The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 625 Buying Bones With Gold

Chapter 625
"Do you know what Jiuyao's price is, if it's double..."

Ling Huohuo interrupted Lu Sheng again.

"I won't listen! I'll just ask you if you agree or not."

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment and sighed.

"Mr. Ling, I'm sorry."

Even if Ling Huohuo could really come up with the money, Lu Sheng couldn't see any hope for the future.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, does this mean that his signing performance failed?Embarrassed in front of Ouyang Bingbing?With such a bad start, where should I put my face?

Do I, Ling Huohuo, want to lose face?

Ling Huohuo felt that he had to do something.

Time to start Plan B!
Then Ling Huohuo sat up straight and performed Commander Ikari's signature gesture.

"Heh, as expected of the person I fancy, it was just a temptation."

Lu Sheng frowned, not knowing which game Ling Huohuo was playing.

"Do you want to give you a chance to save the world?"

Secondary school?This was Lu Sheng's first reaction, and then Lu Sheng shook his head hastily, Ling Huo and Zhong Er couldn't follow Zhong Er himself.

"Do you want to give you a body of divine power?"

Lu Sheng shook his head again and checked his eyes. Ling Huohuo's second-year illness was already very serious.

"I'll give you a chance to live with... a homosexual."

Lu Sheng twitched the corner of his mouth, did he look gay?
Behind Ling Huohuo, Ouyang Bingbing's eyelids began to twitch.

"Sorry, Mr. Ling, I still have something to do."

With that said, Lu Sheng was about to get up and leave.

However, the man in black stopped him.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked back at Ling Huohuo.

"Mr. Ling, what do you mean?"

Ling Huohuo snapped his fingers.

Option B is not working?It doesn't matter, I still have plans C, D, E...

A man in black understood Ling Huohuo's meaning, took out a contract from his pocket, and placed it in front of Lu Sheng.

After Ling Huohuo gestured, Lu Sheng sat down helplessly and picked up the contract.

Let's have a look first.Lu Sheng thought helplessly that the power is weaker than others, and he can only act according to the opponent's rhythm. Fortunately, the opponent does not seem to have lost his mind to use violence directly.

However, when Lu Sheng saw the content of the contract, he took a breath and looked at Ling Huohuo in shock.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Not to mention other benefits, the signing price is [-] million US dollars per year."

The people around also gasped.

[-] million?dollars?Per year?

If it is true, the most expensive contract signed in China is not worth a fraction of this contract!
Lu Sheng knew that what Ling Huohuo said was true, and compared to other conditions, [-] million US dollars seemed to be the lowest. At this time, Lu Sheng's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but want to agree.

However, Lu Sheng took a deep breath and smiled wryly.

"Sorry, I refuse."

Because Lu Sheng knew that he was not worthy of this contract!
"Why?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The ability is limited, and I am ashamed of it!" Lu Sheng said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"It's okay, I know you're not worth the price."

"Then why..."

"Thousands of money buy bones!"

Both Lu Sheng and Ouyang Bingbing were taken aback.

Lu Sheng didn't expect that Ling Huohuo, who looked like a nouveau riche, would have such courage, and when he said this, Ling Huohuo had an indescribable momentum and demeanor.

The same is true for Ouyang Bingbing, staring at Ling Huohuo with her beautiful eyes, as if it was the first time she knew Ling Huohuo. Ouyang Bingbing's sense of Ling Huohuo is not good, because Ling Huohuo looks like a playboy, if he is not desperate, he will never cooperate with Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo at this time, look It looks more like... a high-ranking person!
Debauchery?No!The realm is different. The debauchery and indulgence in the eyes of himself and others may be just an insignificant part to Ling Huohuo.

Looking at Ling Huohuo at this time, Ouyang Bingbing's eyes rippled, with a hint of longing.

"it is good!"

"So handsome!"

When everyone was overwhelmed by Ling Huohuo's aura, the two men in black suddenly clapped their hands. They looked at Ling Huohuo with a standard "worship of dog legs", and were almost beaten by Ling Huohuo. The fire knelt down and scattered flowers.

"Low-key, low-key!" Ling Huohuo smiled and pressed his hands at the two of them, making a look of embarrassment, but there was no cover up for his complacent look.

Break in a second.

Looking at the two men in black who looked like dog legs, everyone was a little speechless, but no one said anything more. After all, these two are ruthless people who throw people out as soon as they say it!
In fact, everyone is also very curious about these two men in black who are fierce and powerful, but can turn into dogs in seconds. What kind of environment can cultivate such people?
"But..." Lu Sheng still hesitated.

"Don't refuse yet, you need the money." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

Lu Sheng looked at Ling Huohuo.

"You have a sister who depends on each other but is seriously ill in bed, right?"

"Investigate me!" Lu Sheng's face changed, and he seemed a little excited.

"Basic exercises don't 6, sit down!" Ling Huohuo pressed his hands.

"6 Your sister!" Lu Sheng shouted.

"I don't have a sister, but I have a younger brother, but give up, he has a girlfriend."

"..." Lu Sheng was a little speechless, knowing whether Ling Huohuo was really stupid or just pretending.

"Joining the future, these benefits are yours, and I can also ask my private hospital to help cure your sister, the kind that won't have sequelae." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Indeed, Ling Huohuo investigated Lu Sheng, but it was done by Baihuang. With Baihuang's current intelligence, the firewall on the Internet could not stop Baihuang at all, and he got Lu Sheng's situation easily.

Lu Sheng was an orphan who was abandoned at the gate of the orphanage. At that time, he had a jade pendant with the word "Lu Sheng" engraved on him...

That's right, Baihuang directly collected Lu Sheng's news from the very beginning. In just a few minutes, he collected and sorted it all out, and drew Ling Huohuo's key points that could be used for negotiation.

For Lu Sheng's younger sister's illness, with the medical level of the future city, the treatment is very easy.
However, Baihuang didn't stop there, and started to help Lu Sheng deduce his identity in reverse, and started face recognition of all age groups, with the surname Lu in the domestic archives as the key search targets.

In the end, Baihuang really found something interesting, but it was not detailed. At this time, Baihuang was grabbing a clue for further search, but the information available on the Internet was limited, and he wanted to really find out the truth. It also needs to be done in reality.

However, these are beyond Ling Huohuo's control. He is not here to help Lu Sheng find relatives, but to sign a contract with Lu Sheng. As for the issue of Lu Sheng's identity, wait for Lu Sheng to join the future before giving him the information. , with Lu Sheng's talent and the training of the club, Lu Sheng's achievements will not be low in the future, presumably the matter of finding relatives will not be difficult for Lu Sheng.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's assurance, Lu Sheng's face changed again and again, and finally looked at Ling Huohuo.

"I hope what you say is true."

"I, Ling Huohuo, never lie." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Okay, I agree to join the future." After speaking, Lu Sheng picked up a pen and signed his name on the contract.

Ling Huohuo showed a satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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