The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 616 Ling Huohuo: It's all gone...

Chapter 616 Ling Huohuo: It's all gone... (Second update)

By the time Ling Huohuo entered the base, Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo had already started to act.

The small cube that Ling Huohuo threw down was a kind of miniature robot. Although it was small in size, it had strong hacking capabilities. At this time, it had already invaded the system in the base and began to copy data.

As for Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang, they cleaned up the personnel in the base. The fighters who could beat them were killed casually, and those who could not be beaten were bypassed. Ling Huohuo's income is small world.

Ling Huohuo took out the glasses of the white knight again. At this time, the white knight has been upgraded, with stronger functions and more powerful power, and has been renamed "White Emperor".

Although it still can't keep up with Ling Huohuo's strength as a battle armor, it is still being upgraded, and it is very useful as an auxiliary robot at present.

The White Emperor can receive the data copied and sent back by the micro-robot, and as a receiving station, it stores the data in the base.

In this way, Ling Huohuo walked in the base like a small court, and dealt with the enemies he encountered occasionally.

According to the map compiled by Baihuang, Ling Huohuo walked directly to the core area, where the sacred objects and armor were located.

The people in the base naturally discovered Ling Huohuo's invasion, so it was impossible for Ling Huohuo to continue to be so presumptuous.

The people who came to stop Ling Huohuo soon appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

A young man with short red hair, and a young man with a cross-shaped scar on his chin.

"Black Moon Knight?" Ling Huohuo tilted his head and asked.

"Yanyue!" The young man with short red hair.

"Zangyue!" A young man with a cross-shaped scar on his chin.

Both of them are seventh order!
"Are you interested in changing jobs? Five insurances and one housing fund, good treatment." Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

Yanyue and Cangyue just watched Ling Huohuo quietly, but the strength surging from their hands showed that they were not as calm as they imagined, and they were about to make a move.

"It's a pity, Mingming and Anyue are very cooperative." Ling Huohuo looked regretful.

Yanyue and Zangyue were taken aback for a moment, then their expressions turned cold.

"Anyue, that bitch, after I kill you, I will kill that traitor with my own hands! Die!" Yanyue shouted loudly, clapping her hands on the ground, flames ignited around her, and the terrifying temperature hit her Ling Huohuo.

"Flame? No, it's high temperature!"

The high temperature makes the surrounding combustibles burn!
Ling Huohuo didn't choose to dodge, not because he was pretending, but because... his feet were fixed and he couldn't move!
Several pairs of black hands appeared from the ground, grabbing Ling Huohuo's feet tightly.

Ling Huohuo looked up, and although Cang Yue didn't move, the shadows under her feet were distorted.

Ling Huohuo didn't expect that Zangyue turned out to be a LYB!

"Dark attribute? Not right, it's a dark force!"

Facing the terrifying high temperature, Ling Huohuo snorted coldly, and a sword sound came from his body.

Clang!The high temperature was split by the sword energy, and even the black hands holding Ling Huohuo's feet tightly were cut off.

Ling Huohuo didn't hesitate, and rushed directly to Yanyue and Zangyue.

Ling Huohuo could feel that Yanyue and Zangyue were not ordinary seventh-orders, but powerful seventh-orders!
So, Ling Huo flattened in the past...

Yanyue and Zangyue rushed to the street.

Ling Huohuo was a little panting. The destructive power of the seventh-level battle can be imagined. In order not to destroy the base, Ling Huohuo directly exploded his full strength against the two people. The two people rushed to the street without any surprise. Rarely feel a little tired.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo's control over his own strength has improved a lot, and he didn't let the sword energy overflow to destroy the base.

Looking at Yanyue and Zangyue who were seriously injured, Ling Huohuo threw them into the small world after thinking about it.

Although he caught An Yue, maybe he could still get something out of Yan Yue and Zang Yue.

But what about Dark Moon?

Ling Huohuo continued to move forward, but to Ling Huohuo's surprise, he did not continue to stop him. When Ling Huohuo came to the core area, his face was a little stiff.

At this time, the core area was already in a mess, with the corpses of scientific researchers everywhere, and even the doctors in the base became corpses.

Compared with the data transmitted by the micro-robot, this doctor is indeed the core of the research team in the base——Dr. Beihai.

Except for the corpses everywhere, the sacred objects and armors were gone, and there were two destroyed machines on one side.

"White Emperor, scan!"

"Scanning started!"

Half a minute later, the scan results came out.

One of the machines was supposed to store data, but it was not connected to the network of the base. At this time, it had been destroyed and all the data inside had been cleaned up.

Another machine turned out to be a small space teleportation device, which was also destroyed.

Ling Huohuo had a black thread, now, the whereabouts of the holy object and the armor are very clear - they were teleported away!
Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo held back their laughter.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt dull, and after a while of operation, he didn't get anything, no, wait.

Ling Huohuo collected the corpses of the doctor and the researcher, and threw them into a place full of evil spirits in the small world. Before their souls dissipated, let them become demons. This is how Dr. Nan Bo came back to life back then, and he gained again. A group of scientific researchers is not without gains.

"How about the harvest in other places?" Ling Huohuo asked Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo.

Each of them handed over a storage bag.

"The resources have been harvested quite a lot, and they have been searched clean." Ling Yaoyao said.

"What about other things of value?"

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo shook their heads at the same time.

"Why are people being such thugs nowadays?"

Ling Huohuo shook his head and turned around to leave.

And at this time, Little Lolita and her group also did it. He had just chased after him, and they were also taken aback when they saw the mess and Ling Huohuo who was about to walk back.

Ling Huohuo laughed, did he meet a colleague?
"Everything has been teleported away, so it's all scattered." Ling Huohuo waved his hand and said.

Little Lolita and her party: "..."



On a mountain in the distance, Jiuyue holds a telescope and looks at the battlefield in the distance, while An Yue is tied up and sitting at Jiuyue's feet.

In the daytime, the dark-attributed Dark Moon is really no match for the light-attributed Jiuyue.

"Sister, can I call you sister? Hurry up, it's very dangerous here!" An Yue said anxiously.

"Don't shout, it's really cool to see, it turns out that beating someone is like hanging a painting." Jiuyue sighed.

In the distance, facing the siege of hundreds of people, the magic dragon did not lose the wind at all, and all the enemies were blown away by him.

Only three seventh-rank powerhouses can barely deal with the dragon for a while.

The magic dragon didn't use her space ability, but went head-to-head. She enjoyed the fierce battle very much!

Suddenly, Jiuyue's expression changed, and she kicked An Yue with her toes.

"Hey, who is that one of you in black and white armor?" September asked.

Dark Moon was taken aback.

"No, the armor designed by the base is only black."

"No?" Jiuyue looked suspiciously at An Yue and pointed to the distant battlefield, "What is that, isn't it black and white? The one that looks like a tiger..."

(End of this chapter)

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