to the magic dragon. At this time, the magic dragon has completely let go of his hands and feet, and he is enjoying the killing.

In the distance, seeing Ling Huohuo disappear, Little Lolita's figure flickered, looking at the crack, her eyes flickering.

Little Lolita didn't jump directly, but turned around and looked behind her. At some point, the long-haired man, Sanwunan and Hua Xiaoyu appeared behind her.

"What? Do you want to follow?" Little Lolita asked with a half-smile, and the yellow sand gathered at her feet.

The long-haired man spread his hands, indicating that he was not threatening.

The long-haired man knows that although he and others have been walking together with Little Lolita, it does not mean that they are all the same way, and Little Lolita is not a good person. The "bodyguards" assigned to Little Lolita by the two organizations mysteriously disappeared It is absolutely inseparable from the little Lolita.

Logically speaking, this base is also one of the bases of the forces where Sanwunan belongs.

"What? Could it be that I can't follow you?" the long-haired man smiled.

Little Loli squinted at the long-haired man, trying to see through the long-haired man, and guessed what the long-haired man meant.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to take this opportunity to let him break away from the organization." The long-haired man pointed at San Wunan.

Sanwunan still looked at the long-haired man blankly. He didn't understand what the long-haired man meant, and he didn't know why he wanted to break away from his organization. However, his intuition told him that it was right to listen to the long-haired man at this time. up.

And Hua Xiaoyu looked at this, and then at that.

what's the situation?I can't understand Huahua!
"Leave? How to do it?" Little Lolita asked playfully.

"A bird chooses a good tree to live in. Of course, it is following a better enlightened master. Is there a better way to betray than this?" the long-haired man said with a smile on his face.

"Who is the Ming Lord?"

"You!" the long-haired man said with a smile.

"Then why do you think I will accept you?" Little Lolita also asked with a smile, but at this moment, the sand behind her had already surged, and she was in an attacking state at will.

The long-haired man knew that once his answer did not satisfy the little Lolita, the three of them would definitely be greeted by the little Lolita's attack.

However, the long-haired man still didn't panic.

The long-haired man pointed to his eyes.

"Because of what I did before I was alive, one of my abilities is [Knowing the Master with Wisdom Eyes]. If you can see it, you are the Master of Understanding!"

"That's all?" Little Loli narrowed her eyes, and her breath became dangerous.

"That's all!" The long-haired man raised his chest with a confident look, "Besides, I know you need us!"

Little Lolita's eyes changed, and the yellow sand fell, showing a smile.

"I didn't find out before that you are still a talent. I didn't expect you to hide it so well. Are you ancient people in the east so smart?" Little Loli asked with a smile.

"Wretched development has always been my specialty." The long-haired man smiled and pointed to his head, "As for being smart, I'm the only one who is that smart."

"Then what position do you want under me?" Little Lolita asked.

"No, no, no." The long-haired man shook his head, and put one hand on the head of Hua Xiaoyu who was spinning back and forth.

"This is my lord. I won't serve under you. This is a matter of principle, but I can help you make suggestions."

Little Loli squinted her eyes and smiled, as if she was very happy.

"Very good, I'm starting to appreciate you a little bit."

"Then may I ask, what choice should I make now?" Little Lolita then asked the long-haired man.

"Follow me!" said the long-haired man.

"Then can I get my stuff back?"

"I can't get it back." The long-haired man shook his head and said with a smile.

"Why? Do you know that man well?"

"I don't understand, but I know you can't get it back." The long-haired man said with a smile.

"Your ability?" Little Lolita asked curiously.

The long-haired man smiled without saying a word.

"Then what am I going to do after him?" Little Lolita asked.

"Build a good relationship and take the sheep with you. Even if the meat is eaten by the tiger, the wolf can still harvest some bones." The long-haired man still said with a smile.

"Tiger and wolf? Interesting metaphor." Little Lolita said, "Then according to your words, catch up and build a good relationship."

Saying that, little Lolita dodged and rushed into the base through the crack.

When the little loli disappeared, the long-haired man put away his smile, his eyes flickered, and he looked up at the sky, his eyes were filled with an indelible chill, and finally he let out a long sigh.

"Hey, you bastard, what did you say to that loli just now? Why can't I understand?" Hua Xiaoyu kicked the long-haired man.

The long-haired man put away his expression, put on his smiling face again and looked down at Hua Xiaoyu, rubbing her head.

"If you can understand, you are no longer Hua Xiaoyu."

"Cut!" Hua Xiaoyu cut angrily.

"My lord, do you know why all beings are ants in the eyes of the strong?" the long-haired man asked suddenly.

Hua Xiaoyu wrinkled her small nose and snorted.

"Why? Because they are crazy."

The long-haired man's expression froze, he didn't expect Hua Xiaoyu to answer this way.

"Hahaha..." The long-haired man laughed wildly, but was covered by the sound of fighting in the distance.

"Okay, okay, what a psycho!"

The long-haired man rubbed Hua Xiaoyu's head again.

"Don't rub it, it won't grow tall, my hair!"

"Let's go, my lord, life will not be so leisurely in the future."

"Why?" Hua Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"Because I don't want to be killed by a neuropathy."

Pulling Hua Xiaoyu, the three of them also entered the underground base.

When the figures of the three disappeared, not far away, an eyeball hidden under the sand turned into yellow sand and dispersed with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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